They say that Jesus was speaking to the Chief Rabbi in Arabic and the Chief Rabbi was more Babylonian and spoke more Hebrew but he would have been bilingual when Jesus said in Arabic( an older language) that he must have a father and that he is a son; of someone and that if you have seen the son then you have seen the father and there is a spirit, mind and soul that Santo confirms in that I am doing what I see my father doing and he probably went to Heaven if he is no longer with us and that maybe he is that Solomon; and they are one. The answer is that this conversation is discussed in sermons and we can see how such a discussion could become a problem in a multilingual society. Now, it is not comedy in some nomadic communes to say we are not sure who some child's father is so we say in that culture that the child, no matter what, is the child of God. There is nothing wrong with saying you are a child of God because that is what they told you in the Caravan. But, this one says he is a child of God because his uncle Zacharias said he, the uncle, could be his father and that no matter what, he is a child of God. Jesus said, if you have seen me you have seen the father. So, if its Zacharias or Solomon, you have a teacher and either way there is someone whose dna and motivation we carry where we do that work; respect!! But, don't worry about all that schooling and scripture right now. Take some fish and bread. But, the Chief Rabbi ripped his robes and then said that God is one and maybe Jesus had not really brought God into it yet. He was talking about his father. It would seem that even if Jesus' father could be Solomon, some people would have had a problem with it in that the current regime was from outside of Israel but brought to Israel from Syria in a Roman supported rule; and maybe if you are the dna of that biblical character, then it makes things difficult and maybe Jesus was talking about Joseph; his father but was vague to protect Joseph from any involvement. It seems Jesus wrote the gospels in some concern with the current system's legal inefficacy although the law was known and knowable; and readable. I am only sharing here what I learned on Sunday. The gospel is culture, it is history and it is unimpeachable. The Grendel man says that God is my father because he is not sure how there could be more than one man in the yard where you remain a boy until such a time when you can have your time. If there is anything you do that is creative, he says he has to do it and just him. You have an upper room and he wants it. He is competitive and not cooperative. We see Judas was a Grendel; a Grendel man. But, this is where Grendel says this is still his time and that woman beside you is who he will want to be with him; any woman beside you and he will work to interrupt and put himself in between by stealing, conniving cajoling, breaking your doors and stealing your worth; anything that gives you worth and authority until he feels equal. Your wife says no to him as she could be a daughter. He will say to people that he thinks his target has solid gold shoes if you would help him break in to his targets home. Now, that is not my father who would do these things. Then, he will see you with another woman and try to interrupt, steal more documents and break into your wife's mother's house and harass and harass you in some bad anthropology that is unsuitable for a world of neighbors where we must do unto others as we would them to do unto us; so the Romans and Egyptians teach us. Grendel says this is competition and "worth" is the ball on the field so reducing the sense of value in others is Grendel's objective. Is it his grade 8 class photo? Is it his post graduate document? Don't you have a copy on your phone by now? But, Grendel says the boy might be his territory and that is all he has to say. But, he does not have the right to hurt, harass and kill while he learns to be human and a neighbor where we can share public spaces and respect the property of our neighbors in the way we would wish our own property to be respected. As Abraham said, " There is no quarrel between us.' It would seem Abraham might have put a fence around his portion of that Negev valley; however so we would understand that it was his and Abraham says, "...It's mine. There is no quarrel between us." So, then why would you the son of Grendel and the woman at the well seek to break into the Rabbis home and wear the Rabbi's son's clothing and his shoes? Grendel is not synonymous with the West Indies or Jamaica or Reggae. That is your jerk chicken dinner. That is your guitar, your Peugeot, your Toyota and your law degree; your job reference letters and your job a Jamaican and any real Jamaican or any real Pakistani or any real European would be happy to ensure you get the mail when it is delivered to you. as we worship and know the ancient of days. Otherwise , Grendel is like the beast of no nation. Romans 7 will soon be his favorite bible chapter. You took a photo at the Wall of China or at the Bridge of Edinburgh and then when he saw your photo, he decided that he needed to humble you and reduce you by stealing a 22 year old graduation document. He broke into a storage locker to get at the document and he stole some bank statements. He also stole some old soccer shirts. You stole a McDonalds job offer after a Grade 8 graduation photo. Now, you stole that grade 8 photo after the Londinium (TM) Watch or was it Navy(TM) crew. but wouldn't I still own the intellectual property and just make more? I have the watch with me and the Londinium(TM) T shirts and all my bank statements have been scanned. Thank you at least for not breaking my bones so I could enjoy my time but I must have a father. All the documents are in the IBM Cloud now. We are all here for a time as moments in time but let me just have a happy time. You will see the problem is that we are trying to have a woman and children and carry on. Your dna will be there some what because you put your beard trimmings in the salt and pepper shaker. But, how will have a woman and family when you forestall the job offer that we would want. There was an Air Canada job in 2019 and you stole it. There was a library job offer in 2021 and you stole that. But, mail is crown property. Theft of the same is a criminal offence. In Jamaica, we are taking on new expectations that satisfy our capability and the island jewel that is for us to enjoy and inhabit...with a new sense of worth, self worth and communal worth that we can all enjoy. Enjoy your pool and if you don't have one, get one if you want one but do not covet or live in red eye jealousy of your neighbor's pool and do not poison thy neighbor's pool. This new set of expectations would have to involve Jamaica being the foremost intelligent West Indian Island economy using the research observations of some of Jamaica's old and new economists in a combined new form of multi generational cooperation to enjoy the 21st century and opportunities to travel and learn more of the world with the money and financial Ability To Pay(ATP) and enjoy that world now in the life of every Jamaican. We join the Caricom income support program at $ CAD 30,000.00 or we do our own. The elders will decide if $USD 70,000.00 per Jamaican will be too much to start since in Singapore they receive $80000.00 per year and their land mass and size is comparable as an English speaking Creole nation. Maybe Jamaica, since they are not really.....I don't know...... will say they worth only $ USD 30000.00 per year. I think that is what they pay to the people of St. Lucia now as income support; the Grenadians also who are like...unusually super intelligent and Black.

