
The Bill Cosby Show s1 e08


Joe Cuba - Bang Bang (Classic)

Son cubano en Salon Rojo de Capri, La Habana, Cuba. Alberto Valdes. Rol...

pure Cuban salsa in the center of Havana (Paseo del Prado)


After graduation day some of the 150 year old Maleficent people say that they don't know if it is that they did not work hard enough and they just need to feel accepted so they want to know if they can just kill the graduate after they take some photos for posterity. This is a cultural glass ceiling or cultural ceiling. So, the culture says everybody is family and you just have to be thankful for the family in which you are placed and do not think you will leave the parents you are given and why would you if every older adult, including the Beige, Brown  and Asian people but then everybody starts acting like they need to be the only one in the family who gets any attention or the 15 spoon collection when the four children can split the spoons   into four groups even if it means 15 spoons are divided by four since the old man needed attention to say The European dna and look and Beige acceptance he wants to have since 1498 or 1664 is not his culture or that in 2018 he is only a jugujugu jumby man in Toronowanda with other Jumby Beige and Brown people in Public employee uniforms running a secret society via text messages to kill second generation West Indians with full North American High School education that these same Jumby people encouraged them to take...all because the smart phone seems to suggest an ultimate permissiveness and that it is time for compensation in that they say the  Queen owes them something....and they will show her what they can do with their apple/samsung "willing to do whatever it takes" junta but there is a 'serve my community in whatever positive legal action it takes'   junta and you get the job; innit?  So, the culture says everybody is family and you just have to be thankful for the family in which you are placed and do not think you will leave the parents you are given and why would you if every older adult, including the Beige, Brown  and Asian people say they could be your mother or father..oh really? Yes. I am so thankful Auntie so and so.   But, then everybody starts acting like they need to be the only one in the family who gets any attention or the  spoon  collection with 15 spoons when the four children can split the spoons   into four groups even if it means 15 spoons are divided by four since the old man needed attention to say The European dna and look and Beige acceptance he wants to have since 1498 or 1664 is not his culture or that in 2018 he is only a jugujugu jumby man in Toronowanda with other Jumby Beige and Brown people in Public employee uniforms running a secret society via text messages to kill second generation West Indians with full North American High School education that these same Jumby people encouraged them to take...all because the smart phone seems to suggest an ultimate permissiveness and that it is time for compensation in that they say the  Queen owes them something....and they will show her what they can do with their apple/samsung "willing to do whatever it takes" junta but there is a 'serve my community in whatever positive legal action it takes'   junta and you get the job; innit?

Mina - Città vuota (Dolce & Gabbana 1963)

The Book of Eli does not say where the rest of the world or where Africa is after some kind of holocaust but the civic involvement that may cause some people to crave a war is best answered in peaceful civic involvement as you celebrate a more perfect union. Basic income in Social and Civic involvement continues in the positive application this Offset Contract which was a wise decision in confirming the final answer which is a symbiotic international interdependence that manifests both global industrial efficiency and good returns on investment with basic income consumption on both sides of the Sino-Japanese and Asian cultural exchange in addition to production on both sides of the American consumer society as founded and inseminated in America which became the phenomena of seamless Global consumer culture in the phenomenon of technological and experiential globalization. It is a lived experience and an observation. Basic income is the right of the producer to make a profit and your mouth is a very valuable outlet for the productive endeavour. However, the job is no longer the medium by which the producer or society will transfer the money, energy or means by which the job holder or citizen will obtain the money from the productive process to consume. Consumption is the most important variable in an economy; not efficient production. Consumption and a lot of it is just, 'darn it' necessary. This is not about social, 'darn it' welfare. This is about dosh and a little basic income going in to the system brings trillions back to the economy. There are different means in which to finance it and the industrial rate power account is a fixed an even cost for the producer and when the power bill is paid to the government, the funds are redistributed to the general population a certain degree of consumption that takes us away from the 999 economic emergency and Colgate and Palmolive along with Coca Cola will be among the first to tell you that you are about to have an economic collapse. The tax rate at the cash register is a more certain means of revenue going into the system to pay for the good roads and education in addition to other services since the bank robber will certainly pay 17-20% sales tax and the basic income recipient will also pay at the till. If you don't believe Asia, Germany and all of Europe have basic income at various levels then you don't believe it. England is just a mirage to lead you white niggers to hell and they hate you for white if you have not noticed but you would do anything for association and approval; the orphans in your own culture who abandoned the wigwam and the totem poles and maybe killed native relatives to avoid black and red or orange some time ago and you chose authority over understanding and you also sought acceptance while also killing English people who may have told you like a Prophet Josiah that the Anglo, all Anglos are all late students of Rome but not as good as students like the Germans who are also late arrivals still need a them and us to rudder and balance your emotions as tribal minded people while you still resist and have insufficient education and want to have authority and resent the younger generation who don't know what you had to...give; want it, the teeth...the eggs back? Why, you want it back? England has a job to do and clearly any authority they have was a matter of convention and they are certainly good teachers and they were certainly brilliant engineers. Have you heard of Newton, Faraday and Lord Kelvin? Much of our modern world is grateful for their achievements. Who ever took your eggs and teeth wanted to be sure that his generation would be equal and hence the continued gap in the economy in the absence of basic income. What else would a scallywag do as misery loves company while if I was 70 years old and Woodstock naked chick from 1969, I would ensure there was basic income for my generation who will probably a lot longer and for my progeny; if any behind the green door and simply for my cultural or my culture's propagation. You do not have enough feathers but you have too many cook books but maybe get some feathers from the native shop and see the balance you need as you reason more effectively. The civil rights movement was an American movement and it may have been a movement of new arrivals from the West Indies; mostly in the south to address some kind of phenomena that defies simple black vs. white definition. It was more of a cultural issue involving a North American Anglo vs. a Southern Latin Anglo of all complexions and the willingness to do whatever it takes to infiltrate or settle into the American dream and both the black and white helped each other to enjoy a humble existence that may have involved eschewing the power of de Anglos education for an involvement in a more certain bowl of rice every day and some work; the work dna but work is now more likely to be just throwing food down your throat and less and less manual and service labor of any kind. The issue is that a human rights movement in America after 1945 really involved West Indian whites and blacks who took up homes from families that went to work in munitions towns and they were told to play out the role of colored antithesis. All Americans were invited to participate and most lynchings involved northerners who were much like Jesus with their education and understanding or copy of the sketch of George Washington's afro hair and mulatto nose; not the later painted but always unfinished painting. So, a human rights movement may have been for them as troglodytes and scalawags who really don't know where they come from and could not find any promise for themselves in the bible but would follow any thought process in the minute that gave them confidence but the most white minded have always been the most victimised in America and as such the human rights or civil rights movement earned great support from all Americans and much of the West Indies who hoped for a human dignity regardless of their scrub brush mustache so you see the point. While all participated but also somehow blurred what America already is historically as seen in Crispus Attucks living and dying at the table of brother hood, the end result was an obfuscating BlaCK rIGHTS aCT AND NOT A HUMAN RIGHTS ACT AND it CAUSED A SEPARATION OR A CAUTIOUSNESS IN YOUR SCHOOL FRIENDS REGARDLESS OF COMPLEXION AFTER GRADUATION DAY while you are all e Pluribus unum by now since 1501; related and part native! The scalawags and latin Anglo from the British empire who saw some slavery and indentured servitude regardless of complexion made their deals with the same Brits for authority but not their Brit education and they are generally just but their minds as partly genetically later Arawak arrivals take anything too emotional as an official message about life and society. They are people too and they may spend more time not understanding and blocking change since change without understanding is a status quo threat while they wish to maintain the certainty of killing, stealing and destroying and hence, the resistance to such glories such as basic income as in what will happen to the cash they can see, touch and taste which is the same see, touch and taste resistance the world saw in choosing a non liquid gas vs. a liquid gas. The non-liquid gas is now ubiquitous as seen the hard working and durable propane/hydrogen gas vehicles. It is just that because of automation and the evils of certain aspects of our own nature, the answer is cash with basic income vs. the desert and desolation. Automation is not going away but consumption is more important to the producer in the very end and has to be calculated in the automation process so we may see the joy of the efficiency like watching a Christmas window with the toy ballerina and the seal skating around and around; the navy seal! All human beings have chosen cash and basic income and we will have an awesome future. But, really; why go to a choir concert as a part Pict, Part Blackfoot or PArt Comanche Indian with a European language and then kill yourself all day for white? Why would a Mexican or Southern Amerindian do it? Black...White..Stupid!

