You must see that the intention of the West Indies with several global fast food chains, Global Hotel Chains, Major Car manufacturer sales outlets and ISO 9001 Airports under domestic law that is submitted to and confirms international law , is peace; not some school yard, barrio, Flatbush , or South Central games of Aggression but we can see you did vely good and vely well as West Indians who might have had to tell a few people to confirm that you are not just passive Christian people with Jesus on the wall but not in your fist since the Kingdom of Heaven could not really suffer violence did have a lease and no one from Costa Salvador Haitiomingo who showed up 10 years earlier should be telling you that they are the King when you own the building as your grandfather arranged it a a WW 2 soldier or that you are not a citizen as his; your grandfather's or your Uncle's relative. Be aggressive and call the police on the menace to society even if he looks like Burro Suave'.

You must see that the intention of the West Indies with several global fast food chains, Global Hotel Chains, Major Car manufacturer sales outlets and ISO 9001 Airports under domestic law that is submitted to and confirms international law , is peace; not some school yard, barrio, Flatbush , or South Central games of  Aggression but we can see you did vely good and vely well as West Indians who might have had to  tell   a few people to confirm that you are not just passive Christian people with Jesus on the wall but not in your fist since the Kingdom of Heaven could not really suffer violence did have a lease and no one from Costa Salvador Haitiomingo  who showed up 10 years earlier  should be telling you that they are the King when you own the building as your grandfather arranged it a a WW 2 soldier or that you are not a citizen as his; your grandfather's  or your Uncle's relative.  Be aggressive and call the police on the menace to society even if he looks like Burro Suave'.