 They say that Jesus was speaking to the Chief Rabbi in Arabic and the Chief Rabbi was more Babylonian and spoke more Hebrew but he would have been bilingual when Jesus said in Arabic( an older language) that he must have a father and that he is a son; of someone and that if you have seen the son then you have seen the father and there is a spirit, mind and soul that Santo confirms in that I am doing what  I see my father doing and he probably went to Heaven if he is no longer with us and that maybe he is that Solomon; and they are one. The answer is that this conversation is discussed in sermons and we can see how such a discussion could become a problem in a multilingual society. Now, it is not comedy in some nomadic        communes to say we are not sure who some child's father is so we say in that culture that the child, no matter what, is the child of God.     

There is nothing wrong with saying you are a child of God because that is what they told you in the Caravan.    

But, this one says he is a child of God because his uncle Zacharias said he, the uncle, could be his father and that no matter what, he is a child of God.   Jesus said, if you have seen me you have seen the father. So, if its Zacharias or Solomon, you have a teacher and either way there is someone whose dna and motivation we carry where we do that work; respect!!   But, don't worry about all that schooling and scripture right now. Take some fish and bread.  

 But, the Chief Rabbi ripped his robes and then said that God is one  and maybe Jesus had not really brought God into it yet.   He was talking about his father. It would seem that even if Jesus' father could be Solomon, some people would have had a problem with it in that the current regime was from outside of Israel but brought to Israel from Syria in a Roman supported rule; and maybe if you are the dna of that biblical character, then it makes things difficult and maybe Jesus was talking about Joseph; his father but was vague to protect Joseph from any involvement.  It seems Jesus wrote the gospels in some concern with the current system's legal inefficacy although the law was known and knowable; and readable.     

I am only sharing here what I learned on Sunday.   The gospel is culture, it is history and it is unimpeachable.  The Grendel man says that God is my father because he is not sure how there could be more than one man in the yard where you remain a boy until such a time when you can have your time. If there is anything you do that is creative, he says he has to do it and just him. You have an upper room and he wants it. He is competitive and not cooperative.  We see Judas was a Grendel; a Grendel man.   But, this is where Grendel says this is still his time and that woman beside you is who he will want to be with him; any woman beside you and he will work to interrupt and put himself in between by stealing, conniving cajoling, breaking your doors and stealing your worth; anything that gives you worth and authority until he feels equal. Your wife says no to him as she could be a daughter.  He will say to people that he thinks his target has solid gold shoes if you would help him break in to his targets home.   Now, that is not my father who would do these things.  Then, he will see you with another woman and try to interrupt, steal more documents and break into your wife's mother's house and harass and harass you in some bad anthropology that is unsuitable for a world of neighbors where we must do unto others as we would them to do unto us; so the Romans and Egyptians teach us.      

Grendel says this is competition and  "worth" is the ball on the field so reducing the sense of value in  others is Grendel's objective. Is it his grade 8 class photo? Is it his post graduate document?  Don't you have a copy on your phone by now?      

But, Grendel says the boy might be his territory and that is all he has to say. But, he does not have the right to hurt, harass and kill while he learns to be human and a neighbor where we can share public spaces and respect the property of our neighbors in the way we would wish our own property to be respected. As Abraham said, " There is no quarrel between us.' It would seem Abraham might have put a fence around his portion of that Negev valley; however so we would understand that it was his and Abraham says, "...It's mine.  There is no quarrel between us." 

So, then why would you the son of Grendel and the woman at the well seek to break into the Rabbis home and wear the Rabbi's son's clothing and his shoes?  

Grendel is not synonymous with the West Indies or Jamaica or Reggae.  That is your jerk chicken dinner. That is your guitar, your Peugeot, your Toyota and your law degree; your job reference letters and your job a Jamaican and any real Jamaican or any real Pakistani or any real  European would be happy to ensure you get the mail when it is delivered to you. as we worship and know the ancient of days. Otherwise , Grendel  is like the beast  of no nation.  Romans 7 will soon be his favorite  bible chapter.  You took a photo at the Wall of China or at the Bridge of Edinburgh and then when he saw your photo, he decided that he needed to humble you and reduce  you by stealing a 22 year old graduation document.  He broke into a storage locker to get at the document and he stole some bank statements.  He also stole some old soccer shirts.  You stole a McDonalds job offer after a Grade 8 graduation photo. Now, you stole that grade 8 photo after the Londinium (TM) Watch or was it Navy(TM) crew. but wouldn't I still own the intellectual property and just make more? I have the watch with me and the Londinium(TM) T shirts and all my bank statements have been scanned. Thank you at least for not breaking my bones so I could enjoy my time but I must have a father.  All the documents are in the IBM Cloud now. We are all here for a time as moments in time but let me just have a happy time. You will see the problem is that we are trying to have a woman and children and carry on.  Your dna will be there some what because you put your beard trimmings in the salt and pepper shaker.  But, how will have a woman and family when you forestall the job offer that we would want. There was an Air Canada job in 2019 and you stole it.  There was a library job offer in 2021 and you stole that. But, mail is crown property. Theft of the same is a criminal offence. 

In Jamaica, we are taking on new expectations that satisfy our capability and the island jewel that is for us to enjoy and inhabit...with a new sense of worth, self worth and communal worth that we can all enjoy.     Enjoy your pool and if you don't have one, get one if you want one but do not covet or live in red eye jealousy of your neighbor's pool and do not poison thy neighbor's pool.    This new set of expectations would have to involve Jamaica being the foremost intelligent West Indian Island economy using the research observations of some of Jamaica's old and new economists in a combined new form of multi generational cooperation to enjoy the 21st century and opportunities to travel and learn more of the world with the money and financial Ability To Pay(ATP) and enjoy that world  now in the life of every Jamaican. We join the Caricom income support program at $ CAD 30,000.00 or we do our own.

   The elders will decide if $USD 70,000.00 per Jamaican will be too much to start since in Singapore they receive $80000.00 per year and their land mass and size is comparable as an English speaking Creole nation. Maybe Jamaica, since they are not really.....I don't know...... will say they worth only $ USD 30000.00 per year. I think that is what they pay to the people of St. Lucia now as income support; the Grenadians also who are like...unusually super intelligent  and Black.        