FIAT 500 Abarth Sexy Funny Commercial Charlie Sheen House 2013

2014 Fiat 500L commercial "The British are coming... the Italians are co...

If the weather man was Jamaican

If God was West Indian

Watch how you talk in a Rasta restaurant!!!!

You Better Know What You Want Before You Enter A West Indian Restaurant

The art of seduction

Rome followed the Levitical code and killing every big Pict would take too long. They ate dear and nothing else; not Pig. Herod was an assimilation project at the perimeters of civilization to simplify the taking of the territory while Marcus Aurelius already had the map. Herod is like the Barbarian's homing beacon along with Nero for the authority since they will follow and do what feels like their leader; their Boadicea, their Native king. But, the Herod is led into his role although he is not in the genetic understanding of the woman at the well or of any disciple or of Nehemiah. But, he is trained to do as He is told...with a little monkey in need of acceptance dna that was multiplied over and over again as the orphanology orphan and some later versions involved the orphans eating rat stew on route to Europe from the West Indies and Guyana at the age of 10 years old in 1910. Nero, in the same project, and much like Herod as part late arrival dna and born in Britannia is part troglodyte and Pict and Boadicea's son and wanted nothing but to understand what was happening to him from an early age and was very bitter as he did not have his...apparatus. He also had something on him called the deity. The purpose was to create a system of occupation that was more humane and less burdensome and with less resistance in getting on with the road of Rome and other systems of governing and commerce we see today at an Airport. Basic income is the road today and who would resist basic income at $40-80000.00 in his Genetic determination and theories of native redistribution, under education and sick racial obfuscation in defying the word logic for the vain sense of independence and authority..while you got the power? It is $80000.00 in France today for every resident(resident in France) EU citizen; including the bloke from Danny Dichilo if he chooses to go today. The subway driver in France has his $80000.00 from 17 years old and if he got his job at $80000.00 plus an additional $40000.00. But, if he does not find this job, he has his $80,000.00 to consume since he is a widget for consuming Nikes, Adidas, Stela and Tennents in addition to many burgers, crepes and Ikea muffins all over Europe. He can also a small location and run an attention getting pub. Your country is empty really but you have some virtuous lakes and trees and lots o immigration with new Asian families to help you obfuscate your logic with school populations that are over 40 percent minority in the more populated regions and also now in the mo rural regions of a territory where there is no basic income. Cash is not going way since your meanness is evident and disdain for human life as you turn a publicly funded school into a tribe. . Download this free photo!

