Since the mid 1500's you have one geographical location and many genetic inputs. So, what do you do? You have to have unity.   But, certain things will continue to happen if we don't repent as in needing a sacrifice every Easter; someone does not agree with "helping" an old lady or man; someone who does not accept the "orphan culture" that makes everybody equal.   With this culture and all the "wedding", you are sure you had a child and chose to raise one so that you can tell your child who could be someone else's child that you brought them into this world and that you will treat them with less humanity and civility than you wish for yourself.   Is it his respect for the Asian dna, European dna or the African dna that you resent because you don't seem to know enough about any of them to allow your dna to live although you say he or she is a brilliant soul. Maybe it's this; that you seek the authority that comes with a maturity in faith but you do not have the maturity but you want to feel the authority above others. So, you hope to do the devil's work in believing,  working and breathing negativity to ensure that you feel "above" other believers by condemning, killing and stealing anything that would affect them so that you would feel more comparative authority.  Why don't you tell them what you are doing before and after you call to pray? It is beautiful.  This is what we want to see in certain roles with the authority although humanity will always have its capabilities in many colors, shapes and sizes. Dunce with with joker makeup may not know the answer with or without school but functional will know.   But, because the old lady resented the English so much, they followed the French creole even if it means cutting off your nose to spite your face for the make up since, no matter what, you are always officially English.   So, why bother going because for us, beauty is the answer.  It is the answer.  This worked until mirrors became readily available in the 1900's since no one can stand a beautiful idiot or cretin as beauty does not give you the authority to kill or rob people. The church and nor does society tolerate such hubris and anarchy based on appearance alone.   If you do, you will go to jail.   It's what we want or as much as possible whatever it may be that approximates our various criteria for beauty because it is for the authority.  The end of every war brings legislation for peace. If the old lady repents and forgives, she won't need a war but she is asking for legislation and it is believed that she will accept peace. So, we could just write the legislation and end the conflicts since the cost of war is 1/4 the cost of any new deal. The old lady might get greedy as she lives as an illogical variable of bitterness that she should be the owner of a palace from birth as she imagines it, but we will have to give the money to people electronically before takes the payments sent by mail and claims she countersigned the cheques for 10 retirees whose clothing she stole to ensure she was close enough to feel legitimate. This was before she killed them with the help so that they would have more so that they would have a Versailles? But, who taught the old lady these things in 1899. How did she come to exist?   Was she the daughter of the old deacon and church lady who were thrown off the ship and into the Atlantic for protesting the lack of  courtesy for their daughter's betrothal?  The daughter became an orphan and an arbiter and student of this new culture on the way to and in paradise in these or those exciting and  austere times.  The Ship Captain would take half or say that they had to abandon the supplies due to  a storm, demanding that they send more.  The new orphan girl, in light of this terrorism, learned a valuable lesson that became part of her dna.  The people on the ship who threw parishioners over board for what seemed like the parishioners attempt to take authority had to see if everyone on the ship was paying attention and read the new ship manifest or is it the "black out" manifesto?                    

You must know those special people who kill anyone who feels too far away from their purview on the world and their lack of education because the graduate went to school and took his exam while the determined owner of his own opinion who is special were too white( Too white?; but you have an afro and no one is arguing while every Cuban goes to school) to bother paying attending class and who simply bought the association. They have to certainly die and be maimed if they went to school in the U.S., Canada or Europe since it is just foreign. Is Cuba too foreign?
