You don't have a Gatling gun and you seem to be banking on some kind of residual human rights that you believe white people will honor but they are asking, with the little authority they afford in certain circumstances, that you would honor those civil rights and human dignity and do what you have been asking them to do for all black or disenfranchised people.

You don't have a Gatling gun and you seem to be banking on some kind of residual human rights that you believe white people will honor but they are asking, with the little authority they afford in certain circumstances, that you would honor those civil rights and human dignity and do what you have been asking them to do for all black or disenfranchised people.   But, many of you say it is now my turn, with this authority, to chop a black girl's head off and use her like you are an animal she was just a dog.  You chop off the arm of black boy's and eat it with people to feel as if you are in the top of echelons of Goreish Town but you have an Afro.  But, they will not do  respect those residual rights any longer if you don't take opportunity to respect them or help people when they ask you to help. You seem to think you are earning honor to kill a Black Science Masters graduate or a Black Barrister who graduated in England and who was born in the Congo but who worked in the West Indies and you killed him once you heard he was an English graduate.  He never knew the resentment you hold.  So, if the white people were to change their minds about you on mass as they have done with certain other peoples in North America  and Asia who they have set for total extermination once before, what will you do? What would you do if the white people changed their minds about civil rights?  Do you have an rpg for the resistance movement? You better just be thankful for Booker T and Dubois since they told you too. This is where you come from and no white people want you to leave but you need to fit into a socio-economic phenomena that says you can do whatever you believe in your dream but you need to work fast; chop chop and bake many fortune cookies as you work as de black people togedda! Maybe you make popeyes chicken and offer special toy race car! Sze Sze!  All joking aside, there is no more work because of the machines so don't worry. There will be participatory remuneration.   The  issue is they don't want you to have the corvette produced by  the company started by a black family.  The only other issue is that they don't see their greatest enemy within is hatred and the socio-economic global competition is only thinking of English speaking vs. Asian and Asian speaking or Asian looking.   They don't necessarily have the education to apply the policy at the food co-op and the vehicle wholesalers or the food bank but they have the job and you know it is written in plain English but who can argue with someone who is telling you she really has no education and is afraid you will find out so she does what she is told until you take the bank policy sheet and show it to her. Then she says "good black people and dumb white people."   They, the White Native Mongol Picts, need as many regular English speaking people as possible as the issue is loyalty but they will never let you in really if you are Asian and speak only english but they will give you cash in Asia but no work.   You need some wheel rights and you need some people who can understand contracts and you find friendships with some good people who can give you space in a garage to fix vehicles and then you pay your black lawyer who is also a school teacher, as it was in the old days, a little cash to write your carriage contracts and then you start a Chevalier motor company; by George!  You can keep coming with guns and stones and then when you run out of bullets, you can bring your best sticks. But, you must remember what it was like not to have any white people who were probably part related or maybe not but who believed in a God enough and then they appealed to their peoples for an end to the inhumanity. So, do not celebrate the Morant bay thing too much or how you ran away into the hills because it seems after so many generations and so much creolising, you are still running and there is only one answer. You are a human being and there is property you could own if you understand it and to help, the library is open. It is free. God loved Wilberforce and he loved the English ship captain who wrote Amazing Grace. 