Offset Contracts and International trade building your world and closing the basic income gap cutting into the sales of your father's home town old American car manufacturer. What is 7x7?/// In 1970, an American industrialist made a deal with Asian countries that involved the next 300 years of America's industrial future but also the viability of American life when the wrong gamble was made on nuclear fuel in the face of new energy producing technologies as discovered by NASA scientists. The waste was sold to China as China had its own technology to use such waste in advance of any American recyclable technology. Yet, the Americans had the fuel cell that can be powered by the waste filtered out of sewage water; the methane and other Nitric elements that contain hydrogen or methane. The issue with this deal covering about three hundred years is that it involved an offset offered by the seller to the buyer as an incentive. Japan was also involved in the deal along with North and South Korea to have in roads into American car markets. The reason for the deal seems to be the same resistance in the local population to automation but a resistance that can be explained in the motive of human survival; either the robot or my family and I and most people chose their family along with themselves and may have destroyed automating technologies that some plants tried to install in the late 60's and late 70's but the issue is that. as they say, the side effect to a male erection pill is always in the detail. The contracts did not involve stifling consumption in the US with an absence of the requisite basic income with consumption being the whole purpose while making competition more difficult for the American manufacturer in addition to also stifling the American consumer family in stifling consumption along with American neighborhoods and the American citizen. No. Basic income was a priority # 1 requisite as it was in Asia. Look at all the happy Asian people; in America too! The deal also involved evidently a competition in manufacturing methods along with the tendency globally for capitalism to automate what job functions could be automated and save time, money and human energy where possible as seen in the cotton gin, the agricultural tractor and the type writer as examples along with the word processor eventually that we now take for granted yet this whole and entire process involved one detail that nobody should have had to spell out if you are abandoning the automotive process and that is the money to be put into the economy on both sides of the pacific in any event to consume the new wave of products being produced via automation for the American consumer in addition to the Japanese consumer and should someone have to tell the farmer how to put gas in the tractor that he ordered nd that if he does not, it will shut off? Consumption is what fuels an economy while if there is no money in the former and last American Car worker's hands or the former cashier who spent 30 years as a cashier after high school, then there is certainly less demand for the candles and the tv's coming in from Asia or from Philadelphia or Detroit. The plan was to put the money into the hands of the American consumer in due course some time after Star Wars was released. There is no point in looking for a conspiracy as there was some kind of arrangement; a tacit merger of wills but also requisite policy or else all vehicles; not just the American vehicle would pile up as unsold and maybe the deal did involve a move away from both automotive and consumer goods manufacturing but the goods have to be consumed and you can't just think of displacing the American product or American production as the goal. The goods have to be consumed and all of Asia cannot cut its own path by moving half of its population to America to effect consumption with their Asian basic income. The American was scheduled and set to receive basic income also while some suggest the plot involved a more Latino Southern American Anglo vs. a Northern Puritan whose children, as Baptists and other protestant denominations are more likely to enter the military as first to go and first to die but who cares who is eating the peanut butter and the Asian vehicle does not care if your mouth is Asian or if the skin of your breath is old world Protestant or Catholic dying for the honor in the battles even after the contract in American waste Energy disposal for uninterrupted automation in Asian Vehicle and Asian consumer goods production was set in motion in the 1970's after Vietnam as some say were pre planned. The Latino Anglo is a late arrival and seems to be excited about the 'new' and the new technology in our culture but he takes anything that is new and culturally ubiquitous to challenge the safe, requisite and grand old narratives such as simple definitions as what constitutes a legal person or what should constitute the definition of marriage or what or how should we finance our culture after automation or what is the purpose or reason for the calendar while he rarely can define a complete sentence or an algebraic problem and this Latin Anglo vs. Northern Anglo dichotomy is obfuscated by race in addition to an orphanology that involved European orphans maybe raised in various European denominational organisations and then sent to North America or the Latin Caribbean countries and they are an additional cultural overlay that is happy to be a part of something if it feels big before they remember to ask for more; please Sir! In joining the big thing and asking you to join them as a native Amerindian with parents or a Puritan native Pict with parents on the dark side in letting go of your anger; your hate toward father or family or pretending to have had a dysfunctional experience in your nucleic hydrogen family of 4 children and a mother and father; not nuclear family of 2.6 kids. They also tell you to just be social; take a little drugs for the acceptance since as an orphan in orphanology how can God be trusted? How can authority be trusted which is the real deceit of 9/11 although they have apologized for knowing in advance but not saving America precision like they saved Captain Phillips; innit? But, the apology is accepted and authority and your father is entitled to be given the benefit of the apology but the basic income is certainly a bit late in the good and the best for America's domestic tranquility and also its viability. Ozark and Fargo is the desert of the real but it is not the forecasted majority report with basic income. Have you seen Minority Report(the movie)? The precog is your mobile phone or your microwave or your fridge or your cable box; watching you right down your cable network system or the wifi. It is good; yes? Your consent in the new and ubiquitous is presumed. Basic income; a part of the current and previous budgets is not delayed any longer as its functionality in terms of maintaining safety is evident. It is within the national security funding to ensure every American has sufficient housing, food, shelter, water and all basic readiness. Putting the funds in the hands of the consumer supports and stimulates the economy and the landlords are happy