So Filthy Lee Anne says Ivana Hard Dee Beatselfenry gave her a floppy disk of Warden's essays and told her that if she sold one, she would be Jamaican. So Shifty sold one to someone at Markelfee High School. She is a thief and Warren does not owe her one ##$!$ thing as said in my French Catholic accent.
So Filthy Lee Anne says Ivana Hard Dee Beatuselfenry gave her a floppy disk of Warden's essays and told her that if she sold one, she would be Jamaican. So Shifty sold one to someone at Markelfee High School. She is a thief and Warren does not owe her one ##$!$ thing as said in a French Catholic accent. She also stole her father's Eboracum degree that he worked on every evening since 1983 and who finally graduated in 1987 in front of his family. She gave it to Carolina Higgins so that she might trick her parents. Carol also was unable to very healthy children since drank formaldehyde to look light skin.
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