The dna of a West Indian is quite diverse. But, since the creation of the various island identities as independent nationalities, there is more conflict, competition and fewer West Indians as a result.

So, all the Black people in the West Indies are part Arawak and also part African in addition to being part Asian and European evidently as seen in the average West Indian's dna.  The English would shoot and ask questions later though if you came to their front door.   The French were less likely to shoot. So, what is the point?   Is there any reason to resent a West Indian who graduated from a school in France? The dna of a West Indian is quite diverse.   But, since the creation of the various island identities as independent nationalities, there is more conflict, competition and fewer West Indians as a result. There was more peace and quiet, less conflict and violence under the umbrella identity of being a British West Indian citizen quite similar to how Belize is still managed today.    