with full occupancy and old buildings are being refurbished. The real truth is that basic income is a requisite of any modern automated economy in spite of any Offset contracts that may exchange energy for goods from one region at low robotic cost but with the understanding that jobs will be lost in both regions and that basic income is a requisite to maintain either or any society. But, in the absence of basic income in one region that is filled with goods that could be made by robots any where, the phenomenon of economic desperation arises and manifests in remarkable television shows as art imitates life as occurring right across the United States of Desperation and Stagnancy. The United States is not a designer coat and even if it was the coat you rely on to feel good and carry self esteem, how do you maintain it? The Sushi Buffet is a glorious oasis. However, there are too many empty buildings and small towns on the verge of abandonment, entire states also, that could make excellent homes for young families. Would you like some grits with your bullet wounds on the way back from Walmart after purchasing a Chinese robotically built tv and your roast chicken for dinner? The current answer to the gap and the growing lack of safety and domestic tranquility; domestic tranquility being the birth right of every citizen in the Social contract is to either buy bullet proof body suits in preparation for an economically desperate and violent North American or globally violent Anglo future in the entire Anglo world except for Scotland and Ireland that has basic income along with a few provinces and states. This Kevlar costs trillions while in negative back load financing. Yet, while Positive front load financing of safety and domestic tranquility involves basic income as basic income is also followed by our Asian trading partners who supply us in the Offset contracts the TVs, Car and Toys we enjoy as our agreed manufacturers and suppliers as of 1972. The Asian labor is not cheaper except that it is robotic and their society is working to supply goods to us via the big box stores know! There are people in Asia who have jobs in addition to basic income and those who do not have jobs have chosen to immigrate with their basic income to pursue their own creativity and earn some additional monies running businesses in Anglo countries but relying on these Asian ex pats is not enough for the consumptive force and capacity of the American economy. We tend to see the slump in numbers and tax dollars and our self esteem goes down as another graduating class or two does not find the work while some Asian may choose to try to settle in other parts of the world after the graduates start to steal the vehicles owned by a family that runs an Asian jewelry shop or take out in nice cities like Portland and when they go home, the gap becomes more evident since their businesses also are not a charity to prop up urban retail rents. They need to sell the goods they bought from China also yet the Couriers suffer thefts as the part time employees get bribes from pirates at the Depots and the goods do not turn up and then they may go home for a while to just enjoy a hot sauna on their basic income instead of shoveling side walks and packing Asian take out food bags as two can dine for $9.99 with soup and deep fried chicken wings included on any combo with General Tso's chicken. The solution is not defensiveness in terms of trade with tariffs since the goods are cheap but you need to sell them more and the tariffs will not help since there are virtually no tvs or phones being built in North America and for the few that are, the Tariffs will only slow down consumption with higher prices at the Toy company or at Walmart and this means there are fewer tax dollars being generated on sales tax revenue since drug dealers usually file a very simple tax return that only shows their income from selling a few stolen tvs from a truck that was high jacked on the way to....a wholesale discount refurbished goods retailer. Do you know the Netflix show called Ozark? We could increase sales of the burgers if we drop the price by a nickel on Sundays when people stop by to fill up for gas on the way back home from fishing for their dinners. Sales Tax is the most certain form of government revenue; especially in an electronic economy. Even if people pay by cash, the electronic till is mirrored minute by minute in a government mainframe and the large burger chain pays its 20% sales tax as collected on each transaction every hour with debit right to their account that pools the funds from all the chain stores right across the country so cheap coffee at $1.59 cents is a great win at 20% with trillions of coffee sold per day in a vibrant economy with basic income on both sides of our symbiotic global economy. The Samsung or Phillips 40 Inch tv is only $400.00 dollars at Best Deal. com down the road and with a 20 percent consumption tax, the total cost is $480.00. The 32 inch tv is $290.00 with the total cost being $358.00. You need to finance consumption since this Offset Contract deal goes 300 years into the future. Why don't you go and see the head of your order but you will not elect the way of pain; innit and nor will you forestall the sale of goods made by automated processes and nor will you forestall the basic income like you did in 1936. You nuh hear your faddah call you in Switsaland? You nah undastand de automatic watch him give yuh? What you want? It seems like you want is attentiun as de Anglo or you seh de English but you name Amerindian and late arrival and you can't see de point of de calendar and you resist de education but you have de power to finance it any way to live long and prosper and it will work but de big nah work; you nuh see and den you bring destruction day! One side is dedicated to consumption; America and the other is dedicated to production; Asia. There are services on both sides or in both regions. There is transportation and other work but the gap that automation creates requires closing so that the goods do not get cold and pile up at the back of the pizza shop for too long or end up as nothing but stale dated products sold off as discontinued products that never saw a brand new show room. The military has a positive role all over the world to ensure the burger joints that have now become missionaries of culture and commerce will have safe passage into new virgin markets along with Ikea and Coca Cola and Frito Lay. Hallelujah! The purpose of the covenant( the Brit) is safety and security and cultural perpetuation. See Genesis 9:11 in the OJB(Orthodox Jewish Bible). Basic income is earmarked within national security funding. The military will continue its role as a global police force popping up out of the ocean or diving in to ensure continued and uninterrupted commerce. See the movie Captain Phillips. The Gulf of Oman is a region; such a region requiring economic stabilization along with Afghanistan and the Anglo is paying attention. There will be no battle of the five Anglo armies to achieve oblivion and the death of these cultural victims who speak no other language but English. Their teeth are as good as any other teeth in