
In Bustamente's biography, it is confirmed that he was a man of the people; that he did not have any formal education and he always put family first. Some of us have forgotten after Bob Marley released Exodus and we seem to act like we are to create poor relatives in our imagination before we give them a desk and $100,00 per week while we try to say we are up and those relatives are down whether or not they have formal education in our imagination to feel like the only successful one but this was not Bustamente's approach. The Exodus album did not mean that the young bumbuclot kill the old bumbuclot to take on the position as the abusers in the population who have the authority to set up a baptism at a traffic light or cut off some kid's arm after your darker wife cussed you. No!!!!!!. Bustamente's approach is a biblical exodus in attitude and psychology as he sought to follow China with $80.00 per month for every Jamaican in 1958. He was poisoned by a Larry.

It is the abominable sin to deny the power of God or any of His Miracles. The miracle of the Resurrection is that Jesus was crucified on the cross but if any denomination denies the crucifiction, then they are in the abominable sin. This is not an argument. But, the issue is that subsequent generations who were bible thumped in this dichotomy tend to want to add to the list of doubts about the immaculate nature of Christ and his miracles such that the denomination has hung their own progeny on a tree while Christ certainly died on a Cross. I really don't know any denominations like that but I saw a new Catholic convert argue about Jesus' death on a cross or a tree and as he argued for his death on a tree, it seems he contracted a disease, refused a blood transfusion and then his body was apparently found at the back of a High School as rolled up in a gym mat. I heard about it. Anyway, Warren is designing a modular space station where the pieces snap together (he's black!)that can take any shape really but we are vying for a polygon where two space shuttles can dock in the centre of it. Here; I'm a show ya! We can build anything we want this days; anything we imagine. Here; I'm a show ya! Now, Leefsland has failed as a hired son or as a genetic son when what he is really saying is that he is seeking acceptance instead of starting his own tradition; like Patek Phillipe! He did not hear! The only law in FRance as to children is that every one has to be a good hired son whether or not you were born in the palace at Versailles. Fais ton Comprend? Give anything you want to whom ever you want but do not seek acceptance or ask if you were rejected by trying to stand in someone else's will and intention when he knows who is children or relatives are while he may ave bought you a coffee once and when he invited you to usher or minister; you were too F"$%"king busy following Maggieot Linda or her shit with white written on it in a bottle in Port Anthony. Anthony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You also killed a lot of old Baptists and other Christians before you left so why do want anything from any Bishop or Christian to ask why you are rejected. You also threatened Lloyd, Rudy and Keith who were too little to bother and too old to deal with feeling a threat all day at their back door or when they would go to the outside toilet when you tried to jump them and now you tried to teach Victor to time it that he would run to catch someone coming out of the toilet but he never jumped anyone cooking at the stove. So, who won you nigga fight? I think the Blacker one did; the one closer to Accompong and Blackbeard than Sh$%t head like you. It's not too late. You could still try and tell Jamaica how you could be trusted with ATL's Vehicle books or ten vehicles or the Management office at the Liguana!


Sunday Mass!

Groove Armada - Superstylin' (Live at Brixton)

New Testament Church Of God...

BBC Proms: Handel's Julius Caesar – 'Da tempeste il legno infranto'

The Sunday Mass - 3rd Sunday of Advent - December 17, 2017

Albert's West Indian Foods... Toronto

Jamaican Bud Business

Life in Cuba 2017 - 4K (ultra HD)

Life in Cuba 2017 - 4K (ultra HD)

Pon Di Road (Season 2) #6 - Geejam Beach

Pon Di Road (Season 2) #8 - Errol Flynn Marina

Benz GLE 500e Feature by Silver Star Motors

Mercedes-Benz Jamaica 2016 AMG Driving Experience.....


Bob Marley Concert Dortmund! Dedicated to Grace Carter Henry and Leithland Lloyd Lyons.

