
Regenerate vs. Attention Seeker.

Vive le Haiti!

Great Barrier Reef suffers most extreme coral die-off ever

A Family Tradition of Violence...does violence have to repeat itself or are you working very hard to create a scenario? It's you! You confessed in what you did. You did kill and your adopted child is following the pattern. So, you know how it ends if you gave her the pattern. Were you afraid that he or she was going to have more social authority or get to share in the family wealth? But, you may want all of it for yourself. So does his ex girlfriend from St. Kicks or St. Cheat.

Chewing Gum...

So, she got pregnant, successfully conceived and in her third trimester(after the sixth month) she had sex with two different Chinese guys. The son came out accordingly with the Chinese water on top although the father was her husband.

The lady from Spice River was 10 years old when the older lady came into the church bathroom and said "..let me look at you!"

Research. .

The lady from Oklahoma whose mother was born in Jamaica had a daughter. Her name was Purinaitis. as named by her adoptive father who took her at the hospital at birth. The Oklahoma lady was given another daughter just minutes after the birth took place. The grandfather spit for six months in the girl. Nobody knew except the Grandmothers. Nobody knows what happened to the real daughter but apparently she showed up at 10 years old to say she was very angry wearing bridletown shoes. Her family lived in the hills above Montego Bay for 100 years and when it came time to register property in 1898, they decided they could not participate. It was too foreign or formal. All they had to do is pay the property tax once a month in the amount of 2 schillings. But, they resented it and decided to pack up and go to America when given the chance. But, many people stayed regardless of race (Black, Indian and White) and decided to sell 4 mangoes from their backyard to pay the property tax. They resent anyone who is able to understand anything. Their identity is resentment.

They beat him while they said..."you never should have gone to never should have gone to school..."

Tetra-partite and Pentpartite DNA. Forgive what needs to be forgiven. Forgive what your Grandfather experienced or what he did. Be good to yourself every once in a while. Treat others and your children as you wish to be treated.

Forgive what needs to be forgiven. Forgive what your Grandfather experienced or what he did. Be good to yourself every once in a while. Treat others and your children as you wish to be treated.

Honor your family... Carter Henry.

Guadeloupe - Echappées belles


He/she only read crosswords and eventually worked with her eldest daughter to ensure that no one in the family got too far away from the he/she's lack of education and lack of self belief about uh uhm getting or going up up up up so to speak!

Are you trying to kill a graduate with a false sense of righteous retribution? That is not very Caribbean and nor is it Bachannal.

CANADA/US Grade Conversion.

3D4K | Biosphere TV Broadcast Version

You may think of it negatively...

The man standing on the left....

A new movie...

The Bishop Father's Motive...

Black Trump Supporters Explain Why They are Voting for DONALD TRUMP!

Did you ever hear about a West Indian who wanted to see himself put in as a rightful degree holder in the place of the actual graduate and spent $10,000.00 per year for 16 years hoping to achieve this Egyptian goal? The legitimate degree certificate is not a Pharaoh-ship, a title or a Crown.

Did you ever hear the one about the Baptist pastor's daughter who took her father's job offer to teach at the University of Texas in 1967?

President Bill Clinton's Legacy - Part 2 of 2 You are cutting a Black West Indian body every ten days and people are crying! You are doing this to feel authority. Is that it? Is that it?

The surrogate...

Jill Stein Interview with Tom Keene on Bloomberg Surveillance 3rd Nov 2016

It seems 2nd Peter wants my full degree of complete understanding when it comes to the faith of Abraham's; Abraham's love for God! It is to understand the natural law that says thou shall not kill. It 2nd Peter extols thankfulness when riding on an Aston power boat as it takes his mind off the real issue which is to be thankful for what is yours. It is written in plain English so if you are hoping to be English, then you better not kill if you wish to appear as a true and bonafide student of the law. Where are you from? You don't seem to sing like him. Your shoe size; you don;t know the shaolin routine. So, come back with with 2nd Peter in a month. It does not change the truth in the Egyptian Heaven if you pretend to have graduated. The Egyptian knows the truth. Are you saying you are afraid of what someone can be? He already said you are the big King; and what is death. Beat and shoot who you want for an opportunity to pretend to be a graduate but it does not change the truth. You are the testimony. Read what you are saying. So. beat him. Beat him. Kill him. See what you said. See what you did. You are defeated.

So, there was a woman who hoped to a be a politician like the governor or Stradivarius Violina also known "Straddling Virus".

Did you hear about the family and the community that is working for systemic inequality? Really? Unusually?

Why would there be a new world if you kill a humble 2:1 English law graduate who is Black? That is preposterous! It is not as if he walked on water or something. Maybe everyone is too far away from the moralizing and faith depicted in the Walt Disney videos.

Thank God. The father never did.

Let us celebrate this mystery or is this the common sense where God says study to show yourself approved? Your faith has finally matured.