addition to their feet for gas pedals and their hair is just as good for the Clairol. Why is this a discussion? It is a discussion since the cray cultural hegemonist in Northern Europe wants to know how good you are and is hoping to watch every Anglo who considers a native anyway kill each other while he imitates your loved movie characters; Happy Birthday Pilgrim! While, we accept there will always be law breakers in any society while we can see there is no excuse for law breaking and certainly less desperation in countries or the few Anglo regions with basic income which is also certainly better for big and little business owners with more dollars chasing the already too many and terribly cheaply produced goods at almost zero robotic cost but with more profit per item if they will sell more regularly with the requisite and now very late basic income. Have you seen the movie W(movie) with Richard Dreyfus? Even if the automation was deployed in America at full stream, the citizens as consumers with basic income would also have to be deployed. This is the bust in the process that you see and feel that some have attempted to fill with the economics of desperation that involves controlled drugs, desperate bank robbing and girls gone wild in clubs for a few lip sticks more but who will now go bible and feed some babies ; raise some babies. What transpired was not deliberate but there was some resistance as Nixon attempted to go forward with the basic income while some states implemented their own policies as they are entitled to do so. Examples involve Minnesota, Alaska and Texas but this is not well known across the continent but it is a mandatory policy to prevent non- recipients qualifying to be economic refugees under any UN Charter in the age of automation. Crime rates are lowest in these regions but there is tension as the rumor is that only Americans with certain affiliations receive these basic income funds but this is not so. All citizens receive these stimulus income payments also known as basic income upwards of $40,000.00 but the imbalance in the economy is evident along with the emerging and unnecessary urban desolation while America will be vitalized, stimulated with the funds necessary to fill urban spaces with little retailers, cafes and restaurants and consumers along with their families excited about consumption. The dynamics of the economy is really a function and if you can bomb a house in Latin America with a smart bomb or turn off the lights in China for $200,000.00 for an operation Dinner Out as seen fictional accounts of US authority, decision making, planning and authority, then you can reshape your urban landscape with public funds generated from hydro electric energy generated from rivers that run turbines all across America and the manufacturers will save trillions in near zero employment costs with automation but will spend money on higher industrial rate but flat fee electricity power accounts that power the machines. While this is a consideration for any manufacturing or large distribution systems that use robotics, there is enough for basic income within the monies generated from regular hydro consumer and business accounts and a steady stream of such funds There are different ways in which to structure the system but while an old Arawak lady asks how will they afford it, she is the same old lady that Arawaks followed when they asked how will they afford free school or medicaid? But, it is afforded and it is covered and these programs stimulate the economy while basic income can be afforded and is also necessary whether there is no civic work obligation or even if there is such a responsibility such as the United States Peace Core with military logistics and support with support and resources for local police to work on global economic stabilization projects like police, organising new emergency services in the country or region with citizens of the subject country receiving $500.00 USD per month , bringing road traffic systems, school buildings with teaching and teachers and supermarkets with the English, Russians and the French where the participants will have uniformed t - shirts, clothing, taser gun holsters and bb guns on their utility belts and will spend a certain amount of time overseas every year. They will also work domestically to re occupy regions in North America that have been abandoned after dying off in the absence of basic income and the social ills that rose in the economics of desperation. They will bring a presence with national guards men to ensure those regions are safe for reoccupation. Policy: F(development strategy, transaction costs, market structure, political institutions, national security, bureaucrat maximization). The Asians respected the arrangement involving the next 300 years of energy, global automotive dominance along with the passionless non emotive decision to follow maximum automation to make the Puritan his product as he abandons the east and always goes west and put the money into the hands of the Asian consumer who was also certainly phased out of manufacturing in Asia since the Asian's hands are not smaller than an American's but a Robot's arms and the conveyor belt is the cheaper labor and the small hands that heard about in the news to justify all of the manufacturing going to Asia(and Asia can set up depots in America so the small American business man can pick up his .50 cent consumables with his Toyota, pay for his small retail space at some mall with is basic income and sell the goods to shoppers while importing from Asia may mean he never gets the goods as the company in Asia may only really wish to sell with the Down town Oregon or Seattle Asian Sushi Restaurant owner's son and the stuff never shows up for the American and it was only a $20.00 order and Fed Ex has no idea what happened or the Post Office as employment is no longer the nexus between the two sides of the equation in any economy for the majority of consumers in Asia or in America as the equation involves production and consumption. It is money itself as employment is no longer the conduit for the transference of money from the now automated production one side of the economy and equation to the consumption side and in the absence of basic income of consumption income in whatever form it is arranged, maybe the United States or United Nations Peace Core as the basic civic duty along with a domestic service for domestic tranquility with consumption income for every citizen on assignment around America and various parts of the globe if not already in some other form of employment, then people will just watch the goods pile up in the warehouse and in the shop while Asia made a commitment to the consumption income in respecting this money in every citizen's hand as the conduit or road that will transmit the vehicles, food, phones, televisions and other goods that manifest culture and certainly also civilization much like a road. The Book of Eli does not say where the rest of the world or where Africa is after some kind of holocaust but the civic involvement that may cause some people to crave a war is best answered in peaceful civic involvement as you celebrate a more