King Saul is not dead although the word did say that he should die! Read more! King Saul is not dead although the word did say that he should die! Saul was killed by one of the mighty men of valor. His head was cut off. But, Saul being more Egyptian had always told Jonathan to keep his head alive in a bottle of water. Jonathan did as his father had said. Jonathan was killed and while Saul, it says, may have maintained some consciousness, he was not entirely dead as the word did say that he should be killed to allow Israel to go forward and the issue is that there seems to have been a tension that David and others appreciated it in the word not being fulfilled. David took the head although it is rumored that David killed Jonathan. David kept the head of Saul in the water bottle while appreciating the tension but not obeying the word to react accordingly and the story continues that Saul's decision to keep Michal may be one issue in the history of Israel as suggested by some new thinkers in the untold bible stories, keeping Saul's head alive is a second issue and one that arises during David's reign. Jonathan and David's disobedience to the word brings us to a fulfillment of the teaching in 1st Kings 13. There could be tension that troubles you today. Saul's head could still be alive but He know the consequence of disobedience. He may be conscious but losing your head and opportunity to serve in the way God had ordained is significant in itself. His hindsight while conscious, if he is, provides tremendous benefit and now there will never be another World War again! I'm going to go school at the University of Cairo where there are many secrets being maintained in their vaults and great shelves of currently known and also evidently unknown history. Londinium Media!

P.J. Patterson's 80th Birthday!

Grace's childish notions and obsession with spiritual authority is over!  

"It is very hard to honor the old  when the old are killing the future." By Ms. Panton from Long Bay. This is to commemorate Ms. Panton who passed away recently. She is remembered by Robert, Susan, Aisha, Gloria, Angelo and John.    She was 200 years old. 

CatholicTV Mass: 10/29/17 | 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Sunday Mass - 30th Sunday Ordinary Time - October 29, 2017

CIGTV Cayman News!

St. Croix!

St. Croix.

The Sunday Mass - 29th Sunday Ordinary Time - October 22, 2017

Série A - Sambódromo - Carnaval 2017

Rewards of Patience and Camaraderie - Kris Clewell’s 1972 911T

Heritage Singers at their Show yesterday, October 21st, 2017. This photo was submitted by our contributor who is a citizen of Barrie, Ontario! shouldn't we have contributors with Italian sounding names and Guyanese ancestry? I think we should! Why not? There are some Chinese contributors also!

The Sunday Mass - 28th Sunday Ordinary Time - October 15, 2017

The Sunday Mass - 27th Sunday Ordinary Time - October 8, 2017

The Sunday Mass - 26th Sunday Ordinary Time - October 1, 2017

Cockpit Country - Voices from Jamaica's Heart

Promoting Westmoreland, Jamaica through beautiful images and interviews

The Sunday Mass - 25th Sunday Ordinary Time - September 24, 2017

The Sunday Mass - 24th Sunday Ordinary Time - September 17, 2017

The new Vaughn Roberton Lyon who is Grace's real sister coming for Feminine revenge against All that Ian and Leithland did. She's in Manitoba and is on her way. This was ordered by Dutty Bookman who is now working the other way and killing anyone who kills a graduate who could help a Haitian.

Tahir Chouddry is Aston Barltey's son! He was released from Aston's family because He has planned to kill Grace, Leefsland and Lee-Anne to hide the evidence of his dyslexia. He was born in Spanish Town. He keeps saying Denzel Washington or Michael Caine is his father when he is robbing a bank or planning to kill a high school graduate from Milliken Mills High. He left in Grade 11 and he's a child abuser; a bumb and a nigga whose great granddad was as Black as Grace Carter!

Some people would rather carry bitterness like a baby! But, if after all the Oprah shows, the Donahue, Princess Lea, Dr. Phil, their own preaching and teaching, singing and cussing for authority they choose to hurt and hurt others, then they have never learned that the simplest way out of hating your mother and father is to forgive them and be who you are truly made to be but you cannot be that person while you are buried in bitterness. You need to turn your mind to the energy of forgiveness every time your mother or father's behavior, reactions and schemes come to your foot, your mind, your hands and your tongue. But, if you cannot forgive and will remain drug dependent, why not keep the best and most God fearing people around you but you usually you attack them out of your mother's habit of having authority battles in her private and public life; not even gorillas do that but maybe a troglodyte might do it....a subhuman humanoid that dwelled and caves and ate cockroaches that nested in the depth of the cave. Also, why not live in the warmest climate possible while you figure it out. There are troglodyte peoples from both the north and the south. This is certainly evident and their attitude toward property, technology, society and life has been the fault line for much of world history, US CIVIL WARS, WORLD WARS and our current polemic centred on technology, automation and the need for basic income to continually buttress the national domestic reserves in the reality of smaller employee inland revenue base with every move toward faster and better technology.

Salvador Bahia Brazil Walk on Barra (Baha) beach - March 16, 2014

I don't know how any location could have so many lush tropical locations, so many beautiful beaches and so many mangoes dropping to the ground that people could be so infertile in their thinking!

Stories from Troglopolitan(Trgolodytepolitan magazine!) The mother ends up with someone who will be with her and understand in the genuineness but who will not join the madness and who sees that her daughter is always trying to ask her mother to leave people it seems as if her daughter has a wedding date scheduled with her own mother. Now, she is planning a 'train wreck trip' to see if she can use the person who will be with her and understand in the genuineness as a bait for another attempt at someone who will love her with money but she already told everyone that the one who will be with her and understand in the genuineness is bait and nothing else. She listens in her emotions to a dead chiropractor who pretended to be qualified in the Jehovah Witness culture but why follow anyone who is dead! She is also a drug user and evidently Troglopolitan who is being drugged by her daughter with LSd in restaurants where the daughter pretends to be a police officer and then she gives the drug to the restauranter. Maybe her daughter is the mayor of Toronto with the Jehovah Witness Church but she has traded her mother as a limited and unfulfilled victim that is to be exterminated by her daughter' s maliciousness in the belief that there might be insurance on her.

The Bronx in The 1980's PART 1 (Original)

Holy Mass | 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Holy Mass | 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Evanston, Downtown! It's Lloyd Lyon.

So David Smith was approached at 26 years old in 1950 when he was living as Bibby Lyon in Spanish Town to entertain some guests who said they had to be sure of something. Lloyd handed pig balls in. Nathaniel was in England as staff so she could understand as a Dilsraeli. David/Bibby was really an orphan but they wanted to be sure; I think there is a video. So, she came with a hood on about four times and sucked the Bibby Shim. She got the disease Bibby was given. Bibby was was sex operation by 12 years old.

So, Jamaica has proceeded to turn its entire population into employees of its new total Disney World type or Jurassic World type enterprise. Every citizen receives $700.00 per month and will be given a mobile phone if not already enumerated. They monies will be received on their mobile phone account for use at any shop with bar code scanners to read the account app that will open with current balance or they will have a card that can be used along with the app on the phone with the account balances. At $700.00 per month, they will be involved in food production at various companies, in tourism, in road works and engineering and civil construction. It is not the largest island or territory but they have all the independence under parliament to set their direction, manage resources and engineer a quiet and enjoyable territory and international suburb for global citizens. Every human being is a global citizen. Did you watch CNN today on your mobile phone while in St. Elizabeth?

Aslon Barsley says God will help anyone who balls all day when he was left in the dog house and where his mother stepped on his testes more than once. She cut his penis to an inch, he got a reconstruction and was told that he ever killed her, God would kick him to death. He was told to kill his own son at 12 years old since the mother who is his real sister said she would give the son the very best. Their people got angry.

Heritage Singers / "More Than Wonderful"

The Sunday Mass - 21st Sunday Ordinary Time - August 27, 2017

What Jesus Taught about Anger, Hatred, and Lust

Jamaica has de best track team and now it has de best legal eagles in de world with nothing less than a genuine high 2:2 and above for all Jamaican law graduates. You can't cheat the photo finish; right? You can't cheat the photo and videoed exam book and essay writing; right? These Jamaicans will teach the essay plagiarizers from 1995-2017 currently in the world who, rather ironically, could be all related to the 1970's and 80's East German athletic drug cheats via an unsual dna. IS this possible? Jamaica will show them amazing academic strength with their special herb and cassava diets.

Exodus(The album) was not for a darker creole to say 'my time' as he kills a lighter and abusive creole in the name of freedom only to take position as a daker creole to be the one in position to perpetuate the same evil.

Collywood(TM) and Jollywood(TM) are two new trademarks to describe the Caribbean film industry(Collywood) and the Jamaican film industry(Jollywood).

Jollywood movie number 1 will be about the Chuckables who are all Masters graduates but the people in the West Indies want to chuck them for a false sense of authority. They also kill their oen graduates but it does not happrn eith graduates from Africsn Universities who are African.

Idi Amin Dada said "You give me the gun and I will kill these people. Let me show you my power."

