Click here. 10 August 2024. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules( supply and demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus) that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients; An essay. Income support is essential to every exonomy Apparently, Mr. Patterson of Jamaica has approved an income support for all Jamaicans with TRN and residency by birth with an income support of $32,000.00 USD dollar per year. It was approved in 1993.


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10 August 2024.

The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules( supply  and demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus) that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients; An essay.  

Income support is essential to every exonomy 
 Apparently, Mr. Patterson of Jamaica has approved an income support for all Jamaicans with TRN and residency by birth with an income support of $32,000.00 USD dollar per year. It was approved in 1993.  

By Angel Ronan Toshokan Reports.


Oceans separate us but not forever.  Eventually, the populations with the most money will win and take you over.  It is a slow but certain process when it is the moneyed populations facing nothing but the vacancies of people in the earth. 

A North American in its forced self starvation and economic underfunding with insufficient income support for its population is like a machine but a machine that refuses fuel and energy and then it wonders why it does not work properly and is shutting down. It is not that you did not make enough people in all of what happens with the lives that come to a woman's soul and womb that are not still born  but they are living. So then, why render them "financially still born" when the time comes that they should have money pursuant to the economy's demands of a consumer or any human?  
One party can certainly speak but they do not seem to read or add and they have had more time in the 21st century than any other political party to solve America's woes but they have chosen to spend more time as booty judges instead of watching the economy.  Are they poisoned with some limpness in their seeing, reasoning  and thinking?  

It seems quantitative easing is evidence of their illegal and destructive policies that only dragged America into what is essentially a financial closure although the lights are still on.  Maybe it is what we really wanted any way so we could accept the error of all of North America's ways. and its genocidal underfunding; the gun violence in all three countries, the low income support funding and the resulting desperation and indignity followed by over immigration, the covert resistance of the underfunded local backbone population and the theft of the new vehicles bought by foreigners; the skating through the mess with lots of political frustration over legal formalities and the obvious solutions delayed; less guns and more money. Gun policy ought to be the same in all three countries.  The highest victims of gun crime per capita in America would be the police officers and other EMS workers.  The average promoter of gun ownership would be described as a white American; however.  A 1% or 5% fed rate  and an income support provided to every North American of no less than $3.50 per hour; 24 hours per day is not a 0% Fed rate or a negative Fed rate under the Democrats that would have been the deprecation and depreciation of any sense of American financial integrity  or financial responsibility; the true end to its greatness!! A 1% or .5% is ideal when a high rate does not help the economy.  The economy contracts so a low rate is always forever good but it has to be a low rate in an economy where first and foremost the consumer has been provided money to initiate the transaction and pay any rate on his bill.  The fluctuation in sales tax with rates near to 17% or higher allow the economy to find money that can be redistributed to everyone in the economy in the form of that general income support benefit.

  Rates are loan rates  and the administration or cost of money is not 0; and how do they pay if they already do not have any money to explain why they are not spending?   A national sales tax of  no less than .5 % ; that is 1/2 a percentage point would have been the tremendous way forward with a commitment to ensure that all North Americans are funded just as the friendly, helpful, powerful Russians are funded. Russia is a Christian nation and they have been trying to usher you into economic modernity where not only washing(clothes and money) is automated but the acquisition of money through an income support program( state and  national) that provides sufficient income support to all Americans. They are teaching you to love your neighbor and also yourself and not just "politic" about it.   At least a certain guarantee of $3.50 per hour paid to every North American is not genocide and it is real economic stimulus.    Do you know what happens when you open the submarine hatch under water?  It sinks. A 0% interest rate means you sink.  You say you believe in America and you say you are working hard but you killed America and you stole the last election; as Democrats.  
  But if you did a great job for your boss as the Vice President of....Starbucks America, why is it that they say your boss can't win? Why did he quit? How did you do a great job if he can't win?  Money is an economic and legal formality along with the regular and consistent provision of money  to every benefit recipient in the country. It maintains  the population and we are happy to see others join us since he who has the most people wins since with people, you maintain your territory, dominion and your hegemony. You can expand  and join other populations.  You can afford to maintain yourself in any part of the world.  You keep pace with the imagined competition. Is it Russia?  They fund 100% of their population.  They see that across Canada and the US, only 48% of the population is funded and it is as low as 28% in the US alone.  So, then the other 72% of under funded Americans is the real issue behind weak consumer stimulus. 