perfect union. Basic income in Social and Civic involvement continues in the positive application this Offset Contract which was a wise decision in confirming the final answer which is a symbiotic international interdependence that manifests both global industrial efficiency and good returns on investment with basic income consumption on both sides of the Sino-Japanese and Asian cultural exchange in addition to production on both sides of the American consumer society as founded and inseminated in America which became the phenomena of seamless Global consumer culture in the phenomenon of technological and experiential globalization. It is a lived experience and an observation. Basic income is the right of the producer to make a profit and your mouth is a very valuable outlet for the productive endeavour. However, the job is no longer the medium by which the producer or society will transfer the money, energy or means by which the job holder or citizen will obtain the money from the productive process to consume. Consumption is the most important variable in an economy; not efficient production. Consumption and a lot of it is just F"3king necessary. This is not about social F"3king welfare. This is about dosh and a little basic income going in to the system brings trillions back to the economy. There are different means in which to finance it and the industrial rate power account is a fixed an even cost for the producer and when the power bill is paid to the government, the funds are redistributed to the general population a certain degree of consumption that takes us away from the 999 economic emergency and Colgate and Palmolive along with Coca Cola will be among the first to tell you that you are about to have an economic collapse. The tax rate at the cash register is a more certain means of revenue going into the system to pay for the good roads and education in addition to other services since the bank robber will certainly pay 17-20% sales tax and the basic income recipient will also pay at the till. If you don't believe Asia, Germany and all of Europe have basic income at various levels then you don't believe it. England is just a mirage to lead you white niggers to hell and they hate you for white if you have not noticed but you would do anything for association and approval; the orphans in your own culture who abandoned the wigwam and the totem poles and maybe killed native relatives to avoid black and red or orange some time ago and you chose authority over understanding and you also sought acceptance while also killing English people who may have told you like a Prophet Josiah that the Anglo, all Anglos are all late students of Rome but not good students like the Germans still need a them and us to rudder and balance your emotions as tribal minded people while you still resist and have insufficient education and want to have authority and resent the younger generation who don't know what you have to...give; want it, the teeth...the eggs back? Why, you want it back? Whoever took your eggs and teeth wanted to be sure that his generation would be equal and hence the continued gap in the economy in the absence of basic income. What else would a scallywag do as misery loves company while if I was 70 years old and Woodstock naked chick from 1969, I would ensure there was basic income for my generation who will probably a lot longer and for my progeny; if any behind the green door and simply for my cultural or my culture's propagation. You do not have enough feathers but you have too many cook books but maybe get some feathers from the native shop and see the balance you need as you reason more effectively. The civil rights movement was an American movement and it may have been a movement of new arrivals from the West Indies; mostly in the south to address some kind of phenomena that defies simple black vs. white definition. It was more of a cultural issue involving a North American Anglo vs. a Southern Latin Anglo of all complexions and the willingness to do whatever it takes to infiltrate or settle into the American dream and both the black and white helped each other to enjoy a humble existence that may have involved eschewing the power of de Anglos education for an involvement in a more certain bowl of rice every day and some work; the work dna but work is now more likely to be just throwing food down your throat and less and less manual and service labor of any kind. The issue is that a human rights movement in America after 1945 really involved West Indian whites and blacks who took up homes from families that went to work in munitions towns and they were told to play out the role of colored antithesis. All Americans were invited to participate and most lynchings involved northerners who were much like Jesus with their education and understanding or copy of the sketch of George Washington's afro hair and mulatto nose; not the later painted but always unfinished painting. So, a human rights movement may have been for them as troglodytes and scallywags who really don't know where they come from and could not find any promise for themselves in the bible but would follow any thought process in the minute that gave them confidence but the most white minded have always been the most victimised in America and as such the human rights or civil rights movement earned great support from all Americans and much of the West Indies who hoped for a human dignity regardless of their scrub brush moustache so you see the point. While all participated but also somehow blurred what America already is historically as seen in Crispus Attucks living and dying at the table of brother hood, the end result was an obfuscating BlaCK rIGHTS aCT AND NOT A HUMAN RIGHTS ACT AND CAUSED A SEPARATION OR A CAUTIOUSNESS IN YOUR SCHOOL FRIENDS REGARDLESS OF COMPLEXION AFTER GRADUATION DAY! The scallywags and latin Anglo from the British empire who saw some slavery and indentured servitude regardless of complexion made their deals with the same Brits for authority but not their Brit education and they are generally just but their minds as partly genetically later Arawak arrivals take anything too emotional as an official message about life and society. They are people too and they may spend more time not understanding and blocking change since change without understanding is a status quo threat while they wish to maintain the certainty of killing, stealing and destroying and hence, the resistance to such glories such as basic income as in what will happen to the cash they can see, touch and taste which is the same see, touch and taste resistance the world saw in choosing a non liquid gas vs. a liquid gas. It is just that because of automation and the evils of certain aspects of our own nature, the answer is cash with basic income vs. the desert and desolation. Automation is not going away but consumption is more important to the producer in the very end and has to be calculated in the automation process so we may see the joy of the efficiency like watching a Christmas window with the toy ballerina and the seal skating around and around; the navy seal! All human beings have chosen cash and basic income and we will have an awesome future.

London's Best Burrito in Paris: Chef's Night Out with Shay Ola

Candelaria Mexican Food in Paris Attempt #2

Last days in the desert

The Bill Cosby Show s1 e07

The Sunday Mass - Palm Sunday - March 25, 2018

Offset Contracts and International trade building your world and closing the basic income gap cutting into the sales of your father's home town old American car manufacturer. What is 7x7?/// In 1970, an American industrialist made a deal with Asian countries that involved the next 300 years of America's industrial future but also the viability of American life when the wrong gamble was made on nuclear fuel in the face of new energy producing technologies as discovered by NASA scientists. The waste was sold to China as China had its own technology to use such waste in advance of any American recyclable technology. Yet, the Americans had the fuel cell that can be powered by the waste filtered out of sewage water; the methane and other Nitric elements that contain hydrogen or methane. The issue with this deal covering about three hundred years is that it involved an offset offered by the seller to the buyer as an incentive. Japan was also involved in the deal along with North and South Korea to have in roads into American car markets. The reason for the deal seems to be the same resistance in the local population to automation but a resistance that can be explained in the motive of human survival; either the robot or my family and I and most people chose their family along with themselves and may have destroyed automating technologies that some plants tried to install in the late 60's and late 70's but the issue is that. as they say, the side effect to a male erection pill is always in the detail. The contracts did not involve stifling consumption in the US with an absence of the requisite basic income with consumption being the whole purpose while making competition more difficult for the American manufacturer in addition to also stifling the American consumer family in stifling consumption along with American neighborhoods and the American citizen. No. Basic income was a priority # 1 requisite as it was in Asia. Look at all the happy Asian people; in America too! The deal also involved evidently a competition in manufacturing methods along with the tendency globally for capitalism to automate what job functions could be automated and save time, money and human energy where possible as seen in the cotton gin, the agricultural tractor and the type writer as examples along with the word processor eventually that we now take for granted yet this whole and entire process involved one detail that nobody should have had to spell out if you are abandoning the automotive process and that is the money to be put into the economy on both sides of the pacific in any event to consume the new wave of products being produced via automation for the American consumer in addition to the Japanese consumer and should someone have to tell the farmer how to put gas in the tractor that he ordered nd that if he does not, it will shut off? Consumption is what fuels an economy while if there is no money in the former and last American Car worker's hands or the former cashier who spent 30 years as a cashier after high school, then there is certainly less demand for the candles and the tv's coming in from Asia or from Philadelphia or Detroit. The plan was to put the money into the hands of the American consumer in due course some time after Star Wars was released. There is no point in looking for a conspiracy as there was some kind of arrangement; a tacit merger of wills but also requisite policy or else all vehicles; not just the American vehicle would pile up as unsold and maybe the deal did involve a move away from both automotive and consumer goods manufacturing but the goods have to be consumed and you can't just think of displacing the American product or American production as the goal. The goods have to be consumed and all of Asia cannot cut its own path by moving half of its population to America to effect consumption with their Asian basic income. The American was scheduled and set to receive basic income also while some suggest the plot involved a more Latino Southern American Anglo vs. a Northern Puritan whose children, as Baptists and other protestant denominations are more likely to enter the military as first to go and first to die but who cares who is eating the peanut butter and the Asian vehicle does not care if your mouth is Asian or if the skin of your breath is old world Protestant or Catholic dying for the honor in the battles even after the contract in American waste Energy disposal for uninterrupted automation in Asian Vehicle and Asian consumer goods production was set in motion in the 1970's after Vietnam as some say were pre planned. The Latino Anglo is a late arrival and seems to be excited about the 'new' and the new technology in our culture but he takes anything that is new and culturally ubiquitous to challenge the safe, requisite and grand old narratives such as simple definitions as what constitutes a legal person or what should constitute the definition of marriage or what or how should we finance our culture after automation or what is the purpose or reason for the calendar while he rarely can define a complete sentence or an algebraic problem and this Latin Anglo vs. Northern Anglo dichotomy is obfuscated by race in addition to an orphanology that involved European orphans maybe raised in various European denominational organisations and then sent to North America or the Latin Caribbean countries and they are an additional cultural overlay that is happy to be a part of something if it feels big before they remember to ask for more; please Sir! In joining the big thing and asking you to join them as a native Amerindian with parents or a Puritan native Pict with parents on the dark side in letting go of your anger; your hate toward father or family or pretending to have had a dysfunctional experience in your nucleic hydrogen family of 4 children and a mother and father; not nuclear family of 2.6 kids. They also tell you to just be social; take a little drugs for the acceptance since as an orphan in orphanology how can God be trusted when you look at what they make you give; your teeth, your immune system and your backside or your orientation just to eat? How can authority be trusted which is the real deceit of 9/11 although they have apologized for knowing in advance but not saving America with precision like they saved Captain Phillips; innit? But, the apology is accepted and authority and your father is entitled to be given the benefit of the apology but the basic income is certainly a bit late in the good and the best for America's domestic tranquility and also its viability. Ozark and Fargo is the desert of the real but it is not the forecasted majority report with basic income. Have you seen Minority Report(the movie)? The precog is your mobile phone or your microwave or your fridge or your cable box; watching you right down your cable network system or the wifi. It is good; yes? Your consent in the new and ubiquitous is presumed. Basic income; a part of the current and previous budgets is not delayed any longer as its functionality in terms of maintaining safety is evident. It is within the national security funding to ensure every American has sufficient housing, food, shelter, water and all basic readiness. Putting the funds in the hands of the consumer supports and stimulates the economy and the landlords are happy with full occupancy and old buildings are being refurbished. The real truth is that basic income is a requisite of any modern automated economy in spite of any Offset contracts that may exchange energy for goods from one region at low robotic cost but with the understanding that jobs will be lost in both regions and that basic income is a requisite to maintain either or any society. But, in the absence of basic income in one region that is filled with goods that could be made by robots any where, the phenomenon of economic desperation arises and manifests in remarkable television shows as art imitates life as occurring right across the United States of Desperation and Stagnancy. The United States is not a designer coat and even if it was the coat you rely on to feel good and carry self esteem, how do you maintain it? The Sushi Buffet is a glorious oasis. However, there are too many empty buildings and small towns on the verge of abandonment, entire states also, that could make excellent homes for young families. Would you like some grits with your bullet wounds on the way back from Walmart after purchasing a Chinese robotically built tv and your roast chicken for dinner? The current answer to the gap and the growing lack of safety and domestic tranquility; domestic tranquility being the birth right of every citizen in the Social contract is to either buy bullet proof body suits in preparation for an economically desperate and violent North American or globally violent Anglo future in the entire Anglo world except for Scotland and Ireland that has basic income along with a few provinces and states. This Kevlar costs trillions while in negative back load financing. Yet, while Positive front load financing of safety and domestic tranquility involves basic income as basic income is also followed by our Asian trading partners who supply us in the Offset contracts the TVs, Car and Toys we enjoy as our agreed manufacturers and suppliers as of 1972. The Asian labor is not cheaper except that it is robotic and their society is working to supply goods to us via the big box stores know! There are people in Asia who