  When in other countries, we will tell McDonalds to put their burgers on a napkin so they will feel closer to us.  There is a tendency to also attempt to have your "will" or feeling on the issue accepted above and beyond the legislated direction or above the will of the authority who already expressed his or her will and intention on a particular matter. Do you know anyone with this incessant tendency? It seems that this is due to the fact that in the most important and sanctimonious aspects of one's private life or experience, the culture teaches you that your will and feeling on issues involving clothing, taste and touch or other more private matters will be ignored. One way to address this is to seek to institute your will and choice above the authorities decree and direction. I don't think anyone has enough insight to perceive this for its obvious rebellion and sometimes it can be quite sad. In some individual's minds, it is a method of overcoming and showing your own version of authority. It could be seen as just annoying, childish rebellion; in fact. Then, there is Assimo. Assimo does what he is told for free. He could be head fire chief some day once they make him certainly more water proof and fire proof. You never know. Then, there are those individuals who ask for favor in a Judeo Christian world that includes certainly finance with the favor but, as a private citizen, they desire to be able to kill people on their whim and fancy in being able to decide who can be just thrown away. There are those who, after a friend or family member graduates from high school, they decide to express their fears of being dissociated from the graduate but the expression of fear is in the reverse, usually devaluing, hurting and demeaning the graduate. But, these individuals had expressed their support. Why would the friends and family members live by such a fear and what are they doing in their lives that they would fear this dissociation? Then, there are parents who will attend a church with their children once a week. A member of the church shows the children some kindness or support for school. The children had a good week but the night before next week's service demonstrates an unusual discipline as levied by the parent that brought tears and visual whelps on the children's arms or legs. At service, the parents demonstrate their authority over the children with public discipline. No body helps but it is obvious as to what is going on. The parent tells the children that people will be nice to you but that nobody will help you and this is how you know your parent. It is the one who can kill you, maim you and beat you in broad daylight where nobody will help. The person who was nice to you turns their back and won't be taking you home with them. The parent is the one who beats you in public and gets away with it. Our expectation in and of other cultures that feed into this culture is that it is for a parent to help when discipline is shown and the results indicate that the studies were diligent with the time spent selflessly with the family in mind. Then there were those who came from the outer reaches or outlying reaches of the kingdoms. They lived with families as children to whom they were born in places such as Hyderabad but they could not take scolding very much for failing in sweeping the floors to satisfy the father. They would eventually decide to put some caustic soda used to clean the floors and other utensils in the family soup or the special sauce for the naan. So, they would be orphaned for trying to kill their parents and family. They could not accept discipline. They did not like education. It took some scolding, emotional malleability and discipline to be submitted to get the sweeping right. Parents can try to be reasonable with discipline but no child should think of killing their parents. Reasonable Chastisement is..LOVE! The children may have survived long enough afterwards to find the grace of some organization working through the empire that would just pick them up where they had been beaten on the road by any passersby.  If you did not beat them, they would follow you, try to hold on to your leg and would chant "beg" to you until you did.  If you helped them, they would kill your entire family either before or after they left the home as they work to isolate each member and make them vulnerable.  They steal your clothing and want to hold on to your little possessions. From this background, it may have become genetic to curse a Christian or anyone who helps you since you resent it; being helped. Tu ne comprend  pas reconaissant.   They would ship them to another outlying region that began as a penal colony and as new settlements for cash crop farming; places in the West Indies. The children would work and attempt to survive in groups during the travel. They were orphans and had to find a family or live as orphans. They would sometimes feel compelled to subsume the identities and property of anyone who would show them a little kindness; like a Christian would. After they emigrated to Ontario and got free housing after three generations of terrorist behavior in the West Indian colonies, they did not have any need to do this to people again any where in the world unless they had university education and were Christian. The Christian; they try to seem soo genuine; the orphans would say. They are genuine. Don't they acknowledge themselves as saved wretches? They do. But, the die hard Christian will always help although the orphan will say he does not work for free. In the jobs, the orphans would beg, borrow and steal and would suggest their own answer on questions of ownership, hoping to take something for themselves or for one of their compatriots. They did not have established families with funny Scottish names and the big boned bodies and mulatto, mixed race Euro skin; at least not right away. That would come later on when they would breed to ensure their social viability with orphanages to incubate their gametes with a post WW II German SS or Nazi new arrival who asked for help ( "Help me and I will help you before the civil rights come to the West Indies as I am White and can cash anything. Look. I have half a gold bar! Hide me until I can get a few nice trousers. You sow or you know someone. I will be designing a Bermuda Triangle to capture ships and take wealth for everyone here; those English.") Somehow, this behavior becomes a culture since it is passed down as "this is just how it is" for the excitement, the mission impossible, to take it since it seems the owner does not seem very sure that he or she is the person named on the package or the notice if he ever got the notice since someone smudged one letter on the sender's receipt or the phone number looks a little different with the post lady's bi-focals although it is the same number and correct address; to say "How do I know it's really you?" So, maybe you will come to the post office with the police and then you get the package and to get the police to show up or a pastor, you would have to have enough high school attendance in a God fearing country being submitted to a White or White West Indian Baptist or Seventh Day Adventist teacher who decided you were good enough for life.
