The biggest issue these days is a confusion between the social authority of natural beauty and the social authority of an actual trade, skill or qualification. There are skilled people who have worked very hard to obtain an understanding of various concepts. It could be plumbing,photography, sales, architecture,the law or maybe medicine. For orphans who seek to find their identity in the media, they may confuse social authority that arises from appearance with the authority of a trade or skill. In seeking to confirm their viability, the unskilled but socially authoritative beautiful person may strain him or herself on victimizing the skilled and not so beautiful or the skilled and beautiful in the name of competition for acceptance since acceptance is the orphans greatest life goal but if they are uneducated and improperly motivated, they may think appearance will carry them for a life time while they behave like menaces to society. Many of these orphans in the Haiti/Jamaican diaspora call themselves "king" all day long whether or not they are male or female and it seems it causes a great deal of social tension and subterfuge. Sometimes parents raise their children only to compete with them at the age of 18 to the point of saying they won something but what could they win if they are only frustrating the expansion of their own territory in the physical and spiritual sense. Who do you work with the most but those who you eat with and live with who did not hurt you and you did not hurt them but you know a hatchling when you see his or behavior in that they do not see this simple truth and they choose to treat the children they raised like another orphan from the hatchery on that day at 18 years old or on graduation day. These men and women are just buffoons with clown faces and diseases that kill kike a viper. The hatchling should aspire to the greatness of his physical capability and mental capability. A photo of a pyramid should be enough to set you in the right direction. Men do not labor in such perfection as slaves when they could run away. It was a labor of love; not slavery as suggested by Hollywood. Many pyramids were built before Joseph arrived with his dream. They are cursed children who only present an opportunity for testimony in the lives of those who survive this feces and crud from the bottom of the West Indian society that seems to have been brought to the West Indies with this psychology after WW2. This is not the real Haiti since I know good Haitian people. The average West Indian orphan as taken in by Christian families after WW1 and WW2 were from Africa; Zimbabwe and Botswana. This is not the real Jamaica that incubated a quiet a disciplined culture for more than 400 years with musicians, artisans and workmen, writers and professionals. Many of the malfunctioning kind were hatched in the West Indies between 1946-1967 to Zimbabwean first generation orphans who came after WW1 and who only wish to see their subterfuge on the more French, Spanish, and English Black and West Indian Creole perpetuated. The resent discipline and keep saying that they know they related but to whom? But, to what? They are related to the oldest dog in the orphanage that they had to kiss every day and many of them got a horrible disease that seems incurable. Some of them are white; some black and they are murderous menace to society and a curse to all established societies. Some may have become Presidents somewhere in this world or Security advisers; the dog orphan children that resent education and discipline like some kind of hedge against peace in the quiet of a Catholic Brit Milah or the more Anglican Brit Milah. They are a noted problem and need to be numerated. They provide no benefit but they certainly present conflict.
The biggest difficulty for an orphan from the West Indies is their
imagination that takes them to Versailles. You are not related. Do you
understand? You could not be related beyond your ability to discipline
yourself and graduate from any field of study or from any High School
either during your youth or during your adult years. In this vanity, they turn every other form of attainment upside down, killing pianists, qualified accountants, cooks and engineers in their scope and wish to turn the field of valuation into games about intuition and budgeting while they rob and kill people and their families who believed or attained something. Bibbly Bare was born as David but was really a South African adoption orphan with Orphanology...contribution by Warren Augustine Lyon.. Other contributions are on the way; especially from orphans who think they are achieving something for West Indies glory by hurting others who are bonafide graduates. Cricket teams could not operate like this. How do they have a cricket team with such people engaged in subterfuge? The orphan may always have questions about their real parents but we can see that the story of the prodigal son teaches about the hired sons and daughters. Be good children to your parents whether you know them or not while you may always have questions and you can always imagine that your father was Shaka Zulu with a 30000 acre estate or that your father is sitting in Versailles. Does it look like they have pretenders in Africa or France who cannot pass a simple English exam or who cannot understand the story of the prodigal son? Your imaginary wealthy father needs sons,daughters and hired family who can make a contribution unless he is thinking like a bum competitive orphan himself and who could not be anything but a facade for a larger, wealthier Donald family. They speak two languages usually. The greatest problem with the orphan who was blessed to have a family to cover them and help them is when they are not grounded in the family with thankfulness. They kill themselves off and adopt orphans to ensure they have no testimony or link to their own past. There will be no evidence of them as orphans or of the family that adopted them because of the children they favor that carry that same orphan mindset of disdain for ones own family. A Jeremy Queensway from North London understands the issue of these orphans or orphaned people who refused land registration in Oracabesa a generation ago. Jeremy says he is still very anxious about authority in the 21st century. They orphaned to speak but they were harassed by big people who weren't really English....maybe Newastle. He says Charm had sex with Chinua at 12. It was to pass on the orphan experience as she had a disease. She was very guilty. She has only accused others since then like Lee- Ann Darcher and Jeraldine Darcher who also had sex with him. They said to him " ..this is what Charm is." He became a jealous boyfriend it seems and resented having to finish anything. His family told him to give his Uncles first night but it was really only Oswald he says. But, you will know a monkey people in how they treat their children on graduation day; no gift or celebrations and eventually any White bum could tell Leith to kill his own children. Leith is bad association for White bums.
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