Miss Lou! As honored by Warren Augustine Lyon!



Premiere Afrique (TM) Is a new trademark at Londinium Media.

Afrique Uhuru(TM) is a new trademark at Londinium Media.

The Toronto Caribbean Festival was a smash hit! The new Grande Parade was full of new school teachers, doctors and engineers since Caribbean lives matter and Warren knows his statue of limitations since he got the endorsement for the first time this year! He has two years from 2017 or until he discovers a cause of action. Has he discovered a cause of action? Do you know something?

Tales from the Cave people: She says "..I just want to know I can run it for an hour and make it look like how I want so that the white people will know I am good. But, no one has to die for my obsession or OCD and self rejection and if that is all I really wanted; that is attention for my ability to decorate and choose colors, then I could have invested. So many people would not have died and so many people thought they were helping a Black people. But, now I am dead. My name is...who killed several Black lawyers, doctors and professionals who joined the Jamaican diaspora association. My name is...who killed several Black lawyers, doctors and professionals all over the world who joined the Jamaican diaspora association."

There is a Creole people created by Arawaks in the West Indies. They heard a ship captain call his first mate a they took dog hair and conceived dog people. They saw a wife call a husband a roach for his philandering; a husband saw his wife cheat and called her a cock..all predicated on human character....she heard someone say "good bye" and heard "becks"....!

Joan Hamilton.

The Biblical Worldview on Salvation

The Biblical Worldview on Salvation

There are skills we need in the community and the help that could be given is not about loyalty to a base Black culture of mediocrity. We demanded excellence and it is good to see that we can realize it in our children and our graduates in any version of the West Indian or Creole English community without saying that the graduate above a B could not really be Black and that while he is sort of our community, he must be berated and ostracized for his submission to his parents chastisement and only used in some way. This happens quite a bit to law graduates but it is starting to happen to math graduates, architects and journalism.

Sunday Mass for July 2, 2017

This is me,Warren, enjoying Christmas in Jamaica in 2014.

Have you seen a 2017 Camel Caravan in the Documentary Human? There is an interview in the Documentary update being released this year that involves an Amish interview. There is an existing Head covering culture north of Gibraltar. They pray 7 times a day as children of Abraham. Look at this Swiss Anabaptist Culture which is established.

Amandla Toronto 2017. Warren A. Lyon at Angel Ronan.

The White West Indies seeking acceptance for their Newcastle psychology that devalues all Black people except those who believe Black people should not create anything is dead. This illness in West Indian culture began when the English brought dismorphic Mulatto South Africans to the West Indians in 1901; South Africans who were deathly anxious and also always in between two fictitious communities that were essentially both Congo loving Africans. There is only one community and one congo notion but with several rhythms.

PJ Patterson says that he kills the people who do not support their children and their graduates. He would kill his own sister or brother if they did not support their children with any mite they had to support their adult child in their endeavors if the child honored Jamaica and graduated. Such people are an embarrassment to him if they try to subvert Jamaica's prayers for progress. This takes skilled and committed people. A genuine bonafide graduation demonstrates the selfless love and commitment.

Leefsland had sex with his sister at six years old. His sister was five years old. She was molested by Bibbly Blare and then the sister showed   Leefsland how Bibbly did it and Leefsland did what the sister showed him.      Lloyd felt something and the baby sitter or helper confirmed what she saw in the yard.    Lloyd was told.

This is School in North America....

The UN has confirmed that Jamaicans were classed as a subhuman population after the abuses suffered by many poets and writers such as Marcus Garvey to the embarrassment of their former colonial leaders. The Spanish Islands in the region demonstrate the natural centre of Orbit for the small Island. They seek involvement and attention for their identity but their identity is an identity of self annihilation. Only Jamaicans seek to impeach English former Colonial leaders or US government officials by killing high graduates or University graduates who attended school successfully in those regions.

The Rule of law governs the right to act. If you don't follow the rules in your actions, you will be criminally liable. This is the lesson of U. S military action following 9/11. Do not be confused again.

Bibbly Bare is not necessarily a woman who always said to people at the post office that "I don't really know if you want it" to extort them but she might have suffered it once at the hands of a Whiteing 1664 Creole but she certainly syncopated the rules where she could to get her attention and to keep her authority in the scrabble games. The ackee and salt fish was good and the coffee with the Nestle condensed milk was just right with toasted hardo bread and the big screen tv with 400 satellite channels was a reasonable pass time before going to a lime with Uncle Trevlor, her adoption.

