The character of half the world was snap shot when Cain chose to covet and resent Abel's work murderously and to also resent anyone who would bother to tell him what to do to be more content, satisfied with his own work and creativity. Saul wants the throne of Israel but does not want to sit down at Israel School. Saul wants the association to the authority he imagines but does not want to submit to that authority by sitting down in a university for three years. It would be submitting to David's order as the coat of arms are established in his order and the people of Saul resent it as it would be to submit to David and with David "over him." Cain is Saul. Saul is Napoleon. Some people should not be given uniforms as they seem to need to be the only (janitor officer) in their family instead of seeing their sons and daughters walk in their footsteps. Michal created a Saul people who expect to own and inherit what the Israel people create but they don't want to purchase it. Anything David owns or that the official graduate owns, they want to occupy that person, spit in them, occupy it and sack it as if it was some kind of sport. But,we do not tolerate people who believe you should be able to kill some people some times or steal from some people some of the time. The sons and daughters of Cain@Jez-ebel are busy challenging and harassing people but look at how she cant do anything on her own except bring the day of contention. This wicked dna sometimes is hidden quiet, demure, modest looking dna but she confesses. Cleanliness is the next thing to Godliness and as she judges people about this or that while she drinks toilet water and spreads diseases any way she can, she is filth as a little grit from the corner of her toe goes into every cup of coffee she makes. Toilet water is in the brand new box of cream purchased. She is a liar from the pit of hell. She feels usually obedient as she honors her mother and father that being Cain and Jezzzebel. Could anyone make you think you are winning while she is targeting you and your children, helping you kill them and kill yourself as a nation? But, if you can pretend another man's Chinese son or white son is yours you say will you not also be accepted; you say? This dna was put into the modern world to confirm the authenticity of the Bible. She is twice dead, pretending to be a professional as she also robs the bank all day. She takes health and brings disease. She thinks she is smarter than everyone. You notice she will laugh with you as she helps you kill your children as if their education and human potential is a threat to the community she adopts. She is like Saul who does not want to under but over them. Your resentment toward the authority is the emotion through which she takes a foothold in your life. The bond of allegiance is resentment against something while she wants association and acceptance but refuses to do what the association requests. Energy free airlines based on a fuel cell toilet concept that converts urine and excrement into electricity is a product concept designed and patented by Warren A. Lyon. Google P2E(TM) for more or click this link. For this product, it involves an assemblage of existing technologies much like a motor vehicle engine.

 The character of half the world was snap shot when Cain chose to covet and resent Abel's work murderously and to also  resent  anyone who would bother to tell him what to do to be more content, satisfied with his own work and creativity.   Saul wants the throne of Israel  but does not want to sit down at Israel School. Saul wants the association to the authority he imagines but does not want to submit to that authority by sitting down in a university for three years. It would be submitting to David's order as the coat of arms are established in his order and the people of Saul resent it as it would be to submit to David and with David "over him." Cain is Saul. Saul is Napoleon.  Some people should not be given uniforms as they seem to need to be the only (janitor officer)  in their family instead of seeing their sons and daughters walk in their footsteps.    Michal created a Saul people who expect to own and inherit  what the Israel people create but they don't want to purchase it.   Anything David owns or that the official graduate owns, they want to occupy that person, spit in them, occupy it and sack it as if it was some kind of sport. But,we do not tolerate people who believe you should be able to kill some people some times or steal from some people some of the time.  The sons and daughters of Cain@Jez-ebel are busy challenging and harassing people but look at how she cant do anything on her own except bring the day of contention. This wicked dna sometimes is hidden quiet, demure, modest looking dna but she confesses.  Cleanliness is the next thing to Godliness and  as she judges people about this or that while she drinks toilet water and spreads diseases any way she can, she is filth as a little grit from the corner of her toe goes into every cup of coffee she makes.  Toilet water is in the brand new box of cream purchased.  She is a liar from the pit of hell.  She feels usually obedient as she honors her mother and father that being Cain and Jezzzebel.  Could anyone make you think you are winning while she is targeting you and your children, helping you kill them and kill yourself as a nation? But, if you can pretend another man's Chinese son or white son is yours you say will you not also  be accepted;  you say?      This dna was put into the modern world to confirm the authenticity of the Bible.  She is twice dead, pretending to be a professional as she also robs the bank all day. She takes health and brings disease.  She thinks she is smarter than everyone. You notice she will laugh with you as she helps you kill your children as if their education and human potential is a threat to the community she adopts. She is like Saul who does not want to under but over them.  Your resentment toward the authority is the emotion through which she takes a foothold in your life.  The bond of allegiance is resentment against something while she wants association and acceptance but refuses to do what the association requests.        Energy free airlines based on a fuel cell toilet concept that converts urine and excrement into electricity is a product concept designed and patented  by Warren A. Lyon.  Google P2E(TM)
 for more or click this link.  For this product, it involves an assemblage of existing technologies much like a motor vehicle engine. 