This is just a portal of incivility that eventually takes over arcane jobs and the simple mechanics of civil administration at the post office and at distribution centres but never a bank. This was the big bang that caused monetary system failures in the U.S. and also the West Indies because of the uncertainties. They don't know where it is today but they are sure they will find it although she already took it home to look at it and cash it for herself to say she is related to the sender.
People don't live in such places for very long as they yearn for San Claus, wherever he may be, who wants his elves to be respected not only in parcelville where San Claus lives but at the red letter post office where they work all over the world by order of the royal law celebrated by the English and French too that says treat others as you wish to be treated since San Claus addressed the package correctly but there was an "orphan culture" post office employee in that outlying region who supported the newly formed Orphan culture/Pirate culture of collateral damage in colonial administration.
They also want excitement.  They attend Sunday school and learn to love the power of Potiphar. She feels like that witch that didn't really exist and who they mention in the Sunday school who they said lived at Rose Fall; a fiction. The young lady orphan grew up after getting a family and cooked but she always used a little cleaning powder in the chicken batter since they made her clean. This is so that they would all be equal; some of them dead. You would be walking down that old colonial street in the outlying region with tropical climes in the 1900's and there she is; a racially mixed woman after helping the father in her new family. He was a little darker and would say "Help it. You will be good." She certainly was very good and learned how to offer to feel secure wherever she may be but also very bitter in the end. But, when he sensed bitterness, he would promise part ownership in the home with the other children. He was at times insecure with his 1/4 blackish wife who got a lot of attention and this orphan buttressed his manhood. His self-buttressing orphan philanthropy added to the insecurity in the family. She, the "Orphan Culture" girl, worked to ensure an increased share with additional cleaning powder.   She saw her love from the orphanage with whom she used to spend time before they found families. They made vows and were a couple. Two days after the vow, someone told her she had a good man and that she should stay with him as man of your old or new ( new in the sense that you didn't have one before) house some day. At that very moment, she decided to accuse him of cheating since he was now in the role of future father and new husband. She had to reduce him since it was a position of authority. She did not see her role as such a position. Shortly after that, she showed up at his school with a cut on her face and said "..look at what he did" and then she walked out. She wanted acknowledgement since she was afraid of rejection and that he might dissociate after graduation and possibly some options for a little cash on the side since men, she believed, are all the same. This fear of being left would not have been occasioned except for the covenant that said they were family; a concept that is very unfamiliar to an orphan like her who is always afraid of being left, rejected or left behind since they don't sweep, iron or clean good enough in their self-rejected and negative self perception( the demon with self hatred that they are ) and are afraid to do anything in public as it may lead to that experience of failure and rejection. They say often "..Nothing I do is ever good enough", and they are right since they spend more time screwing things up to see if they are loved or if they will be rejected as they fear. The fear has become genetic and has taken over the entire world. As such, communism or re-distributive capitalism would kill the fear or rejection with some guaranteed work placements and a reasonable income.  No one needs to worry about a head cook since the head cook is the only one who is in his role to fear execution, not promotion, if the food is poisoned. It's not a promotion but a licence to kill any smaller cooks who will risk his life with caustic soda if they don't like how the head cook is looking at them. As such, education is resented only in a world where people are so "broken antler" and there are too many of them in spite of free education in the year 2012 where they fear someone might get a promotion for "sweeping the floor" satisfactorily as if a clean floor with a thorough and good accountability report is only threatening their broken ego. But, there is no promotion just because someone has education. Everybody is just a worker in redistributive capitalism without promotion but at least they have a reasonable outlook if they treat others as they wish to be treated and their fragile emotions are assuaged. You get a Lada, or Honda, DKW or an Olds and a unit with your own washer and dryer. You buy cable tv, some food and go back to work. Nobody gets a promotion or an employee award but they may get responsibility due to their acumen and efficiency since everything is based on merit. However, this responsibility carries the fear of being shot by the secret police and being thrown away like refuse. But, we don't really need secret police since everybody should be happy by now with a guaranteed $40,000.00 after graduation and a job placement( some where to go and do some work) such that living is your job so that you can consume. If you are wasteful in your placement, then they throw you away since you are taking from society but not helping and then you get involved in technological terrorism in a certain and factious element of an admittedly whitish immigrant community, thinking that if your neighbor is dead or if that graduate from the old world at the University of Florida is dead, then there is more for you. But, nothing is perfect and someone has to be responsible. Every High school graduate gets a job or any natural born citizen and the country recoups its gdp on the cost of education per student. A place in the grad class on graduation day is a place as a viable worker. The country's investment continues in the same people who are loved and protected from the age of 4 to 18 as students. But, now it's protection from 4 to 80 if you graduate from high school and then your body will be used as food since people want to feel victory over the foreigner or...someone who I imagine as a foreigner since my grand dad looked really black but my mother was mixed and her husband was white and I am 1/4 black but look like the average American WW2 GI who got shot up during unusual daytime raids at Normandy on D day in front of extensive machine gun batteries. It's the same boy at 4 who becomes a worker boy. There is nothing wrong with avoiding wasted gdp. The benefit to the companies is that they save on wages and if you want more, you can start a rock band or a sexy patisserie called "It's ok!" You can franchise the band and the patisserie that constitutes your intellectual property. This is what Marx said as consuming and profit is guaranteed. Coffee shop franchiser will get the big luxo vehicle or the law graduate who starts off with something less luxurious but old and effective for transit only like an 11 year old Audi known for its reliability at any age if there is a society that has rules to prevent childish "Orphan culture" anarchy that began in the West Indian, outlying regions. The currency goes up. This is the ethos. Then, you hire anyone else already naturalized in your borders before you seek new arrivals. A racialised job force to please the newly projected "image" handed down by the fuhrer is wasteful; a D economically if it happens anywhere in the world and just basic resentment of the more advanced and less emotional economies. Do you see? Every child that is born does not necessarily live beyond two months so why should anyone steal from a living soul? Everybody may be an orphan but they are also a child of a will that says they are just as fortunate as you to live. Look at his face. It has a cut. So, after running into her betrothed on the road in 1900 in that tropical site of urbanity she shouted "He did!" or "He looked!" hoping that people, white people, would run after him to beat him so that she and they( those with whom she "helped it") could have some attention and excitement( since orphans did not get a lot of mothering and attention as children). If they did run after him and if the police would follow their deceit, she would know that her and her son were white enough and also they would have some tremendous excitement and yes; most importantly some attention. She would be a Queen. She had a son( an orphan from the orphanage) because she was told by some other old lady that she needed to have sex with the biggest to be a Queen if she was about to loose her virginity to her betrothed but she was never really a virgin and cheated on her vows just to respect it; the culture. The boy was an orphan. The biggest wasn't the biggest but just someone who was a victim of sexual abuse with the old lady since the biggest is a mule in a barn. The old lady knows. She became diseased for life and also pregnant. The biggest had the donkey disease from the old lady. This explains her boy with disease from birth who she could not afford to educate and who cannot leave her since she is his only passport to the pirate's cove. The disease made a wedding difficult you see. Also, let us see that if we are white enough, we do not need the common education. Who would spend money on it? We will donate to the principal and he will put our children on the paper. This is what the English did or so we imagine it since who could really graduate since the papers are sent to England for marking? It has to be just money. They will also steal children from other families who are known for their hard work and use them to promote the eunuch son's image of success and prowess; that all is well with sufficient social authority to steal and sell the Taj Mahal and the Eiffel Tower back to the same families that either own them or built them. They will not let the children of other families go and nor will they help them truthfully since they were to be used. They really hate it and must also tell Europe by hampering any children in any generation that get too close to Europe before the "orphan culture" goes back to Africa or Hyderabad since everyone must move in a group that they might be equal. The blacker people have a racial addiction that says they will only use, in their own way, anybody who is a few shades lighter by virtue of the genetic lottery. They use him for dna and for his old world essays. It doesn't really matter if you have the same mother or father. Since we have to "win free" as Orphans. But, it is hatred and murder that orphans you in the beginning. That's why you resent genetically the safety of the word of God and you refuse to repent. You would prefer to advocate sex for cash. Some of the stolen children of the families that had more land than the average were to be used for education and some for sex as a statement of the orphans arrival and as a statement to the families that the old lady and other orphans joined in a previous generation, accusing them that this is what the families do to the orphan. This is what they yearn to feel again for the sense of approval, honor and the excitement that they can kill a man on the street for no accusation or maybe a false accusation( "I will accuse you!") that says he is at their home's front door. Did the old lady give you a book with some pages missing? She handed out the missing pages to a few people who would get to know you with the association. The book; it's not an heirloom. It was actually a book her son stole from the racket club where they have lots of rackets. Do you know Wilson; Wilson rackets or Head? He used to spend time in the court all day and was a Judge for the tournaments. Are you not entertained? He seeks to entertain us since everybody, they say, is an orphan in the modern age circa 1900 and beyond regardless of color and wants to kill their parents, in particular the father, for being scolded or because they won't buy enough fruit loops. Entertain us. I disagree. Don't you? It is because you are not an orphan but the "culture" certainly is an orphan of cultures. It is just a bastard with too many inputs, intentions and variables and nobody knows when the "order" that everyone desires will be on the official menu so that the whole entire population could order it for three square meals a day and some good roads and lot's of fun shopping so that we can approach the image as best as our remediable physical imperfections will allow; just too full or too beautiful for Hollywood but they have a cousin who could help it if you understand. This is why you must know where you come from (hugs, hugs, hugs with a kiss at the corner of the lips and "..So what are you doing now?; Excellent! Good. Great Great.") and if you don't send money, you are dead although she took all of your grandfather's lands as an orphan in the blender of orphan culture and racial addiction where nothing really matters but how I feel and we make the white West Indian people follow it too who realized faith and believed with the biggest family bible that "one day" we would see Megiddo fulfilled( google Megiddo 1918) since we have to move and steal as a group; hence the rat virus to keep all of the orphan's close but now everybody is an orphan and if you read the bible too much and feel like you know who you are, the orphans will knock you down, knock you down since what orphan tells anybody that they are waiting for a husband before they have sex as if they have lineage and anyone to give them away in the church? Well, you might but how does that make an orphan feel if you say no? You risk making him feel rejected so everybody has to join the orphan since they are the majority in the democracy or else we will drug you and use you until the orphan feels equal. You must understand. You get the point. This is not easy to be rejected as an orphan nation after 1962 since it just ripped the band-aid off of what was really going on and how people feel. But, never mind. They will soon give everyone who is a citizen in requirement $8000.00 per annum at zero tax and a unit (small apartment) in the cash crop Islands.  The $8000.00 usd will be used to pay the maintenance at $200.00 per month and the rest is used to consume.  The beach is big enough but everybody enjoy the bus and take a good electric big vespa to seat two.  Is that you?  You stay tax free with the fruit you sell up to $16,000.00.  If you work in the tourist industry or the road works, then you get good cash tips in addition to salaries staying tax free up to $16,000.00. In addition to the $8000.00 in the citizen requirement, there is a unit in a building provided with $ 20000.00 "LoveJehovahMD" per month maintenance that includes water and electricity.  Everybody will work to maintain the Island with a government service called ISLAND WORKS or another service such as ISLAND TOURISM (if your natural aptitude is music, water sports or cooking) if they are not working with a private company. You do not have to raise taxes for income necessarily but create participants since you have people who are existing and who can work but who are not recognized.  The average salaries you will receive will be $8000.00 for road works, tourism and fruit selling will be $8000.00. Airport maintenance and works will also be included and you get the unit.  If you get tips, you get tips.  Everybody will be given a job to do in some industry including the road works to end all pot holes so that creole/Indian, creole/Chinese men and creole/white men, creole/black men who are all  Brit Milah men in addition to the other Brit Milah men who could ensure their culture is unmuted around the world (now almost extinct or maybe they are hiding in a bosom and if this was not so we would have good food) can sit at the table of brotherhood on the side of the smooth road surface of all communities and if you do not have your tax card, you will have to line up at the registration centre where you will be getting a unit and a card to be numerated.  Nobody minds who write the vision or the policy or who gets to take the photo and say cheese for the honor. I don't mind but everybody has one identity called Happy Islander that could be a Happier Islander but you don't need to throw anyone away for believing what you told them about working twice as hard and some were told to say " I am a King."  We know you are cheering for Ussain but too many people have not had a tax card for more than 3 generations.  But, we know you cheer for Ussain so let's get together and say "your love mon";  not "no worries mon."  The units of only three hundred square feet with shower washroom and kitchen with bed areas come first and then the line ups to fill them with the people.  The people will arrive at a make shift processing centre at an old football field and then will be directed to a building with the details of their assigned unit. The people in the hills who have not been numerated with their tax id will be directed to go to the processing centre at the football field in their area(open from 9-5pm like Pattie Delight). There will be Terrace buildings built in the hills on the mountain sides.  All buildings, fully government owned will be designed for this purpose or that will be renovated must be built  for construction specifications that satisfy 200 years of use and occupancy in tropical climates.  Every now and again, you can just change the sinks and the doors. Think Muji functional and concrete where it will always look good with some new paint and a Moen faucet if you need updating.   There are some choice old buildings in choice locations that can be used to test this new revitalization program and people will work.   They will have special bank cards made available for shopping and all of their banking needs that will be made available at the same processing centres two weeks after moving in.  The banking packages will be provided by NCB and some other local service.  The buildings will have Island CO-Op mini super markets that will feature only local produce and local manufactured products like the oats company; you know who. The buildings will have dining or social halls that will also be used for industry education on an on-going basis with language training in French and Spanish after a basic English refresher that is mandatory for everyone, enabling everyone to digest the average Sun or NY Times article although everybody confidently speaks at minimum 90% english(patmois) but they should be able to read it as well at 90% minimum most certainly with all submissiveness and obeisance my Lord; so big up!!  The buildings will also have dental clinics and medical clinics on a new universal and dental care system that will be island for all health services.  The law of averages says the average dentist and doctor will be wealthier on this swipe card government system with more patients.   The anthropological and secret drug trials will compensate the government who will sell the information to international NGOs and other bodies.  The hall will also be used for the Maroon arranged weddings that they used to have in the old days and in the old ways.  Did you know there are Maroons in Guyana although they are hard to recognize now that they have Indian dna?  People will show up from Official Island Industry services and tell you how to touch a tourist's hand and tell them they have the gift of helps while you take tips at the hotels, sell fruit or assemble Samsung electric self-charging, regenerative mopeds that run on a Dyson cyclone engine or assemble Samsung dishwashers. After becoming married, you will get two units located side by side.  All the units will have a connecting steel shutter or Garage-type noise insulated door that is only three feet wide but the door will be removed and then you have to deal with it.  


There is only so much available Playa Blanca or beach front. The population of the Island exceeds the available beach front that the entire population can own.   So, some people will have to seek greener pasture abroad.  So, why bother to chase them and those who obtain education abroad  to bring them back to the Island to tell them it's all about the authority?  You encourage them to go and then you kill them, saying "He's rude. Who are you to feel authority?  I will throw out the job offers or I will pretend my Asian father taught me a game..that you need to be able to feel $10,000.00 in a garbage bin in the bathroom in your house and I will place the job offer there although I never met my father and nor did he teach me anything like this but it is for me to say that I think intelligence is only feeling and not submitting with study to a syllabus that you receive 8 months or more in advance of the exam."  You need a viable foreign trained population that can celebrate the culture abroad and buy one of those new condos in your island or one of the older ones sitting empty. How many ex pats live in Chile now?  The education is not authority. It is a profession and capability.  You encourage them to go and then you kill them as if they are a threat to your national identity or to the ego that keeps killing and is never satisfied.    So,  it could be because the "Orphan culture" boy and woman need attention so if you love your dog as a three year old, she will kill it if you tell her that you love the puppy because she will be jealous and scowl as you cry for the puppy since orphans don't have love they only have...THE BUSINESS of the booty in the Pirate's cove or it's just business as "we" go up since the orphan culture must move in a group. How can you love anything? Why does God get the money in the orphaning( usually known as the offering plate) plate on Sunday? She resents it. If things get too organised or European although I love a good San Claus, there is no grey or "black out" area for us to maneuver.  The virtue of the empire and its ability to multiply was it's efficient administration. This is where the orphan lady chopped with her machete and all she does is yearn for them to come back. It is the administration that makes commerce grow in any world or any galaxy.  Beware of the Orphan culture.  You shouldn't tell anyone that you love anything and this includes a vehicle and nor should you feel like it since the orphan female in particular might be jealous of the appreciation. But, "after all" girl school every female is an orphan since everybody had to feel equal. So, smoke as you do.  But, never mind, you have a family if no where else but in the Lord. Did your father tell you the other boy in the class was his real son, that you were an orphan and that you had to work really hard to keep your place at the dinner table?  We pray for the old man who follows this  "orphan culture" evil in broad daylight in Maine some how and four people have not shot him at a traffic light for his disobedience as he says he has a right to beat and maim his non-adult and adult children since someone killed his puppy when he was a boy so that he would not be happy and love and he never forgave it but had to hold on to his father to honor him and for identity.  You are not crazy to wait for a husband. You will have a stand-in white father in the church. His 1/4 black white wife in the old days would have told him to use you on the wedding night because they don't want anyone to think you are really theirs with the cut he will put on the back of your neck and so that you would be equal to her and their daughter who know him since they didn't want anyone to feel too whole on the wedding day or is it regal but just certainly used enough in the year 1998. Look at them sitting in a restaurant in the square mile as they discuss their happy future and my 1/2 cousins who walk passed are upset that they feel educated since we think high school should be good enough for a job since we are white but we just resent the fact that they go to school but they have to since they are black and less favored although I'm related or a I fear that I am since I want to be close and talk and ask if you know this or that tropical fruit. Do you know June Plum? You say, "..who is she?" We can't let you get too far away from Hyderabad as we beg for more of Europe and its calm, ecumenical feeling sophistication with Mac lipstick before we go back to Africa secretly in our minds with music and wine and congo drums to pass the time on Friday before Sabbath with an outside congo love that reminds us of our time with half a football team or six fish restaurant waitresses as we imagine ourselves as related to an imaginary witch or as we imagine some other outlying former colonial outpost that is so romantic since, as you know, the white deacon's wife was the adoptive daughter of an orphan old lady or one of them...hmm! It is the lust and failure to repent but you really should stay married. That lusty feeling in the Senorita at the Tosca Concert says that she does not know the purpose for which she was made. She was made for talking, laughing and eating and sleep 23 hours a day with the sexo moments reserved for just about one hour per day; give, receive and take but not give or take. Donde esta marido Senorita? But, do not judge yourself by killing someone who knows nothing about your  open relationship.  Have you seen the movie "What a Way to Go?" The give away father will certainly be a Deacon or a pastor and he will "win truth" with his wife who is related to Sojourner Truth on his father's side; once removed in spite of the Orphan old lady; thank God! He was Whitish and with nickel hydride in his coffee, he was always whiting every day. His daughter was conceived with the seed of a 12 year old black American football player called Treadon Rise because it's hard to live and be thankful when you are just almost there in the genetic lottery as REALLY white so poison and sterilize yourself until you get there. So, anyway, Because of all of this racial addiction and lineage resentment, San Claus is afraid to send too many presents to a place like that in the year 2012 since it is just the law of diminishing returns. Who says you can't change your phone number? Your phone number is not an address and so the old lady at the post office who gave a little to the people in the hills to ensure her protection was eventually identified for killing a lot of white West Indians, white people or the middle class who hoped to receive packages from their families in the mother countries in Europe. They speak two languages more so than the average English person and everybody speaks English in Europe. The first step in EU union is to find parity in not only economics but education and this oversight dates back to the first English government that signed the treaty on Europe. The English were afraid that if they learned French too much they would loose their Englishness and some people in America agree. They used to teach Latin or one of those feeder languages in the free schools after the Education Act 1944 in England but, not after they built a Ford Cortina, ending it's production in 1988. You must understand. So, let's fight it out and watch the bugs Bunny version of Ren and Stempy, learning about the Barber of Seville. So, these Christian Euro English mixed race families with huge family bibles in the Indies set on proving their loyalty in the wars; they were robbed, the homes were abandoned and then the post office orphan lady with a newer and less established family would take it with an "orphan culture" friend of hers at the bank, selling it to another "orphan culture" friend who worked on the docks. 

 But, we have to be able to do better than this. Saruman may have been a fictional 1/4 black character in the old world and very resentful of his winning race card in the genetic lottery. He won because he is alive and has sufficient melanin to survive increased ultra violet light and the effects of nuclear waste. But, Saruman and his racial anger is no excuse. We have to be able to do better than this in a brave new world. His anger does not define us and nor does his prescriptive hedonism. We must increase or see nothing but the big bust. We must forward this generation triumphantly in repentance and forgiveness for the scolding since we don't want to sweep. Why don't we sing? We need to speak life and life more abundantly; not death. I know you want people to just have sex but sex is not a household that can perpetuate the better virtues of our "save and build" maroon culture. But, you can't save and build without Queen fearing or God fearing civic administration that says fair is fair and everybody gets a fair deal with no need for the theft, jealousy, curiosity and greed. We certainly have maroons in every color of the racial spectrum or rainbow. Do you know ni night( 9 night)? Do you know A Nazi...I mean Anansi?   He is a spider with wicked webs that they weave. Anyone who does not agree is a necromancer and the living dead. He is a sickle on the entire population if he thinks he needs to chop off an arm for authority and give the mother 2000.00 in local monies or kill anyone to feel authority with only $5000.00 (usd though- not too bad) compensation to the daughter's mother and father and take the parent's hips since they might get angry and want to come after him. The reason why he is so incessant and obsessed about authority is because he never went to school so that he could imagine himself as being considered white enough and acceptable in that guise but he never submitted to the   authority; as if white people do not go to school everyday in Europe. Well, Saruman did go to school though; the school that says it's not fair that a king does not have to do anything although most people don't think about it. Bring some ice water and some fruit and the dollar will have value tomorrow if the store is open and there is something we can buy with it. If you can't buy anything in a store or trade with people who can buy something in a store, then it's no good. Buy a cow now. A dollar is no good if you can't feed a gut. People are wealth if you focus on the people and in helping the people, image will come. People come first and not vain throws to buttress vain feelings of authority. Image; put the people first and your Image will come. Then we will take some rest before dinner. Ok? There is a two can dine for $9.99 special at the Underground Rail Road. Good Good.  Remember; if you see Maggie telling anyone that she is your mother, let them know that she is a murdering cracked bum orphan from the age of -1. Tell her we say hi and thanks for the pancakes and that we know she killed her some of her family before she emigrated. Do you know her? She lives in "Boca Rotten". Do you know the fruit called Bill Pair? It's huge! Don't forget that the mention of the yellow race rising was a biblical myth. What bible writer could write about race when the concept did not exist until the 18th century? It's time to eat. Bring the local brand of flour and don't mind that there is a little caustic soda or battery acid blended in. A little is in most of the food.  This way, everyone has an alibi if the one on whom you are fixated ends up dead after your dinner and your special sauce in his or her plate.  You can say he or she ate or drank too much and was greedy.  Let's also remember the "Orphan culture" lady's ten husbands with whom she helped it while she killed it with the food and some Drano.  Do you have a pen? Do you have internet on your mobile? Check the address of the Underground Rail Road. It's near the Church parish that dates back to 1664 in the Island that began as Cristobal's personal estate. Did you find out what is your most natural European second language during High School as we forward your generations as the second most bilingual Caribbean Island in the Mediterranean..I mean the Caribbean? Do you know San Tropez?  Do you know the Counts of France did not die with Louis the 16? They say Louis was switched and hidden and came to Saint Croix to hide.  He doesn't really care what you drive so long as it doesn't cost more than a Cortina but you need to be an updated work force. Assimo and C 3PO speak more than one language for free and could be front desk hotel employs soon.   Let's pray. Let us remember your Uncle who has a thing about damaging people's vehicles at the Submission Plaza since he does not think certain people should have them.   He looks really white but he still wants to know how much money they really have. Your father might have gone through this with him. Oh; sorry. Your Uncle.. he is your father but he pray he heals from this illness that if he went through it, everyone else in the world has to go through it. Other people just take it up with who they understand as damaging their vehicle.   It is time for dinner but let's pray also because I am about to do something evil, hoping you will kill me as your uh Naan or your mother although I am not really sure sometimes since people keep saying they could be your mother or your father since you came out darker or lighter than we thought in this genetic lottery in this geographical location with so many dna inputs over more than 400 years( so many crosses and rivers to bear; say "septo, Ocho Nuevos Rios"); and If you don't kill me I and our culture who knows what I am doing will call you a gay. You must try and  understand. But, if you are not in the West Indies, you could be my best death with all of your engineering education in a Lazy Susan, going round and round, get up, get up and get down. I mean prey, not pray, since it doesn't seem that he has a family and, even worse, he has no government with any governing administration that fears the Queen!  Do you see? But, the people seem to have to follow an old lady in some remote hill top somewhere in an outlying region who send out her emotional frequency about what to do with that boy who went to England who she thinks is trying to have the authority. But, he would have learned the same equations at the University of  ? and if he did learn it, she would have resented it.   Will you come and stip with her? Please come and join us since we need to be together on this. Come.  