Congo drums, Sacraments and Ave Maria since 1664.

Total Goes Green in the West Indies and Africa!

Enjoy Pirates of the Caribbean; playing now.

So Filthy Lee Anne says Ivana Hard Dee Beatselfenry gave her a floppy disk of Warden's essays and told her that if she sold one, she would be Jamaican. So Shifty sold one to someone at Markelfee High School. She is a thief and Warren does not owe her one ##$!$ thing as said in my French Catholic accent.

Calabar High (Part 2) - Digicel Grand Prix #DigiGrandPrix

Let's go to Calabar, Nigeria

Let's go to Calabar, Nigeria

strolling (jamaica) | ep 1 | patois, uptown kingston, depression, caribb...

Did you know all of the West Indian Prime Ministers in history were Mongol Pict in ancestry except for two of them?

So, the Troglodyte could be more vain than logical since he is living on the periphery of humanity and is prone to follow the whims and fancies of fashion or that which is given the most attention in the temple; the temple of the media.

One of The BEST Burgers in Bangkok - Daniel Thaiger Food Truck! When Anglo-mongols get their basic income or participatory monies, they can migrate to Asia and share good will with selling Beaver tails and burgers with a free fortune coleslaw cup with every meal! Wanta to come? It'll be fun!

Marbissa has many wedding offers as an experiences Cruise Ship Personnel and she knows what confusion can do to you. She does not want anyone to steal her so she cut the D cup heals on her shoes to an A cup.

We have to to agree with each other when we want to fo up when we as Haitian Troglodytes offer someone to the white people go go up...but now it seems the real white people don't want any offer like this since we are asking them to break the covenant that is synonymous with real white and is expressed in the atmosphere seen in the average Ethan Allan(TM) of John Lewis(TM) home.

Hispaniola, Spanish La Española, second largest island of the West Indies, lying within the Greater Antilles, in the Caribbean Sea.

Free television concepts.

So, the issue is that Grace kept saying to people that she would have what other people have after she was kicked out and punched by Reverend JJ for choosing to stay with who?

Caribbean Entertainment Channel (TM) is the new television and trademark at Londinium Media.

In spite of all our efforts in excellence and our communal attainments in the annals of human history, there are still those among us, some actually visibly white now but who hover around black people and black circles but who would wish to bargain on the truth of Black history as if they will gain access if they think what some idiot is asking them to think; that the Egyptians were sort of Black but let me paint my eyes and I will look like an Egyptian on the Pyramid Walls.

Larry Sangster is not Grace' real son. He says it all day and has made plans for her and all that she owns.   Larry from Indiana shot his real mother at 12 years old since he could not believe she was his real mother as she had sex with him four times  and he could not believe she could be his natural mother. He was given a gun to shoot her and he did. She was 30 years old.  

You could have children of your own and you could have some hired children. The only issue for you is whether your children are good to you.

David known as Bibby is from South Africa as an adoption. ms. Veronica Archer is from Haiti. They were both sex operations and want you to know.

Who would have doubted or marveled at all human including Black human and African capability except but a Black or Red Troglodyte in 1492 meeting great human capability.

Marcus Miller & Herbie Hancock's Headhunters'05 - Tokyo Jazz 2005

Violence and Private Security in South Africa

International Jazz Day All-Star Global Concert From Havana Cuba

The diary of Mr. Burrowes from Battersea who said "...come and bring me..come and bring me." Then, you see the woman bring him a glass of water. Watch his diary...X rated!

Black,Burrowes, Braithwaite, Battersea(TM) is a new trademark at Auto Show Warren A. Lyon.

Cleanboy bookman is a new contest winner.

Disney's (1943) Figaro and Cleo

Lies in American History: the black man and the Taino (West) Indian

Curry & Chips S01E03 Episode 03 zeb

2013 Olive Garden commercial

Black Beach 2017 Biloxi, MS

Amazing Jerusalem- Tour of the Old City

Eilat 2016

The Israel Coast - A tour of Caesarea, Haifa, Acre and Rosh HaNikra - 20...

Three American men Hanged for murder in Jamaica were given their last rights by Reverend J.J. Carter Henry.