So, we accept most importantly that every aspect of modern nation state existence for every state on the planet; in particular Canada and the US makes them states of Europe.   

It is rumored  that Kenya has decided to increase its income support by .90 cents an hour.  They collect apparently 40% sales tax  4 days a week  and it is back to 20% for the remainder of the week. Every citizen in keeping with UN standards receives an income support to maintain their lives and  it is increasing so they will be safe in any international destination if they choose to inhabit any such destination for extended periods of time.   We are all the canary in the mine to say there is too much poison in the foods; DDT etc and it's illegal. We can have black legal counsel.   Actually, we do have some.     They do quite well. They help.  They have worked  internationally in law and banking.    
The Global Capitalist System is a one world system with one set of rules( supply  and demand with necessary consumer and market stimulus) that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all regular recipients in sufficient amounts because you are selling products and are certain in your endeavors that they must, will be sold; The Russians  have always had a consistent buyer market with sufficient consumer stimulus since they always had an income support.  You add to this a product diversity, choice and excited consumerism and you have the largest consumer market in the world; larger than America; absorbing American made and also Chinese goods with a certainty unseen in America that the goods will be sold.  China is quite similar as it is certain that the citizen or the consumer as the citizen or benefit recipient has money. The benefit is paid by the government and not intercepted by any thieves in the banking system and when would such a fiasco be overlooked for years, affecting the economy and the government's plans?   The Americans, in their talk about capitalism have missed their own point when you talk about marketing and selling where there is no market of regular, certain buyers while they focus on the freedom their system promises to adventuring marketers to create a gazillion candy bars, soft drinks,  toys and new gadgets with product designers involving new product creation that is met by always comparatively low consumer stimulus and low buyer certainty.  We asked why. One answer is the country still sees itself as a hinter land where the old east sees the burgeoning west with places like Utah, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Colorado as a land of wild heathens next to Vermont and that should not have this Vermont type income support until they can sing three church hymns from memory.   So, the Vermont school teacher is the principal of the school in Colorado but the income support is still comparatively low so you sing the hymns, cross your T's and dot your I's and you must have sung the hymns by 1860, 1914, 1929 or 1939 but you still have not received the income support in sufficient amounts that are comparable to the east so you can wash in the river and be clean; buy the goods, obtain the goods without use of violence  and consume what is being sold and offered to you with a seamless amount of consumer buying power across the country. Some are confused by the word or concept of  Demand but "Demand" means "Buying Power."  Supply must meet Buying Power/demand in sufficient measure or else the goods in the store do not sell and the manufacturer does not earn enough money and would have to close down in the usual case; a disaster. This is something that armed conflict within the country or with other countries cannot solve. It is about what you have done to you and your own people; what you have done to you.    In our observation, it means the old east has some baring on what is happening in the country.  The next issue is whether the people in the west would find it hard maybe in some hunter gatherer cultural resistance to just ensure every citizen in that region is above and beyond any want or need to fend and live off the land; hunt for a rabbit.  But, wouldn't you need a knife at least to cut it and share it or you would eat it all by yourself with your hands?
When every citizen has an income support, this is certain aggressive market capitalism in the real way where all permanent  residents and citizens receive an income support of a  sufficient amount so they can always buy and consume even if there is an upswing in automation that causes joblessness  and less money per buyer.  There economy is more efficient in respecting some basic principles. It takes three  times as many resources to create a new citizen or permanent  resident  than it does to maintain one.  The Russians; they are not looking for people to come to their country and occupy the spaces left behind by the dead. In the case of America, it is the American dead who have left spaces unoccupied where such spaces must be filled by new peoples from some where; maybe new Bulgarians moving to America.   The Russians do not have these problems.  That would be ignorant. Leaving  your population underfunded in the wake of automation; that is not defensive and it is bad for the economy and creates an apocalypse of social problems that requires some answer and the only answer is money to be provided to every benefit recipient or citizen. Is there any European country where this is not happening?  Every European country pays a full, live saving globally relevant benefit to their citizens.  You have social workers to help maintain the system and assist new recipients and that will work to ensure the system is safe, secure and that there is no abuse or fraud on the government; that all will be paid with Certainty and consistency.   This notion of the one world capitalist system is based on observations and research made by Osvaldo Sunkel and Immanuel Wallerstein.  

