
The racial hegemony confuddle is really about What is one's identity and culture and what are they worth for a one drop of blood moving toward one shade or the other. Maybe you are just a cheddar man or cheddar woman or a Blackhawk that was moved to North America after maybe 20 years of anglicization. Here, we see Hegemony confused with validation; personal worth and personal feelings of validation and the Cabot /indentured servant dna might be more concerned about validation and any personal sense of worth that his socks have to be top designer brand name and not just Hanes. Then, you say how could you as a Sioux Geronimo boy graduate from an English Law School in front of me? That diminishes your communal sense of validation and worth when you should say a Sioux boy can do all things he says the American dream permit him to achieve in America that encourages and strengthens him. The reason is because you told me to; that you needed more Lawyers, doctors, teachers and engineers with full training; remember? Thank Eleanor. You, Geronimo, told your 17 year old son to hold his mother down and say, "I am bigger than you and you have to respect what I say." The mother decided to say she would get four older Geronimos to drug up the boy, tempt the boy to rob a casino and to drop out of school; that he was under cover. So Geronimo has focused on the fervent desperate propagation of his people and population with complexioned differentiations in the face of the onslaught of a burgeoning civilization and he says you only need grade 8 to do that industrial systemic propagation but he has not focused on how to sustain the population and he has not focused on their defensibility against the unscrupulousness of those who think they might take advantage of those who are still trying to understand as Amerindians how they are endeavoring to be accepted by you, the foreigner, in his home land. No one is killing you but you. Also, you don't have the mind or ego to see 5 generations of education enabled Geronimos as you take education in your progeny as a threat to your role, authority and position. You were mixed with Columbus and Blackbeard dna in the West Indies and some Sans Souci dna with your white skin and afro hair; white right? There is a small global clique of people walking in two directions in terms of system property ownership logic who seem to say they are essentially challenging the system and processes of arriving at social authority as some kind of tribe of Mengele; a tribe of Columbus. Your Columbus ego may be driving you to negate all of your energy spent in propagation so you feel like a man walking in two directions so how can anything be established; everything on the edge of catastrophe; you done know; Iyah!!!! You ensure the female and male progeny reproduces by 3 years old because you fear what might happen and what about how we finance that life to participate in raising another generation? Losing people to legal squabble as the bank or at traffic stops or due to socioeconomic underfunding as fast as your breed them is no good and negates the blessed wisdom. The issue is that the population cannot be the house divided over property ownership; the house or community in our world that cannot stand as it is divided on the issue of property ownership. Maybe you feel like you are being asked to buy your own shoulder if it is that you are asked to think of buying property and it is conceptually difficult for you and you were raised around Real Estate Developers who talked about the process around the dinner table. We don't know but the Chinese man bought your local plaza; or your shoulder. I don't know. It may be your hegemony agenda not to own property and anyone who owns or helps others own is taken as an enemy and attacked by you who say you will not own any property. Then, maybe you also say you do not want to have to graduate in the furtherance of your cultural hegemony and you should be able to just assume a role or position in society like a Lawyer etc in what ever you imagine yourself to be while you treat all the graduates like enemies of your hegemony directly and indirectly. There is a small global clique of people walking in two directions in terms of system property ownership logic who seem to say they are essentially challenging the system and processes of arriving at social authority as some kind of tribe of Mengele; a tribe of Columbus with insufficient education to maintain a 30 year lease agreement without trying to have authority over the landlord and maybe just live for free in his apartment. The problem is your violence when both worlds can exist. Graduates are not killing people and nor are the mortgage brokers or real estate staffers who help people buy properties but you treat these people as enemies of your hegemony. In all of this, Black Female Lives Matter. It's a covert civil war where the power of one group is resisting the power of the general community and trying to infiltrate the community's system of safety and management to sack us all so that no one is safe in their own homes or their vehicles as the quiet enjoyment of ownership is challenged as you don't want to understand how to own a home but you want to understand how to own a vehicle!!!! Click here.

