
Is it difficult to understand that the Mongols populated the entire Western hemisphere before the Europeans showed up?  They moved south possibly accidentally when parts of Icebergs would break off and float south.  This is the story that the Ancient Hawaiians passed down to the younger generations.  A great wind blew them south as the iceberg broke and drifted.  It started to disintegrate when they could see land.  There were animals and nothing else on the land. This is Genghismerica.  You could introduce a European faith about the great creator but it should not be that the creator would wish to devalue his Non-European creation as they adopt the European rituals in The great creator's worship.  No. He would not wish to devalue his Non-European dna  But, maybe the quiet message in incomplete school books and documentaries in All schools including those known as Assimilation schools is that you would ultimately devalue your self as non-native. But, why would you do that if you understand Genghismerica.  You are related to the Ancient Chinese. Have you seen Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon or Hero?  You can do all things though the creator who strengthens you! Genghis said so and so did the European. So, what native, what West Indian alive today is not part European and also part Genghis Mongol?    This means every Haitian is also part Native. His dna is Native before it is European in a land that was populated by Natives initially. They may claim to be Dogon but do Dogons have an unusual right to slow and sure self-extermination.  There is no other community set on destroying its own children for power is if while living on a tree lined avenue in Denver, you will lose your imaginary Kingdom or social stature if you do not work against your children and their furtherance of family goals and your community's prosperity or the prosperity of the general community.  It is rumored that this murderous ignorance did not begin until someone decided to tolerate the notion of a King of Haiti who taught his fisherman and farmer followers that they are all Kings, that they should never participate in foreign education or any formal education and that they should kill anyone who does. His intention was to ensure his population's dependency on him and his decrees; that they would be literally willing to follow him off a cliff if he would say that was the direction for the community.  They burned him alive when the Island was taken by the Spanish since they found out he forgot to save seed for the crops and had castrated himself to feel imminent.  He was unable to have children.       So, with all of this dna floating around various new identities constructed to fit complexions in spite of the multiplicities of inputs overlaying the foundational Mongol dna, to whom do you ascribe your loyalty if it is not the final color blend of "Red, White and Blue" or the national flag under your passport along with the foundational dna that tells you that you are living in conflict while you deny your own innate understanding of a Great Creator?

Most Haitians, black or white, were related to some North African White French people who may not have understood their own full ancestry in the 19th century and may not have had any knowledge of the  history of Black Africa or its ancient greatness.  It was a land of French exiles.   See the Pyramids were free of molestation until the   19th Century when a White Frenchman with North African ancestry decided to molest the sphinx. His name was Napol... I don't recall but he rightfully died in prison for crimes against the French people regardless of race or complexion.    This is why the most evil and destructive racism is the human impediment of the mulatto who must carry an unusual concern about his identity.   But, he only comes into existence as the phenomenon of love between the darker human and the lighter human; love.  There are other explanations for his or her existence such as the violation of one's consent but it was love that decided to deliver him or her safely after 9 months at birth.  Those Black Haitians, some but not all,  were inculcated and bred  into a dehumanizing mentality in its absorption of a loyalty to the White French dehumanized North African who populated Haiti.  It is evident when the mind of the Black person is set on destroying anything that a Black person may do in public that represents an understanding of a language or culture. It fulfills further dependence of the Black Haitian or any other Black population that they have infiltrated.  They act as if they are offended if someone who is Black; Black Haitian or otherwise achieves something that Black Haitians or Black People encouraged young Black people to attain. They act is if it is a threat to them and their existence. Are they secret Kings?   Are they diplomatically immune? They say they fear being under that individuals or those individuals who have no idea as to their fears of being "under" someone ot something.   What does this say about their outlook? What is going on in their bathroom or their kitchen? What could they fear if they encouraged Black people to graduate or go up and then witness the result of their chastisements and encouragements to work harder. It is redundancy and it is also uncertainty since other communities are not obligated to do anything for you. They will certainly not do it for free. But, the Black guy or girl may do it at a discount.  The truth is, you seem to think they should not exist but if they do, they are supposed to have the newest gold tassels and gadgets on day one but you don't want to pay them.  So, what are you going to do?  