About Wallerstein,

Wallerstein defines four temporal features of the world system. Cyclical rhythms represent the short-term fluctuation of economy, and secular trends mean deeper long run tendencies, such as general economic growth or decline.[3][4] The term contradiction means a general controversy in the system, usually concerning some short term versus long term tradeoffs. For example, the problem of underconsumption, wherein the driving down of wages increases the profit for capitalists in the short term, but in the long term, the decreasing of wages may have a crucially harmful effect by reducing the demand for the product. The last temporal feature is the crisis: a crisis occurs if a constellation of circumstances brings about the end of the system.-from a wikipedia article on his work.  
There is the  nuclear apocalypse but what about the financial apocalypse where too many. people in a territory do not have enough money to just satisfy their daily needs without conflict with the authorities? In this simple description, we have something that resembles the zombie or the zombie consumer inhabitant.  $18,000.00 per year as income support for a human being  in a cold country like Canada as juxtaposed with the Canadian cost of living is the zombie consumer experience next to better funded Asians of various colors and complexions who can really get excited about what is being offered in a Canadian shopping mall while the Canadian is left out quite often.  This phenomenon in any country would not cause a global crisis necessarily but it will cause awe and disappointment; shock and awe. A finger is cut but the body will carry on while the finger comes into agreement with the one system of the body and heels.   As such, we see where Wallerstein says, Countries do not have economies but are part of the world economy. As such, there is only one set of rules governing economic activities. These rules also include clothing and money in the current idiom and every country is call upon to cooperate with these rules. Your clothing can look different but you are covered and enjoy dignity.  Your money may look different but you have enough so that you are covered any where in the world and enjoy your dignity.  If not, there is a question. 

The Cold War
What country are you from and what are they doing?  If your country does not enforce clothing for every formal citizen or an income support for every formal citizen, then you are in the Cold War with civilization.  You must wear clothing.  This is the law.  You must have money.   It is ridiculous if your government does not pay, provide with certainty and consistency that you have money to maintain your lives. So, we see that the North American is continually distracted by ethnic diversity while all North Americans tend to be economically underfunded with some exceptions but a vote for the Democrats tends to be a vote for North America's continued forced hunger. North America is like a man who claims to be superior but his pockets on average have less then the average Russian, the average European and the average Asian per capita. But, to remain underfunded while hoping to be accepted in Europe or Asia maybe as a low wage labor employee on mass seems to work out to a subconscious offer to be eaten in some latent cave man strategy; especially when your people are breaking the laws of Europe in particular but you prove more reverent in Asia, Latin America and Africa. But if its Europe or England, you show you no respect for that land and their people.         

 Before the Cold war Russia and Americas were engaged in fighting imaginary Martians after WW2.  The Russians were not fighting but you were. The Russians were engaged in their own space program and put the first woman in space orbit.  You decided to compete.  There is no issue with discovery but the publicly communicated intention to compete, to outdo.   This desire to compete is what began your talking about an arms race and cold war. You could have just acknowledged their achievements.  No other human population chose to compete with Russia.  Instead of LETTING YOU THINK THEY are competing with you, they sent friendship, scientists and their technology AS SEEN IN THE BURAN SPACE SHUTTLE. But, if you are competing, he who has the most people or the most checker pieces on the board wins.  You are losing thousands every day; something not happening in Siberia no matter how cold it is in that area. The first order of national security is satisfied in Russia just as it is satisfied in Singapore and most other countries that claim to be the greatest or the best place to live in the world; that all citizens needs are met for money, clothing, shelter, food and all other sustenance.   