Being a person from ------??????--------ancestrally is not an alibi to Intellectual property Piracy in America whether or not the owner is part Egyptian. Aren't you American? Aren't you enlightened as...European? Merci bon. " By Mike Pueblo Cochise: " Chase Le Americain Delict" is not a bank. But, it is a reality. "Run American" could be a bank someday. Every governrment is in this fashion. Transactions generate revenue. But, we are suffering some static always on graduation day on the American side. The real trite Think of the UBI or the universal unconditional minimum income support as making every citizen an employee essentially as healthy enough to carry and fire a rifle if they had to. Germans, in fact, all European countries follow this motif in the application of the universal unconditional minimum income support program. It is also good for the economy; yes? This 1430 dna may have found itself a place in a land where it is more accepted, favored and cared for under the rules of the UDHR. It treats those it left behind in Ontario or in America or in the Caribbean like the younger brother it wishes to see suffocate while celebrating his acceptance. Is he not more accepted and maybe you will figure it out and find your way while is he not more accepted? This finds itself in leadership and works as egotistical magnetic polar opposites instead of in brotherly synthesis; the murderer at seven years old that it is. Our economy is set up to serve the needs of people in a market; a market that is kept safe by the governors* and the government that provide security and safety from the various elements of humanity that would make the market dangerous for both consumers and sellers who, at either stage of the transaction will be owning property and holding sums of money. They would like to be able to return to their homes and enjoy tow result of their transactions. The agreement we make with governrment we set up collectively for safety and security is agreed and politely paid for in tax that funds the security function of government that keeps people, property and transactions safe. Most UN member states have a 30% sales tax and a universal unconditional minimum income support that will satisfy the average cost of living; including the average rent for a one bed apartment in that jurisdiction. In the France, it is about Euro 50,000.00 per year. The sales tax is 30% on small coffee cup sales, vacation packages and car sales in addition to monthly rents. The people in the economy generate transactions spending money; money they have primarily from the universal unconditional minimum income support and also from incomes earned working that is additional to and above the General unconditional universal minimum income support that everyone receives. The plethora of transactions generate sales tax. See the diagram. The rate of sales tax revenue the governrment receives slows down if you lower sales tax and if the people have less and less money to spend...due to automation for instance. What if all the coffee shops in France automated their services or what if car sales were automated and all dealt with online except for test drives? It may mean that 30% of the population sees a drop in their spending power by maybe $ Euros 30,000.00 a year while they will still have the economic life support from their universal unconditional minimum income support; so does the economy. Otherwise, everybody loses and sees the ultimate shutdown; the recession or the humongous bazoonga bust. See the diagram. The wheel represents the economy with a plethora of transactions. The hamster represents the people spending money in transactions that generate a sales tax of 30% ideally. Decreasing sales tax for political popularity is ruinous when you have to start cutting services when it is a painless tax that generates billions and can fund all functions and priorities of the government that begins,fist and foremost with funding people. Our most painful and powerful example for today and tomorrow is day one in a desert island economy running on robotic automation. What I want first on a desert island is lots of shelter for the people. Tag is the first key expenditure. If we already have shelter, then the key expenditure is finding the people so they can pay for the shelter ,food, clothing and other niceties like music and chocolate and books. Civic defence is the purpose behind ensuring and protecting every citizen who are your first and last line of defence. In this, you find the purpose behind funding for free education up to the completion of a college or university degree and it is good to have citizens with these skills and abilities for national human resources. How can Warren A Lyon's Poo Power™ concept fuel a Passenger jet? Well, it can. You have been interrupted by a pirate pimpernel dna that thinks of theft, piracy , social authority and acceptance before consequences and whether he has enough people in the populous to pull off his treasonous, terrorist scams; people like him. Automation has disrupted the usual means by which people in the economy obtain monies. This pervasive interruption can shut down the economy when several jobs are automated. The pirate pimpernel and his machinations in such situations usually strengthens his pirate army in the desperation dragging the country into a continual state of violence. See Hobbes for more on this and the English Civil War. What if you had two candidates who suffered from the pirate pimpernel temperament who essentially but innately worked to turn the governrment into a mutiny on the Bounty and quietly committed treason with a celebrity AUTHORITY. Tu as votre comprend. " See the black guy, white guy, Chinese guy and Amerindian guy on the treadmill here " "If I maim him or them, then they will feel like me. They will need to be accepted." No one is playing a game with you if the issue is absolute authority. If you could do this Omega man thing, then you could make the economy work like the Chinese economy or the French economy; bravo! You could make all of Canada enjoy English socioeconomics or Quebecois socioeconomics. The world is a BMW, FORD, VOLKSWAGEN,HONDA , FIAT, Citroen and TOYOTA economy. The world is a car manufacturer's economy and it would take days to name all. Product testing and automation is about safe, durable, reliable and dependable machines that serve you and give you your money's worth on your way back home from your job that involves defending your Civil Liberties; our civil liberties. The elected Pot USE defends our civil liberties. THEY RESPECTED THE POWER OF AUTOMATION AND ALSO THE SOLUTION. TOTAL AUTOMATION =ZERO POPULATION + ZERO MARKET. TOTAL AUTOMATION + HALF THE AVERAGE FULL TIME YEARLY INCOME(AT 70 HRS /WK) ON MINIMUM WAGE PAID TO EVERY CITIZEN AS A UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT + 30% SALES TAX FOR THE GOVERNMENT = A STABLE POPULATION + STABLE MARKET. THIS IS A WHITE PEOPLE EXAM AND IF YOUR WHITE ENOUGH, YOU SUPPORT THE UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT. A UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT AND CLEAN WATER ARE REQUISITE, LEGAL, LOGICAL SOCIOECONOMIC REQUIREMENTS. YOU HAVE BEEN SIEVED IN THE SAND, WEIGHED IN THE BALANCE OF ECONOMIC intention. Your predilection seems to avoid solutions that would mean we have no problem. In other words, you are intent on war. You are under arrest. It would be better to implement the solution in the above equation and satisfy the investors and manufacturers in your economy. If it is about who will live in America, the answer is Creole Amerindian people like you who are part Amerindian, European, Middle Eastern and part African with *various complexions and hair textures* who may have blonde or black hair with the welcome of pure Amerindian people who may have blonde or black hair and who are likely to eat oatmeal and toast for breakfast and maybe watch the Starwars or maybe Batman or maybe Justice League. What's up with choo man?