have jobs in addition to basic income and those who do not have jobs have chosen to immigrate with their basic income to pursue their own creativity and earn some additional monies running businesses in Anglo countries but relying on these Asian ex pats is not enough for the consumptive force and capacity of the American economy. We tend to see the slump in numbers and tax dollars and our self esteem goes down as another graduating class or two does not find the work while some Asian may choose to try to settle in other parts of the world after the graduates start to steal the vehicles owned by a family that runs an Asian jewelry shop or take out in nice cities like Portland and when they go home, the gap becomes more evident since their businesses also are not a charity to prop up urban retail rents. They need to sell the goods they bought from China also yet the Couriers suffer thefts as the part time employees get bribes from pirates at the Depots and the goods do not turn up and then they may go home for a while to just enjoy a hot sauna on their basic income instead of shoveling side walks and packing Asian take out food bags as two can dine for $9.99 with soup and deep fried chicken wings included on any combo with General Tso's chicken. The solution is not defensiveness in terms of trade with tariffs since the goods are cheap but you need to sell them more and the tariffs will not help since there are virtually no tvs or phones being built in North America and for the few that are, the Tariffs will only slow down consumption with higher prices at the Toy company or at Walmart and this means there are fewer tax dollars being generated on sales tax revenue since drug dealers usually file a very simple tax return that only shows their income from selling a few stolen tvs from a truck that was high jacked on the way to....a wholesale discount refurbished goods retailer. Do you know the Netflix show called Ozark? We could increase sales of the burgers if we drop the price by a nickel on Sundays when people stop by to fill up for gas on the way back home from fishing for their dinners. Sales Tax is the most certain form of government revenue; especially in an electronic economy. Even if people pay by cash, the electronic till is mirrored minute by minute in a government mainframe and the large burger chain pays its 20% sales tax as collected on each transaction every hour with debit right to their account that pools the funds from all the chain stores right across the country so cheap coffee at $1.59 cents is a great win at 20% with trillions of coffee sold per day in a vibrant economy with basic income on both sides of our symbiotic global economy. The Samsung or Phillips 40 Inch tv is only $400.00 dollars at Best Deal. com down the road and with a 20 percent consumption tax, the total cost is $480.00. The 32 inch tv is $290.00 with the total cost being $358.00. You need to finance consumption since this Offset Contract deal goes 300 years into the future. Why don't you go and see the head of your order but you will not elect the way of pain; innit and nor will you forestall the sale of goods made by automated processes and nor will you forestall the basic income like you did in 1936. You nuh hear your faddah call you in Switsaland? You nah undastand de automatic watch him give yuh? What you want? It seems like you want is attentiun as de Anglo or you seh de English but you name Amerindian and late arrival and you can't see de point of de calendar and you resist de education but you have de power to finance it any way to live long and prosper and it will work but de big nah work; you nuh see and den you bring destruction day! One side is dedicated to consumption; America and the other is dedicated to production; Asia. There are services on both sides or in both regions. There is transportation and other work but the gap that automation creates requires closing so that the goods do not get cold and pile up at the back of the pizza shop for too long or end up as nothing but stale dated products sold off as discontinued products that never saw a brand new show room. The military has a positive role all over the world to ensure the burger joints that have now become missionaries of culture and commerce will have safe passage into new virgin markets along with Ikea and Coca Cola and Frito Lay. Hallelujah! The purpose of the covenant( the Brit) is safety and security and cultural perpetuation. See Genesis 9:11 in the OJB(Orthodox Jewish Bible). Basic income is earmarked within national security funding. The military will continue its role as a global police force popping up out of the ocean or diving in to ensure continued and uninterrupted commerce. See the movie Captain Phillips. The Gulf of Oman is a region; such a region requiring economic stabilization along with Afghanistan and the Anglo is paying attention. There will be no battle of the five Anglo armies to achieve oblivion and the death of these cultural victims who speak no other language but English. Their teeth are as good as any other teeth in addition to their feet for gas pedals and their hair is just as good for the Clairol. Why is this a discussion? It is a discussion since the cray cultural hegemonist in Northern Europe wants to know how good you are and is hoping to watch every Anglo who considers a native anyway kill each other while he imitates your loved movie characters; Happy Birthday Pilgrim! While, we accept there will always be law breakers in any society while we can see there is no excuse for law breaking and certainly less desperation in countries or the few Anglo regions with basic income which is also certainly better for big and little business owners with more dollars chasing the already too many and terribly cheaply produced goods at almost zero robotic cost but with more profit per item if they will sell more regularly with the requisite and now very late basic income. Have you seen the movie W(movie) with Richard Dreyfus? Even if the automation was deployed in America at full stream, the citizens as consumers with basic income would also have to be deployed. This is the bust in the process that you see and feel that some have attempted to fill with the economics of desperation that involves controlled drugs, desperate bank robbing and girls gone wild in clubs for a few lip sticks more but who will now go bible and feed some babies ; raise some babies. What transpired was not deliberate but there was some resistance as Nixon attempted to go forward with the basic income while some states implemented their own policies as they are entitled to do so. Examples involve Minnesota, Alaska and Texas but this is not well known across the continent but it is a mandatory policy to prevent non- recipients qualifying to be economic refugees under any UN Charter in the age of automation. Crime rates are lowest in these regions but there is tension as the rumor is that only Americans with certain affiliations receive these basic income funds but this is not so. All citizens receive these stimulus income payments also known as basic income upwards of $40,000.00 but the imbalance in the economy is evident along with the emerging and unnecessary urban desolation while America will be vitalized, stimulated with the funds necessary to fill urban spaces with little retailers, cafes and restaurants and consumers along with their families excited about consumption. The dynamics of the economy is really a function and if you can bomb a house in Latin America with a smart bomb or turn off the lights in China for $200,000.00 for an operation Dinner Out as seen fictional accounts of US authority, decision making, planning and authority, then you can reshape your urban landscape with public funds generated from hydro electric energy generated from rivers that run turbines all across America and the manufacturers will save trillions in near zero employment costs with automation but will spend money on higher industrial rate but flat fee electricity power accounts that power the machines. While this is a consideration for any manufacturing or large distribution systems that use robotics, there is enough for basic income within the monies generated from regular hydro consumer and business accounts and a steady stream of such funds There are different ways in which to structure the system but while an old Arawak lady asks how will they afford it, she is the same old lady that Arawaks followed when they asked how will they afford free school or medicaid? But, it is afforded and it is covered and these programs stimulate the economy while basic income can be afforded and is also necessary whether there is no civic work obligation or even if there is such a responsibility such as the United States Peace Core with military logistics and support with support and resources for local police to work on global economic stabilization projects like police, organising new emergency services in the country or region with citizens of the subject country receiving $500.00 USD per month , bringing road traffic systems, school buildings with teaching and teachers and supermarkets with the English, Russians and the French where the participants will have uniformed t - shirts, clothing, taser gun holsters and bb guns on their utility belts and will spend a certain amount of time overseas every year. They will also work domestically to re occupy regions in North America that have been abandoned after dying off in the absence of basic income and the social ills that rose in the economics of desperation. They will bring a presence with national guards men to ensure those regions are safe for reoccupation. