
Did you know the producer of this television once worked at Golden Griddle and Swiss Chalet as a cook and counter helper? Well, he certainly did! Go deh!

Island in the sun... There is a good answer for de de de de people! I am one of you now! It is rather good actually; rather good! In honor of Grace and Leithland. The boy comes from good stock. Warren.

Anna Lucasta

Pinky (Pinki) 1949 Jeanne Crain

It could help. Read something!

Mr. and Mrs. Pinnock adopted me emotionally at 5 years old and said study hard, work hard.  

The Renaissance of Haiti

Many of the people from Jamaica's original administration has retired to Latin America. They have learned about the value education although initially they told the British and the French that they would do it on their own; that they did not need their education. But, smooth and consistent roads require education along with other aspects of good infrastructure. The success of Cuban intervention continues in Jamaica. The new goal is to maximize the beach resource for tourism and with tourism. the goal is to maximize bookings with reduced fairs per room to increase bookings per month. The empty room does not bring in any income although the advertised rate is as high as the sky in the newspaper ads in Germany or Belgium. Lower all-inclusive rates will bring more income per month. The room is not free. The tourist is paying for it. He will be buying a room in another beach destination that is $200.00 less in any event. It is a booking that you will have lost while more of your rooms on the small island stay empty. Bustamente said the English have fooled them with a big Island mentality. If you booked all the rooms consistently every month at $150 per week per room, it would be much better than no bookings or being booked at 10% occupancy on average every month.

Holocaust Remembrance Day Ceremony from Yad Vashem 2017

Ancient History of Ethiopia, Africa - Documentary 2017 with evidence.

Warren A. Lyon's graduation at the University of Western, Ontario in 1994. He honors Pearl and Reverend JJ, Lloyd and Aunt Essie.

Leefsland says he hates people who say he is not related but he can't be related to everyone. In fact, he is related to no one since he refuses the hand of fellowship with humanity! He is just an anomaly; a human monkey.

As the Longest standing Prime Minister in Jamaica, PJ is now retired and he no longer holds the keys to the Kingdom of Jamaica; so to speak but he is a national hero in many ways as one of several truly Black PNP Prime Ministers like Michael Manley and also like Edward Seaga who is also Black. As far as the United Nations are concerned, they are respected individuals who extol Jamaican excellence at home and abroad and who have sworn to defend every Jamaican national from molestation and abuse of any kind in any field of endeavor such as cricket, football, science, bob sledding, religious exegesis, international cuisine, fashion design and maybe law.


Angel Ronan(TM) and Londinium(TM)  are gifts from Warren Augustine Lyon to the Lutheran Church. He has already communicated the gift for their benefit upon his untimely demise or upon Warren Augustine Lyon's more likely demise in the year 2067. But, Warren can't really say when he would die although he could have been taken to Afghanistan in 2006.   He could be sent now also....

So, Bibby, Cissy, and Cynthia were born in South Africa.....Cynthia who is Carlene's mother who lived in England in Harrow and whose husband was a bus driver who pretended to be an RAF pilot... Dougie adopted them. Leefsland is a child of these adoptions. He is not related to Lloyd who was asked to help him. Lloyd's seed is Warden and Leefsland seems to need Warden for identity. Vitem is held lovingly by Leefsland because they have sex together as Vitem is Leefsland's orphan confession that he is an orphan like Vitem who was born in Hamilton.

El Clasico 23-04-17

Calentamiento del R. Madrid - FC Barcelona

Dirty Britain S01E02

Lorry Sastero from Detroit is Lars Michael.