It must be that you thought the world was over on September 11, 2001 and you say you struggle to understand what really happened.

It must be that you thought the world was over  on September 11, 2001 and you say you struggle to understand what really happened.  Let's see. Let's try this again! What happened amounts to an act of violence.  You could say some people failed to do their jobs. You could say the automated pilotless plane went out of control.  You could say it was war.  You could say it was terror and war.  You feel violated and used; like a minion. Much of it does not add up. Why did the New York and New Jersey port Authority cancel its regularly scheduled meeting at the World Trade Center the night before for the first time in history?      No matter what, they already rebuilt the buildings and God came; yes God came like he does every time men destroy something one way or the other.  Have you seen a Good Kill?   Do you know Pearl Harbor in 1941?  Do you know Timothy McVeigh? Why did the FBI know about McVeigh, his day and time for bombing and not stop him with their paid informant?   Do you know the World Trade Center bombing in 1993? Why did the FBI choose to allow it to go ahead in spite of all of the information provided by the paid  informant who stayed in contact with the bombers after the incident?   Do you know the Rwandan Genocide?  Do you know the Jewish holocaust?  Do you know Hiroshima?  Do you know Chernobyl?  Do you know Three mile Island?  Do you know Blue water Horizon?  Three Mile Island caused about 40000 cancer deaths; more than the deaths at 911.  It is horrible that these things happen!   Do you know how many people died of gun violence across the United States last week?;  10000 people.   How many people teachers commit suicide for one reason or the other that may include vehicle damage by a student; damage caused just because the teacher told the student to do their homework?  It is getting pretty violent out there.   So, what is it that you wanted to ask about God?  What did you eat last night?  It was pretty violent; very violent! Fret not.    The end is not yet. See Matthew 24 before or after you play Xbox!  The last war will be  Mephibosheth vs. Israel. 
