Three American men Hanged for murder in Jamaica were given their last rights by Reverend J.J. Carter Henry.
AyriH. Hit Protests Dental Group's Color Par IHI COUWtl Aftfloirato emiftDsfts IFoglhiftDinig Bm ATLANTA, Ga. Another Atlanta Negro group this time the dentists has joined in the visible demonstration fight against bias here. On two days Negro dentists picketed sessions of the annual Thomas P. Hlnman Dental Meet - Inn, u meet attended by some 1,501) white dentists from the Southeast. AT ANECA MEETING In attendance at a Davit, national executive director; Luther dinner of the Michigan State Division of the White, executive coordinator, and Mrs. Ophelia American Negro Emancipation Centennial Au - Kemp. The dinner was held at Detroit's Shera - thority dinner were Leonard Klevansky, Alton ton - Cadillac Hotel on Thursday. Allen Photo 'I Pie for Marcus Garvey' Three Americans Hanged For Murder in Jamaica By KEITH CLARKE (Special to The Courier) KINGSTON, Jamaica "I die for Marcus Garvey." These were the final words ltonald Henry uttered to his minister, a few minutes before he took the last and final walk with three others of his companions to face the hangman's rope in the St. Catherine District Prison. Henry, 27, naturalized American Negro, together with Albert ;abbiden, Eldred Morgan and William Jeter died on the gallows of the prison for the murder of t;HTi:ld Scott, one ol the three Krstafarian found dead and buried in a shallow grave in Red Hills, St. Andrew last year June. The slayings followed subversive activities in which two members of the Royal Hamshire Regiment were shot dead by Henry and his colleagues. THE CONDEMNED men, according to report leaking out from the prison, walked calmly to their doom after accepting the last sacrament administered to them by the Rev. J. J. Carter - Henry, Baptist minister.
Reverend J. J. Carter Henry and his wife Pearl Carter Henry.
fcome iniiiateit before the; be - Iran the seven yard Journey from death row to the land of no return, Henry shouted to his )llearuea: "Hey hoys, I will meet you later. "Gabbldoii NlMMifod: "Hello, boy remenv brf to say. Lord have mercy on your soul." The hanging business In Jamaica is surrounded by closely guarded secrets, but from reliable sources, It has been learned that since the Privy Council In England turned down their appeal The Negro dentists, eight of them on one day, and two more Joined by four women on the next day, marched In front of Atlanta's Municipal Auditorium where the meetings were being held, carylng signs telling their complaints. Some of them read: "Scientific Knowledge Is For All Humans Do Not Subject to Bias"; "Can Men Of Science Be Color Blind?" v rV T " v? ' ' V h two weeks ago, all except Henry had prayed continuously. Up til then, Heinry had expressed himself as a non - believer, either in Christianity of the church. While one of his colleagues was praying, Henry rebuked him saying: "You are not to pray to God, but to Blackburn," meaning the Gov. Sir Kenneth Blackburn 'who had the final say whether or not the law should take Its course. On the morning of the execution, the condemned men were taken out of their cells, bathed, dressed and fed; for breakfast, they had each, one scald egg, one poached egg, one cup of tea and two slices of bread and butter. , They were each given a pack of Lucky Strike cigarettes. Henry took two pulls at one and gave the rest to warders, before they were blindfolded for the final Journey. AT A PRESS conference, the Rev. Carter - Henry told reporters, that this was the 42nd hanging he had witnessed and he was glad that through his Instrumentality all his prisoners had accepted God before going to the gallows. The minister said that when he started to talk to Henry a fortnight ago, Henry told him he was THE MEETING was restricted to members of the Fifth District Dental Society, a unit of the American Dental Association. It has no Negro members, al - thnucrh suvernl N e a r o dentists have applied for membership. A dentist in Georgia can only become an ADA member if he belongs to a district or state association. The ADA has some Negro members in other states. not interested neither in God nor the Christian faith. Henry then explained how the white man had gone into Africa and had used the Bible to subdue his fore - parents bcfo.e robbing them of their wealth. He also told the minister that his idea in coming to Jamaica was to train an army and gather thein to Africa where they would finht the white man. Henad no intention of harming anyone In Jamaica, he continued. Then as the final day divw nearer the minister told Hem v that "God is love." HENRY THEN said he never believed in God. and - xplalned that If the minister was bringing him a new revelation Cod, then "you would put something over me," he replied . . . Henry then paused for a .moment and chuckled: "You have brouh God to me by telling me that God is love Reverend, you have brought me to know my God and he makes me feel stronger now than before. He has brought me to new life and increasing faith now as not before." With Just abou'fwo aidi left to walk Hen ' called out to his minister and n - quc. ic him to 1 Georgia Negroes have tried to Join. The pickets included top leaders of the North Georgia Dental Society, a Negro organization, headed by Dr. H. W. Robinson, president OTHERS WERE; Drs. Harvey Smith, W. B. Shropshire, C. Miles Smith, E. C. Boddie, E. Earl Richards and A. V. Cohen. Louisville Fight Continues Despite Integration Gains LOUIS VIT.i.E, Ky. Though the trend toward integra tion is gathering steam here, with eight more restaurants serving Negroes and 21 others negotiating with crusade leaders, attorneys for the protesting group are carrying the battle to a legal level In court last week, the astute lawyers sought to clear the 272 demonstrators, mostly juveniles, who were arrested dniing the past two months, by attacking the constitutionality of Louisville's disorderly conduct ordinance, which they were accused of violating. The ordinance, which falls to define disorderly conduct, and merely sets the penalty for It, was renounced by Judge Henry Triplett, who heard the case. He said, "I have had considerable concern; I've never liked that ordinance, but I'm not prepared to say It is unconstitutional until I see some law on it." As a result of the hearing, charges against 12 young demonstrators were dismissed In Juvenile Court, at least until the matter of constitutionality write to his mother in New York then he said "I die for Marcus Garvey." Henry, Commander or the First Africa Corps with headquarte,s at 332 Beekman Ave., New York City, Eldred Morgan of 1216 Boston Rd., William Jeter of 154 Harrison St., Paterson, New Jersey and Albert Gabbidon of Kingston, Jamaica were each convicted of murder by an all - male jury in Kingston last September. Sentence of deatli was passed on them by Chief Justice Colin McGregor after they were found guilty of the murder of Gerald Scott, one of three Rastafarians found In a single shallow grave in Red Hills camp. An appeal filed by them was later turned down by the West Indies Federal Court. They were allowed to take their appeals to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in England, but two weeks ago the Privy Council decided not to interfere with the decision of the local court. The Governor in council turned down a clemency plea on their behalf by many Jamaicans. A fifth man Howard Rollins. otherwise called Quaslme Abdullah, is now in death row awaiting his appeal. He was found guilty of the murder of George Lue Chinese grocer who was shot dead by n gunman who had held him up with a motive of robbery. Rollins was exonerated by the Jury tor the murder of Scott but was rearrested minutes after he was set fn on another capital charge. The. Courier has learned that the orderly picketing may be the prelude to court action to open the doors of the so - called "private" organization to Negro dentists. This indication came from a reliable source. There Is a similar suit now pending in Federal Court in North Carolina, where Dr. Reginald A. Hawkins has sued for admission to the Old North State Dental Society, an all - white body. is decided. Two other csbcs, which were postponed to a later date, are significant in that they will affect the outcome of 23 other cases, all Involving teen - agers. Lawyers In the case were Attys. Neville M. Tucker, J. Earl Dear - ing, C. J. Ludeman and James A. Crumlin. WITH THE UPTURN In events no more anti - segregation demonstrations have been held In the past two weeks. They have been replaced by inspirational meetings, and c 1 1 - maxed on Easter Sunday with a Prayer Pilgrimage in which several thousand protestors marched quietly to the Jefferson County Court House. Meanwhile negotiations are continuing between the mayor's all - white Emergency Integration Committee and the steering committee representing the relentless Negro desegregation movement. REV. C. EWBANK Tucker, Bishop of the AME Zion Church, and one of the leaders, issued the following statement after one of these conferences. "I am more optimistic as a result of the Joint meeting . . . the gloom and disappointment of the leaders have been resolved, and with a continuation of the present progress, we feel that the problem xl desegregation in public establishments will be satisfactorily resolved." ! tm Ymt NMty p Tkt Curia Fraud Is Charged In All - Negro Town CHICAGO (ANP A Robblns resident has filed a court action against nine village officials, including Ernest Maxcy, president, charging "a fraud has been com mitted" against the people and taxpayers of the all - Negro community. The resident, George Farmer, asked for an accounting of Rob - bins' income and expenses, a court - appointed commission to investigate acts of village officials and an injunction to restrain officials from Interfering with Far mer ana other citizens inspection of the village's books. 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