Let us celebrate this mystery or is this the common sense where God says study to show yourself approved? Your faith has finally matured.

Too many people work hard to get into University or professional school with a B average or higher and then they decide that they have obtained a title before they graduated. But, they have not finished. Then, they decide to  relax and enjoy the title with great merriment and good  association in their presumptive graduation as they ask who really needs God although they went to church during their entire life. Then, when they do not graduate they become quite angry with themselves and also with the God they abandoned but who knows why this happens over and over again?
Your studies may cause you to ask certain questions about why you believe but the biblical record confirms the historical record.  Your faith is challenged to move from an emotional experience to an intellectual experience where it is a decision of the will outside of the comfort of the 4 bed new build house with a Jacuzzi  where you have to ask yourself if you could ever believe in God if you lived in Addis Ababa and never knew such great peace. But, thank God His word and the ministry gave peace that a system of civilization could thrive and provide such unquestionable luxury on mass. You are challenged to put the fact of Christ first which is followed by faith and then the emotional feeling.  See the four spiritual laws. Google it. More than that, what does your choice of denomination or of faith in general have to do with the logic and common sense of farming where you need to work over time, sowing your time, respect and energy in time to see a harvest? God will answer your prayers in agreement with your work but how can you get any harvest without a commitment and without sowing the seed given to you?  If you don't have any seed but hope to sow your own for approval, then you have gotten your result. Did you also hope to sow someone else's essay and thereby nullify your own testimony?  Well, the kid you have raised using someone else's seed will testify about how good you are. I am sure but maybe you should just remember the power of common sense and the simple logic that says you can pray all day but if you don't put the work into to plant the seed, then you get no crop. There is only so much praying can do if you never open the book, read your notes, turn on the tractor to plant or turn on the good bakery oven.  Prayer only works with your common sense to work.

Let us celebrate this mystery or is this the common sense where God says study to show yourself approved?  Your faith has finally matured.  You go to church with others not to resent people who graduated with common sense although this could happen as the whole entire church starts to look and feel like Judas. No, You go to church to thank God for peace that prevents people from disrespecting your personal property in and outside your home whether or not you are a graduate. You thank God that your parents and family have not abandoned you at the time in life when you are about to start earning a living as a Dentist, Doctor or Social worker.  Why covet someone else's degree certificate if you were able to emigrate in 1969 and practice in  North America with a photo copy of a degree certificate from the University of Antarctica?  Be thankful as you watch young men and women in your community grow up with your presence in the city  while you give talks to encourage them to be lawyers, doctors and teachers as they obtain their real degree certificates and real tutelage in a class room to honor your faith and the grace in which you live. Instead of coveting and killing those children who have grown in your faith to adulthood to understand what a West Indian can believe and do to earn a living, just attend a masters program and take one course a year.  Attending a Masters program or more than one masters program in some legal specialty. Taking the Masters course is further, specialized  study but not a confession that you do not have a general professional degree.  Your photocopy has been enough and many people are thankful for the time you took to study every night to match the photocopy although you never attended any real university to obtain your understanding. Don't you see? Thank God for you!  Thank God you had the faith! Thank God!   Take one course a year until you finish instead of risking all of your grace and favor in your own death since no one is killing a graduate for your bacchanal apostasy if that is what you have declared yourself to be.  Didn't you use his seed also since you cut your balls after contracting Bachanal disease at 17 years old? Don't you see Bacchanal is just turning colonial extermination and mass sterilization into a parade and common culture where everybody is sterile from "Bachanlidad" by 17 and then they have to use kid's seed to produce and raise children?

You can be happy with the choices you made but are you killing people for the choices they made?  What is the point? Don't insult your own intelligence. 
