The Book of Eli does not say where the rest of the world or where Africa is after some kind of holocaust but the civic involvement that may cause some people to crave a war is best answered in peaceful civic involvement as you celebrate a more perfect union. Basic income in Social and Civic involvement continues in the positive application this Offset Contract which was a wise decision in confirming the final answer which is a symbiotic international interdependence that manifests both global industrial efficiency and good returns on investment with basic income consumption on both sides of the Sino-Japanese and Asian cultural exchange in addition to production on both sides of the American consumer society as founded and inseminated in America which became the phenomena of seamless Global consumer culture in the phenomenon of technological and experiential globalization. It is a lived experience and an observation. Basic income is the right of the producer to make a profit and your mouth is a very valuable outlet for the productive endeavour. However, the job is no longer the medium by which the producer or society will transfer the money, energy or means by which the job holder or citizen will obtain the money from the productive process to consume. Consumption is the most important variable in an economy; not efficient production. Consumption and a lot of it is just, 'darn it' necessary. This is not about social, 'darn it' welfare. This is about dosh and a little basic income going in to the system brings trillions back to the economy. There are different means in which to finance it and the industrial rate power account is a fixed an even cost for the producer and when the power bill is paid to the government, the funds are redistributed to the general population a certain degree of consumption that takes us away from the 999 economic emergency and Colgate and Palmolive along with Coca Cola will be among the first to tell you that you are about to have an economic collapse. The tax rate at the cash register is a more certain means of revenue going into the system to pay for the good roads and education in addition to other services since the bank robber will certainly pay 17-20% sales tax and the basic income recipient will also pay at the till. If you don't believe Asia, Germany and all of Europe have basic income at various levels then you don't believe it. England is just a mirage to lead you white niggers to hell and they hate you for white if you have not noticed but you would do anything for association and approval; the orphans in your own culture who abandoned the wigwam and the totem poles and maybe killed native relatives to avoid black and red or orange some time ago and you chose authority over understanding and you also sought acceptance while also killing English people who may have told you like a Prophet Josiah that the Anglo, all Anglos are all late students of Rome but not as good as students like the Germans who are also late arrivals still need a them and us to rudder and balance your emotions as tribal minded people while you still resist and have insufficient education and want to have authority and resent the younger generation who don't know what you had to...give; want it, the teeth...the eggs back? Why, you want it back? England has a job to do and clearly any authority they have was a matter of convention and they are certainly good teachers and they were certainly brilliant engineers. Have you heard of Newton, Faraday and Lord Kelvin? Much of our modern world is grateful for their achievements. Who ever took your eggs and teeth wanted to be sure that his generation would be equal and hence the continued gap in the economy in the absence of basic income. What else would a scallywag do as misery loves company while if I was 70 years old and Woodstock naked chick from 1969, I would ensure there was basic income for my generation who will probably a lot longer and for my progeny; if any behind the green door and simply for my cultural or my culture's propagation. You do not have enough feathers but you have too many cook books but maybe get some feathers from the native shop and see the balance you need as you reason more effectively. The civil rights movement was an American movement and it may have been a movement of new arrivals from the West Indies; mostly in the south to address some kind of phenomena that defies simple black vs. white definition. It was more of a cultural issue involving a North American Anglo vs. a Southern Latin Anglo of all complexions and the willingness to do whatever it takes to infiltrate or settle into the American dream and both the black and white helped each other to enjoy a humble existence that may have involved eschewing the power of de Anglos education for an involvement in a more certain bowl of rice every day and some work; the work dna but work is now more likely to be just throwing food down your throat and less and less manual and service labor of any kind. The issue is that a human rights movement in America after 1945 really involved West Indian whites and blacks who took up homes from families that went to work in munitions towns and they were told to play out the role of colored antithesis. All Americans were invited to participate and most lynchings involved northerners who were much like Jesus with their education and understanding or copy of the sketch of George Washington's afro hair and mulatto nose; not the later painted but always unfinished painting. So, a human rights movement may have been for them as troglodytes and scalawags who really don't know where they come from and could not find any promise for themselves in the bible but would follow any thought process in the minute that gave them confidence but the most white minded have always been the most victimised in America and as such the human rights or civil rights movement earned great support from all Americans and much of the West Indies who hoped for a human dignity regardless of their scrub brush mustache so you see the point. While all participated but also somehow blurred what America already is historically as seen in Crispus Attucks living and dying at the table of brother hood, the end result was an obfuscating BlaCK rIGHTS aCT AND NOT A HUMAN RIGHTS ACT AND it CAUSED A SEPARATION OR A CAUTIOUSNESS IN YOUR SCHOOL FRIENDS REGARDLESS OF COMPLEXION AFTER GRADUATION DAY while you are all e Pluribus unum by now since 1501; related and part native! The scalawags and latin Anglo from the British empire who saw some slavery and indentured servitude regardless of complexion made their deals with the same Brits for authority but not their Brit education and they are generally just but their minds as partly genetically later Arawak arrivals take anything too emotional as an official message about life and society. They are people too and they may spend more time not understanding and blocking change since change without understanding is a status quo threat while they wish to maintain the certainty of killing, stealing and destroying and hence, the resistance to such glories such as basic income as in what will happen to the cash they can see, touch and taste which is the same see, touch and taste resistance the world saw in choosing a non liquid gas vs. a liquid gas. The non-liquid gas is now ubiquitous as seen the hard working and durable propane/hydrogen gas vehicles. It is just that because of automation and the evils of certain aspects of our own nature, the answer is cash with basic income vs. the desert and desolation. Automation is not going away but consumption is more important to the producer in the very end and has to be calculated in the automation process so we may see the joy of the efficiency like watching a Christmas window with the toy ballerina and the seal skating around and around; the navy seal! All human beings have chosen cash and basic income and we will have an awesome future. But, really; why go to a choir concert as a part Pict, Part Blackfoot or PArt Comanche Indian with a European language and then kill yourself all day for white? Why would a Mexican or Southern Amerindian do it? Black...White..Stupid!

 The Book of Eli does not say where the rest of the world or where Africa is after some kind of holocaust but the civic involvement that may cause some people to crave a war is best answered in peaceful civic involvement as you celebrate a more perfect union.  Basic income in  Social and Civic involvement continues  in the positive application this Offset Contract which was a wise decision in confirming the final answer which is a symbiotic international interdependence that manifests both global industrial efficiency and good returns on investment  with basic income consumption  on both sides of the Sino-Japanese and Asian cultural exchange in addition to production on both sides of the American consumer society as founded and inseminated in America which became the phenomena of seamless Global consumer culture in the phenomenon of technological and experiential   globalization. It is a lived experience and an observation.  Basic income is the right of the producer to make a profit and your mouth is a very valuable outlet for the productive endeavour. However, the job is no longer the medium by which the producer or society will transfer the money, energy  or means by which the job holder or citizen will obtain the money from the productive process to consume. Consumption is the most important variable in an economy; not efficient production. Consumption and a lot of it is just, 'darn it' necessary. This is not about social, 'darn it' welfare. This is about dosh and a little basic income going in to the system brings trillions back to the economy.  There are different means in which to finance it and the industrial rate power account is a fixed an even cost for the producer and when the power bill is paid to the government, the funds are redistributed to the general population a certain degree of consumption that takes us away from the 999 economic emergency and Colgate and Palmolive along with Coca Cola will be among the first to tell you that you are about to have an economic collapse. The tax rate at the cash register is a more certain means of revenue going into the system to pay for the good roads and education in addition to other services since the bank robber will certainly pay 17-20% sales tax and the basic income recipient will also pay at the till. If you don't believe Asia, Germany and all of Europe have basic income at various levels then you don't believe it. England is just a mirage to lead you white niggers to hell and they hate you for white if you have not noticed but you would do anything for association and approval; the orphans in your own culture who abandoned the wigwam and the totem poles and maybe killed native relatives to avoid black and red or orange some time ago and you chose authority over understanding and you also sought acceptance while also killing English people who may have told you like a Prophet Josiah that the Anglo, all Anglos are all late students of Rome but not as good as  students like the Germans  who are also late arrivals still need a them and us to rudder and balance your emotions as tribal minded people while you still resist and have insufficient education and want to have authority and resent the younger generation who don't know what you had to...give; want it, the teeth...the eggs back?  