Madame Rose Leon.

Madame Rose Leon once said that if it is a question of class, who can have any class if you don't help your own family when you have the ability to help them?  This is so in Jamaica and in the diaspora.  What strength could the island have if it does not have strong families?  What strength or credibility will the Island have in a region that boasts about our size as a big Island if we do not become the first example in how we assist our own people when they face estrangement and ostracism as Jamaicans?  She follows and hears the Queen.  She served in her government before independence.   She echoed the Queen of England as the Queen of England detests Haitian and other West Indian people who hurt their families and friends to seek the Queen's attention or who hurt people hoping to be seen or recognized.  That is to seek the attention of shame and it demonstrates your illiteracy.    She loves people who love their families.  
