So the Babylonian among us could be a church member but does not know how to understand Romans 7. He sees church or Judaism as clothing or designed for social acceptance. It is convention and necessary for position.

So the Babylonian among us could be a church member but  does not know how to understand Romans 7. He sees church or Judaism as   clothing or designed for social acceptance.  It is convention and necessary for position.   As such, he would join any bandwagon and join anything that is given sufficient celebration, public honor and attention. He would become a Nazi and smash Israel. He would take Israel and hallow its traditions in form( he loves forms and the orchestra) but not in substance with great excitement  and  then eventually abandon Israel to follow the next great bandwagon; whatever Hollywood says and that is what we have to look like as if there is a Jewish look or an African look but this would only mean Israel is following in the substance but not leading according to some elders. But this faith is not a garment or clothing as we render our hearts; not our garments. You need perpetual peace. You need law to enjoy this perpetual peace; a law that is reflective of peace for every human being so that they can enjoy not only peace but the technology in that peace.    As such, law is technology that facilitates peace. Hand made shoes are good but hand made in its value does not usurp the benefits of technological abundance as if a flush toilet is to be disdained next to a handmade pit toilet.  You know the law was right before and after you were abused but you decide to regularize abuse so that you might be equal in your imagination and emotions to others who may not have been abused or equal with those who do not present your emotional reverberation in spite of their abuse in that they forgave and put aside the dark side of fear, anger and hate. You are just a foot soldier of the dark; the darkness, the evil you would have to kill if you saw it happening to your own child as it might have happened to you or did you resent the sense of wholeness in your child and then decide he had to know what you went through and then see how you good you were but you kept beating that son or child and settled on giving all you have to the orphan you adopted to cover your shame in killing your own testimony that you cut yourself off from the earth and then turned this into a culture; that if other man or younger men want to eat. they need to cut themselves if they want to live larger than the 40,000.00 euros they get in Italy, France and Germany.

So, law is not the issue. Everybody needs it and the more that law protects the physical being and property; the better is for everyone and this includes the sexual abuse victim in  or from Haiti or Portland.
She looks like a magpie when she drinks Lindo Coffees. Societies  and every human population needs law. The Creole needs law but society does not necessarily need and argumentative; non-law abiding Creole who says he needs to see his Creolising hegemony over a structured and quiet society. Marissa is a graduate of the Royal Caribbean Cruises Chef School and  knows the power of law along with her friend from Port of Spain. Hey Marissa, how are you?  I put those photos on facebook. The irony is that the Creole who argues about law in the north seems to think that he is making a point about culture. The truth is that law is culture and for my safety and protection, I would want more of that northy law vs. hegemony and aggression games in the south.  There is too much technology to enjoy and so much one can express in the process in utilizing technology.  The only Creoles who argue about this as if it is some battle about existence and the right to self expression are illiterate. They always want to know if people will find out. The difficulty we have is that entire populations south of Florida thought MI6 as depicted in the the big Dr. No movie was the Wizard of Oz as they imagine it in their personal lives and their parents said they should follow the blond girl in the movie and read encyclopedias from A-T since the Blonde girl Honey Rider says she might know many more things than Bond does and this plucked on a cue of apostasy and rebellion in the culture as recognised by an anthropologist who helped to write the script. So, whether it was put in the script deliberately or not, the people followed the suggestion as it pertained to education. This is quite amazing though; isn't it?  But, is your father flying around the world as a marine biologist?  He was probably a very good teacher; her father, although she was evidently a brain damaged woman to speak about herself like that to a police officer who was not so stupid.  She was the little white bikini-hood who needed protection from the wolf like Dr. No. If you could order a "Honey Rider" to cook, clean, fish for shells with you and be home doing an excellent pottery business as managed over the internet while you are out working and fighting the SPECTRE (an acronym of Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion) wouldn't you?  I would certainly look both ways before I cross the road and check my shoot ten times before I jump out that airplane as I make sure I bag every baddie on my way home to my wife. A brunette version who is just as conversational or a tanned creole version or a very, very  dark creole version with or without the afro would be ideal since they are conversational. 

So, that really should be it.