Why, you want it back?   England has a job to do and clearly any authority they have was a matter of convention and they are certainly good teachers and they were certainly brilliant engineers. Have you heard of Newton, Faraday and Lord Kelvin?  Much of our modern world is grateful for their achievements.   Who ever took your eggs and teeth wanted to be sure that his generation would be equal and hence the continued gap in the economy in the absence of basic income. What else would a scallywag do as misery loves company while if I was 70 years old and Woodstock naked chick from 1969, I would ensure there was basic income for my generation who will probably a lot longer and for my progeny; if any behind the green door and  simply for my cultural or my culture's propagation.  You do not have enough feathers but you have too many cook books but maybe get some feathers from the native shop and see the balance you need as you reason more effectively.  The civil rights movement was an American movement and it may have been a movement of new arrivals from the West Indies; mostly in the south to address some kind of phenomena that defies simple black vs. white definition. It was more of a cultural issue involving a North American Anglo vs. a Southern Latin Anglo of all complexions and the willingness to do whatever it takes to infiltrate or settle into the American dream and both the black and white helped each other to enjoy a humble existence that may have involved eschewing the power of de Anglos education for an involvement in a more certain bowl of rice every day and some work; the work dna but work is now more likely to be just throwing food down your throat and less and less manual and service labor of any kind.   The issue is that a human rights movement in America after 1945 really involved West Indian whites and blacks  who took up homes from families that went to work in munitions towns and they were told to play out the role of colored antithesis. All Americans were invited to participate and most lynchings involved northerners who were much like Jesus with their education and understanding or copy of the sketch of George Washington's afro hair and mulatto nose; not the later painted but always unfinished painting. So, a human rights movement may have been for them as troglodytes and scalawags who really don't know where they come from and could not find any promise for themselves in the bible but would follow any thought process in the minute that gave them confidence but the most white minded have always been the most victimised in America and as such the human rights or civil rights movement earned great support from all Americans and much of the West Indies who hoped for a human dignity regardless of their scrub brush mustache so you see the point. While all participated but also somehow blurred what America already is historically as seen in Crispus Attucks living and dying at the table of brother hood, the end result was an obfuscating BlaCK rIGHTS aCT AND NOT A HUMAN RIGHTS ACT AND it  CAUSED A SEPARATION OR A CAUTIOUSNESS IN YOUR SCHOOL FRIENDS REGARDLESS OF COMPLEXION AFTER GRADUATION DAY while you are all e Pluribus unum by now since 1501; related and part native!   The scalawags and latin Anglo from the British empire who saw some slavery and indentured servitude regardless of complexion made their deals with the same Brits for authority but not their Brit education and they are generally just but their minds as partly genetically  later Arawak arrivals take anything too emotional   as an official message about life and society. They are people too and they may spend more time not understanding  and blocking change since change without understanding is a status quo threat while they wish to maintain the certainty of killing, stealing and destroying and hence, the resistance to such glories such as basic income as in what will happen to the cash they can see, touch and taste which is the same see, touch and taste resistance the world saw in choosing a non liquid gas vs. a liquid gas.  The non-liquid gas is now ubiquitous as seen the hard working and durable propane/hydrogen gas vehicles.    It is just that because of automation and the evils of certain aspects of our own nature, the answer is cash with basic income vs. the desert and desolation.  Automation is not going away but consumption is more important to the producer in the very end and has to be calculated in the automation process so we may see the joy of the efficiency like watching a Christmas window with the toy  ballerina and the seal skating around and around; the navy seal!  All human beings have chosen cash and basic income and we will have an awesome future.  But, really; why go to a choir concert as a part Pict, Part Blackfoot or PArt Comanche Indian with a European language and then kill yourself all day for white? Why would a Mexican or Southern Amerindian do it?  Black...White..Stupid! 
