Did you hear about the family and the community that is working for systemic inequality? Really? Unusually?

Did you hear the one about the mother and her son who threw out the father's job offer because they decided they were too Light Skin to give it to him? He was apparently the same complexion as Bo Jackson.  The job offer was to play for the New England Patriots!  This is what I have to say. White people don't do that type of thing. They would rather just take the cash.   This is where I understand systemic inequality. It begins in the home.   Did you hear the one about the mother and son who said the father was too light skin so they mailed it back marked "return to sender."   Just buy and sip some tea called Pg Tips Tea.  It's like Typhoo tea but instead of two thumbs up, you put all your money amount to $4 billion dollars to buy a burger recipe belonging to a West Indian chef but instead of giving him the money, you give it to Wendys.  Then, you kill the chef and start a new chain called Windys although you could have hired the chef to help you design a menu but all of this is done to apparently have authority.  You could have paid the chef $400,000.00. The Recipe was quite unique though. It involved a mayonnaise(French word ) blended with mustard and Ambrosia's custard with a little Drano to clean your teeth. Use 4 table spoons of Drano in one cup of mayonnaise and custard. It reduces the impact of the custard on the teeth. Then, you will have the authority.  The Chef was light skin but Poitier and Belafonte were his greatest inspirations. Tu comprend Poitier et Belafonte? Merci d'accord.  Quelle est le question regarde le argent?   