 The talk about secrets and weapons races are just a distraction. What really puts a county and its population in danger is evident.  Think about it.  If you had weapons that work, equal and superior and had all the secrets but did not have money or if large numbers of your population did not have the money...what have you? You have a desperate population that is  fighting over access to basic necessities and this is magnified in violence with too many guns per capita; not enough money per capita and too many guns per capita.    In a matter of time, even if you had weapons, the other populations would have to occupy you and your lack of money to keep the economy from being hobbled; keep it balanced since supply must meet demand or be balanced or sufficiently equal to demand for the goods.  Otherwise, it is like  driving a vehicle where the left side is higher than the right side or where you have a stool with 3 legs of equal measure and one leg is longer than all of the other three. Who is running the North American economy like this, with this impression of hobbledness and then hopes to talk to the world about democracy or economics with some presumptuous unconditional podium.   But, they don't respect their leader or leaders and there is a hole in your system because of these thieves that we could call pirates because of their proclivity and systemic behavior but they are thieves and very bold that leave all of their thievery detectable in some anthropological determination to say this is why they were killed the first time in history; maybe 50  or 70 years ago?    Seeing that money is a necessity in life in the modern world if you are alive now is something that you would have understood by the time you are 15 years old.  You could be much older than that but you wonder why the government just does not follow the simple pattern of the other economies that we adore and respect for their efficiencies and quiet way. You would understand that money is necessary if anyone was to contemplate buying a Ford, a horse, a Dodge Ram or any vehicle.  This is cooperation and cooperation is akin to multiplication.  
 The population can multiply and take space in expansion territories.  These expansion territories are not rivals but extensions of your hegemony. These territories have your laws and are set to work under your hegemony.   The population is expected to be just as international as your candy bars, biscuits, rums and custards. They will move around and live in various locations.  They will have enough money to endure, survive and exemplify. There is no overcrowding at home; in the UK.    So, now we know every benefit recipient should be receiving their benefit. It could not be that you contributed to a society, worked and paid sales tax or income tax and then other people could show up and receive their benefits before you do or that they receive their benefits while you go without.  The issue  is so obvious where we see money is a culture. Clothing is a culture and money is requisite for life; water, shelter and food where if you do not have enough, you are left to face your pride  to either fend against the cold wilderness or cannibalize those around you who have a little more. The culture in parts  of North America where there is no income support to satisfy human existence is the culture of want; propagated by regenerated early settlers who suffered death in this wilderness and wanted more supplies from Europe. more boots, more tools and more oils.  They are no longer with us and we need a tomb to the unknown settlers of North America.  Their bravery in the war against the cold is acknowledged.  They will always be remembered.  I have not received my income support but I would like to receive it.  This burden, however, should not have been placed on a child of 14 years old who went to industrial shop class at Reesor Park Public School in grade 8.  

The populations that pay an income support to everyone of their citizens will soon outnumber you in your own country.  There are other small nations around the world who have begun their tiger economies by calling the benefit payment to their own citizens absolutely sacred; just as sacred as the government or the monarch who sent it.  The people robbing the UK benefit system with all of their associates must say they are the real Lord and they say how dare anyone stop them. They could have issued unlimited overdrafts on their friends' accounts instead of robbing the benefit recipients.   The Russians;  they have no cyclical patterns of recession and nor are they reliant on immigration to maintain a population while enduring unusual rates of economic attrition as affecting  the local domestic population where they die out or move away.  Immigration obfuscates the fact and the sports teams keep playing and the residual population with the new and newer immigrants keep cheering.  All we really need is for the economy to pay each citizen an income support.  It is necessary as a balancing of energy and money spent on the production side  or supply side of the economy.   The money spent on the income support is a balancing of the energy but on the consumer or demand side of the economy.  Energy is never lost but transferred and in the transfer, it is an equal and balancing transfer of energy; not exact but a purposeful balancing of energy.   


What is  the point of advertising every day the coca cola or Chevrolet, MG, Benz or Ford  if you don't have enough  people with money  to buy the products regularly across the country and all you end up with is high rates of theft; especially involving the most popularly advertised products? The only certainty is certainty.  

We can pay every citizen automatically and set up policies to ensure this is done. You can have both Federal programs and State/provincial programs that will work out to a stipulated Federal amount for all citizens. This is necessary when consumer stimulus and the lack of sufficiency in consumer stimulus is a national economic problem.  
Collecting a sufficient sales tax nationally and through state sales tax programs is also necessary and you can collect as much as you need once you guarantee the citizen and benefit recipients enough money in their income support to pay this sales tax.  In a brief example, if your income support was paid to you at $90,000.00 USD per year at $7500.00 per month then you could pay a sales tax of 70% that will turn a $1.00 bread loaf into $1.70.  That sales tax is however being used to pay you your benefit monies at $7500.00 per month($90,000.00/year).

Bringing  foreigners to America was not the answer although it does help to dilute the misunderstanding and the ignorance; so there is  discussion instead of you calling people rag head or Russian gangster in ignorance.  The Muslim and the Russians were trying to explain to you how the economy works.  The answer is to provide effective consumer stimulus as money  provided to your citizens and benefit recipients. 

