There is no competition in common goals and common endeavors and nor should there be any feelings of competition. In fact, we are only helping a population of "others" hinder and devalue our region's potential if we do not work together for common goals.  There are individuals of South East Asian decent in both Islands.  They appear Indian but are certainly hybrid individuals racially who could have been fully black ancestrally two generations ago. This is what happens with Bacchanal.  Everyone is hybrid. It produces love and children and the children of love or of bacchanal; not hatred. but, you kill a relative, family member or in-law and expect to prosper?  It doesn't work that way.  You don't kill a relative for his Indian dna or White dna; nor do you kill them for their humility in education to actually study and complete their real education and nor do you use them, hoping to kill them so that you would impersonate them as if it would be an achievement. That is a dyslexic bastard devil court jester.  If we see anyone like this who promotes community division or resent for education, we find them and kill them as they kill our people.  They do not raise their own children and always castrate the boys.  He is living death. Anything that does not reproduce is dead.  They usually choose to be welders and resent anyone who believes he could do something else such as chiropractic care or study something to help the welders in the community complete their business documents and address their other personal matters.  But, we don't have any Prime Ministers like this in the West Indies since they only take us backward and make us dependent.  If we ever did, they are dead  by now or certainly will be.  To some of these people, it is as if education of any kind is a threat to regional independence while we find disease in our foods and tooth pastes more than ever before as if disease is a culture and identity instead of the wisdom to be physically clean.  Our culture is to be clean.      
Education is good in an intelligent region.  It fosters dignity and regional cultural understanding.  Can you imagine an entire region that does not know how to change a light bulb by reading a car manual and is dependent on the car dealer? Can you imagine a region that does not know how to transfer property to another generation  by putting them on the home or on the joint bank account before the demise to ensure the transfer and that the property stays in the family where no one can say they have no evidence of continued family ownership?  The people who choose to assist others with business documents are not only Indianish but also Blackish; that is West Indian.   Some West Indians are purely Indian genetically but who do not speak anything but English and they have black family members. But, they kill black people in the economy as a sign of some allegiance to a false identity as if it is a problem for Blackish  West Indians to own anything.  But you are not really Indian if you do not know what part of India you are from. You will not be more Indian if you kill a more Blackish West Indian. When are you going to India to confirm your identity?  You are now only West Indian. That is good!   In either case, genes and ancestry in 2016 is no justification for national, regional and family disintegration due to racial competition for hegemony.  It only takes us backward; not forward.   
