So, you need a Boardroom 11 and not just the best track teams, cricket and football teams in de De De De World; ya na undastand?

So, you need a Boardroom 11 and not just the best track teams, cricket  and football teams in de De De De World; ya na undastand?  You need to be able to face the top England 11 or 100 academically; ya na andastand?  We know about budgeting and intuition.  This the only playing field or factors that the old lady sex operation can use for her competitiveness as you give her a space to hurt generation after generation of your best human crop and she is 112 years old. War; what is it good for? Absolutely nothing! That is all this old sex operation is.  Veronica Darcher was really just Ms. Darcher.  Her parents were Cuban and Haitian and she was a sex operation at 10 years old.   Bibbly Bare who was born as David was reported dead at 10 years old as David; five years after the sex victimization.  His father was Nathaniel.  Veronica Darcher is now in a dog in Oklahoma and Bibbly Bare is in a machine in Philadelphia. Veronica Darcher was 200 years old and Bibbly Bare was 112 at last count. Bibbly, Cicilby and their sister were born in South Africa but adopted by Nathaniel Benjamin. 