Maybe you provide no income support now. Most of the Canadian  population is receiving $18,000.00 per year with no application necessary from the age of 14. 
Some have to make application to get $10,000.00. It should be granted without issue if you are a citizen or permanent  resident.
 They can see this in the system and you have less than $10,000.00 in Canadian assets. The difference  between $18,000.00 and $10,000.00 is no more than  91 cents a minute or $666.70 per month.  That difference is soo small that it warrants an automation of the program instead of an unnecessary expenditure to see people apply for money that is paid out automatically to most other Canadians. The real issue is that it is differential treatment in the use of public funds, contrary to Federal policy and therefore illegal. It is a failure of article 25 of the UDHR and basically not cost effective to spend money on a program that often is abused and fails the Federal mandate where also it costs more to run the program than it does to pay the citizen without the program where money is paid to citizens else where without the use of  such a program in most other locations in the province.  It would not have been so obvious that there was a problem if there was not a program of application but  where people are paid less in those postal code regions; $10,000.00  but not $18,000.00 per year.  Markham Ontario is not one of them.  If a kid in North York was to apply who does not go to Catholic School or to a Trade School like John Buchan, would they ask him for his landing documents? $2.05 is paid automatically to the kid next door but then you are being asked to make an application and confirm your lack of assets to $1.14 per hour.    This does not happen in Oshawa or Richmond Hill or Ottawa.  It is differential treatment and a failure of s.15 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  See the s.15 Charter Rights decisions.  There is no  policy anyone can point to to demonstrate why Catholic or Trade School children in the region get the income support benefit in Toronto but not regular stream school children.  There is nothing to defend as to policy if it is that people in Guelph Ontario are not paid but people in Oakville to the east and people in Kitchener to the west  or St. Catherines to the south are paid this benefit.  There are many cases addressing differential treatment.   All the people of Quebec and Nova Scotia are paid in the use of Federal funds right across the country.  All the people of Saskatchewan or the NWT are paid in the use of these Federal funds.       
 But some wicked people want to ask for a landing document from the old immigration system.  These forms are not used any longer. It is not a part of the Ontario Works application process. It is illegal to ask for it( criminal mischief) and this is what people are doing with what they are being paid. 
$20,000.00 per year works out to $2.28 per hour; 24 hours per day and 365 days per year. Most actually  receive  only $18,000.00 per year; while the same federally collected sales tax funds pay other Canadians twice as much.  

Could you say in your national self determination that you have the right to starve your people, starve segments of your population based on postal code?  Then you say you want national celebration for your hockey team and those starving have to smile, laugh and he happy but you also then allow 500 more foreigners in every week and provide them support in Oakville, Richmond Hill or Ottawa. Maybe you not only provide $2.28 per hour to every citizen but you add an additional $1.14 per hour; 24 hours per day and 365 days per year. In retrospect, Canada and the US are small countries territorially and small economies when it comes to consistency in revenue. Consistency can be improved.  Also it takes an hour  and 20 minutes to fly from Glasgow to Penzance.  


 The government must have revenue.  Sales tax revenue is even more essential in the age of automation when there is less and less job or employment tax revenue.  If you are an aboriginal nation that resents government essentially while pretending not to be an aboriginal nation, you seem to have a few goals; one is to work out policies that answer aboriginal anxiety about formal government and then next, you need to ensure your government can stay afloat and continue in its existence and not be debt dependent on a foreign government.  So, this will mean a sales tax policy that is responsible in satisfying these goals with a national and provincial/state policy. You would also ensure that every citizen is treated equally with respect to  benefit policies and that all receive their benefits equally.  It seems a national sales tax policy of 17% or higher on every dollar spent is most essential.    If you bring your nation into debt with foreign powers, you defeat your own sovereignty as a native American nation or any nation.  If this is what you have done, then  you go forward and at least defend the dignity of your nation in its continued existence and defend the dignity of your people so they stand with a comparative economic worth and respect when in the presence of citizens from other nations where those people are also aboriginal but European or Russian aboriginals or Asian or African. All humans are aboriginal.  There is enough revenue then to pay every citizen an income support of $219.00 per day in Canada or America.  We use the example of the average gas station earning $2000.00 per hour.  If one gas station at 1% sales tax generates $480.00 sales tax on 1% sales tax every 24 hours, then 1000 gas stations every 24 hours generates $480,000.00. After 30 days, the sales tax collection at 1% is $14,400,000.00 just on 1000 gas stations.      After 365 days, 1% generates $175,200,000.00. 10% sales tax is therefore $1,752,000,000.00. This last figure represents 1000 gas stations at 10% tax.   You probably do not need any foreign indebtedness at this number of 10% as it would apply to the whole economy; except for a debt to yourself with a debt the nation holds in its own bank under its own credit facilities in that the country has the power to issue itself a loan.    Even if you intend to pay some to foreign countries as an honorarium so to speak, this is not an issue while we must also ensure  as a priority, everyone of our citizens is taken care of and maintained with dignity.  The nation can hold and maintain a significant amount of its own debt in the cost of its operations.  The more sales tax generated and taken per transaction means less national or foreign debt.  

