Your Kama/Song of Solomon suitable man.

Your Kama/Song of Solomon suitable man takes a little ginseng or a little beet root not to have an ego but to love his wife or girlfriend with some humble, ancient wisdom. He takes these humble roots to love as you ought to be loved. Do not get angry or fearful and think that he is not getting excited for you because he is but the question is humility.  So don't dip the ginger in toilet bowl cleaner and then dry it so that he will not notice just so that you can test if he really loves you. He does.  Do not dip the beet root in your grandfather's foot diseased saliva that you save as a way to feel close to that patriarchal figure. Then, you want to accuse your faithful man of cheating when you get foot disease.  Also, do not put toilet bowl water on your legs before he shows up because it will feel as if you adulterated yourself. Your mother may have told  you that it is a test of whether or not he is really strong but God says He programmed His male creation to run from disease or any sense of adulteration. Stop being a solo delight to  no one but yourself and be a wife to someone.
