Keep the Cricket Balls. They are a lot of good family fun to benefit the various generations.

This just in... Some West Indians after Malcolm Little and Martin Luther King passed away decided to castrate themselves and send their testes to America with their names on it as suggested by an old lady from Love Family River or "No River " who had no high school.    She is suggesting the men in her culture do it again after an Obama era but they decided it didn't really make any sense it drove people to kill their fathers for not protecting them in that they weren't white but the only thing that threatened them was undue fear and deceit. The old lady's fears had no tangible or factual basis.   They killed the real father and claimed a lighter one, hoping for more.  White association as if killing God fearing Black men in the black community would give a West Indian from a mountainous community or any community more social authority.  Then, they wanted to abuse and kill any men who were younger than they were, adulterate their lives and poison them until they were sterile. They hoped to kill their own sons and, if possible, their Grandsons before they could reproduce another generation. This is called the end result of the authority of deceit vs. the authority of truth. But, no one know why they would cut themselves for loyalty when men with afros were hoping to have a West Indian racial superiority over other Black people with afros. Before and after Martin Luther King, they wanted to have the right to cut off the arm of any boy or person who was darker in hue but who had an afro like they did.   What do American personalities have  to do with West Indian Testes in the West Indies !?! They preach and teach civil rights, human rights and human equality! It was never mandatory for Black people to sit in the back of the bus in Boston, New York or Washington. So, who told you to cut yourself and did she ever read all of Exodus?