The cost of milk in Jamaica was recently increased by the milk Company by 100% to $400.00 JMD but the sales tax was reduced to 2%.  This is not sufficient government revenue.  You might think a 2% sales tax will guarantee you more business and sales. But, you put the price up.  Also, how can you have sales if the people do not have any money to buy the product?   But there is no regular income support for every Jamaican so how do you have a regular Jamaican consumer with the dignity who can buy the products where the life and blood of a Jamaican is defended? But you have tourism I suppose.  What if in the betterment the cost of milk was raised by 50% to $300.00 a box  for the Serge or the Miracle Milk and the sales tax was raised to 40% so that you could pay every citizen and permanent  resident a guaranteed $20,000.00 USD per year as income support?  That is $JMD 171.00 per hour or about $USD 1.71 per hour.  This is to fit into the global  and regional Caricom economic capitalist system.  The average West Indian Caricom country is paying their citizens as income support of $CAD 30,000.00 per year. Is there a rule that says a Jamaican has to starve and not have income support money in Jamaica and cannot have the best and most powerful economy in the world for a country of its size?  
  1. The Republicans paid the American population an additional 1/2 billion as income support in the last quarter of 2020 and many of them truly needed it as individuals who were receiving less than $12,000.00 a year as income support or no support at all.
  2. You need to keep  your economic wheel spinning. 
  3. What is Dubai?  Dubai looks good.  What is Gaza?  
  4. The only entity resisting your Anglo or American existence is you when the issue of non payment of benefits to all of your recipients challenges your own business. Every country is kind of a business; isn't it?
  5. Surveys say the general population would be content with a 40% sales tax and an income support of £40471.20  or $70,000.00 per year CAD.  
  6. We know the whole  world cannot live in the small country but with money, your population can choose to leave and live else where.  They can afford to do it.  Maybe half of England will spend half the year in Africa. 
  7. What good is a nuclear bomb if it does not kill people? What good is an economy that kills people instead of  defending and maintaining  the population you are called to defend in preparation for a hit war?   You are imposing  a war of  economic  trepidation on your own population.  Truth is not abandoned. This is the truth. It time to rescue our unique  local cultures and resort to celebrating our spaces and tourism places where we are with as much family as possible.  Raising ten children and owning two SUVs is more selfless than raising 4 children. Your people  will need an income  support after automation and during automation to do the their basic job of just occupying  your economic spaces and places and we cannot imagine we can launch any aircraft we would design but we can enjoy what aircraft we can enjoy for peaceful purposes; basic defence.   You need to keep  your economic wheel spinning. 
  8.  You cannot say all of your citizens have an income support. But, they can say all of their citizens have an income support.  The car company is global. The food company is global  and wants no economic dead zones any where in the world. He who has the most people with proper funding and  money wins.  If you are a small country, you must have realistic goals. In being defensive, you must ensure every citizen and permanent resident has funding.   So, to sell the vehicles in that underfunded hostile region,  the phenomenon of capitalism will bring  people from some other land where they do receive their benefit  monies with certainty and consistency.  This is the Cold War.  Your population is dying due to a lack of money on the economic playing field and the other populations are thriving in the spaces your population has left vacant and unoccupied. It is a simple problem to resolve.     Click here for more.
  9. How do we fight cold war when we don't know what is the problem or issue in the fight? It could be that 28% of your population has income support vs.  100% of the population in Tajikistan or the Ukraine or Japan or China. As you refuse to find your own population, you are like an NFL football player scoring a touch down on his own goal post. 
  10. As discussed on CNN.

