Londinium(TM) Watch! The message from the provinces and the former colonial countries who remain in the Commonwealth is that we love English. It's in the blood and we are learning to keep on and carry on although many have left and have gone to Asia or France for the basic income; Romania also since this is truly a time to rest in the glorious reality of a global automated economy where we know how hard we can work but the machines can work 168 hours a week. We cannot compete as human beings with their efficiency and nor can we compete with the fact that their is less waste and loss in the automated process with our glorious machines. Those who remain and who have not emigrated to first world regions and economies have learned to use chopsticks as Asians come to Anglo countries that include America with their basic income to fill the economic gap caused by the absence of basic income and buttress the Anglo economies. Look; I know Chinese cuisine, Thai food, Japanese food, Taiwanese food and Vietnamese noodles; very good! Healthy. This unintended cultural exchange also helps in the sense that the Asians who come to Anglo countries can support their culture's vehicle manufacturers by buying the vehicles in the US. Canada and other Anglo regions and look at how well those Asian vehicle company's are doing..all over the world and you are hoping to stimulate your angry gas guzzler vehicle purchases during another fictitious global or localized conflict? But, I don't know if you noticed the Asian Gas Guzzlers! Look! Go to www.autoshowtelevision.blogspot.ca and click the Porsche under the blue sky! The Future is awesome! http://londiniumgearmmxi.blogspot.ca/.

Londinium(TM) Watch!     http://londiniumgearmmxi.blogspot.ca/.  The message from the provinces and the former colonial countries who remain in the Commonwealth is that we love English. It's in the blood and we are learning to keep on and carry on although many have left  and have gone to Asia or France for the basic income; Romania also since this is truly a time to rest in the glorious reality of a global automated economy where  we know how hard we can work but the machines can work 168 hours a week.   We cannot compete as human beings with their efficiency and nor can we compete with the fact that their is less waste and loss in the automated  process with our glorious machines.    Those who remain and who have not emigrated to first world regions and economies have learned to use chopsticks as Asians come to Anglo countries that include America with their basic income to fill the economic gap caused by the absence of basic income and buttress the Anglo economies. Look; I know Chinese cuisine, Thai food, Japanese food, Taiwanese food  and Vietnamese noodles; very good!  Healthy.  This unintended cultural exchange also helps in the sense that the Asians who come to Anglo countries can support their culture's vehicle manufacturers by buying the vehicles in the US. Canada and other Anglo regions and look at how well those Asian vehicle company's are doing..all over the world and you are hoping to stimulate your angry gas guzzler vehicle purchases during another fictitious global or localized conflict?  But, I don't know if you noticed the Asian Gas Guzzlers!  Look! Go to www.autoshowtelevision.blogspot.ca and click the Porsche under the blue sky!  The Future is awesome!  
