No more underground railroad running backward; only underground forward.   LBJ and J.Edgar Hoover are genetic beneficiaries of the freedom achieved in the underground railroad. They have black ancestry. Those who wished to turn back to slavery and to bring others back to bandage were killed ; one by one also by the white people who were helping the slaves achieve freedom.   There is a lot of work to be done a long way to go in terms of real achievement and expectations. Do you know there are Black people who resent the approval and acceptance some old black people have for being former soldiers or bona-fide University graduates? There are some Black people who would kill a 12 year old girl for saying in public that she believes she will be a lawyer some day!    This is not the Spirit of Harriet Tubman.   It is the Spirit of the Antichrist; those who turn back to Egypt and resent  progress.  