  11. The Global Capitalist System is a one world system that seeks sufficient requisite consumer demand in all markets with an income support provided to all citizens in sufficient amounts because you are selling products and are certain in your endeavours that they will be sold; a discussion.  
  12. It is simple problem to resolve as we hallow everyone in our economy as either citizen or permanent resident; as a consumer. We hallow them as a consumer. 
  13.  We use the furloughed North American car worker or industrial whose job was cancelled due to automation as a consumer just as we use newly arriving foreigners and new immigrants as consumers.  
  14. As Europeans, We think of the North American in the North American economy as though they are hamsters on an economic treadmill that only need a little money to maintain a heart beat and sufficient food energy to keep the consumer wheel spinning with sufficient economic activity.   The economy will always need consumers no matter what automation may have taken place.  There is no point in just saying you would like to dispose of the the furloughed car workers in a war or something; and then bring foreigners to take their place as consumers. 
  15.  But, this is what has happened in America over and over again. We have done this before  as seen in the Civil War, WW1 and WW2 to answer in America the recessions instigated by early industrial automation and ongoing industrial processes.  Why does the American economy reason and calculate the problem this way?  We could have turned the farm workers and slaves made redundant by machinery into consumers and many went north slowly but surely over the years where in the north slavery had been abolished since 1688 and they received their DOLE, their general income supplement and they were the consumer.  
  16. The plantations in the south were turned into industrial farms for the Quaker company, the General Mills Foods and the Kelloggs company.   Some former slaves ended up in Nova Scotia.  If you are fighting the experience of slavery in your souls, would you fight legal formalities since slavery was a contractual expression of legal formalities?  Maybe you would not want a formal, legally trained lawyer.   We see the southern law firms kill the lawyers and kill the customers for fear that the customer could accuse them if they did something wrong and the firm is not sure. They kill the lawyers who helped them because the lawyer should not have the authority. There can be only one captain of the pirate ship. 
  17. The employees are dead from the car factory since you don't want to owe them any job search benefits for too long.     
  18. It's  a war and it costs money that must be spent training people, hiring people but you lose many lives in the process and then you invite foreign populations to occupy your emptied towns, cities and consumer spaces where your population is now insufficient to occupy those spaces in the economy. 
  19. Ensuring each worker who is a permanent resident or citizen has an income support takes as much logistical work as war preparation for the ongoing global economic battle field that involves other economic populations with their own armies of consumers.  Its time to see the real war for what it is and over time, no matter long it takes, we would only see those populations outnumbering us who have more money paid to them consistently and automatically with their income support benefits. We can compete economically on this money basis; your team is........."Canda"?  
  20. Is every citizen currently receiving a secure, consistent and certain income support benefit?  The answer is some citizens are receiving an income support benefit but not all citizens.  
  21. Is every citizen paying a sales tax?  The answer is yes. 
  22. Is every citizen working and paying income tax?  The answer is no. 
  23. If you were to suckle  from the economy, wouldn't it be that you suckle from the sales tax but not from the benefits where it brings attention and you would have more to skim when all citizens are earning more generated sales tax daily for the economy?     We only seek to pay each benefit recipient a minimum of  £ 3.51/$3.51 per hour; 24 hours per day and 365 days per year for a total of $ 30,747.60.  It is suggested that a consistent and uniform amount is paid  right across the economy to ensure economic consistency in terms of consumer activity across the entire economy. As the cost of automobiles is approximately the same across the NAFTA economy, we suggest $8.00 per hour across North America at $70,000.00 per year or £4.67 per hour for  £40471.20 per year in the UK.   
  24.  We pay using the list of permanent residents and citizens who have the right to work and receive benefits.  We Set up the payment in our government payment system to credit these individuals on these recipient lists. We can choose how often the payments are sent on a recurring basis and also the amounts. We need to ensure that all of the expected recipients in our country's economy receive their benefits with the same consistency as our competitor, neighboring nations and that we have no people dying due to money unpaid. If this was to happen, we would be losing the competition and the economic game. When you see the Georgian or Croatian fans, all of them have received their benefits consistently and regularly.  If you see all the Swiss or the Dutch, this is also true.   
  25. Prepared  with research by Angel Ronan Toshokan with Warren Lyon.  

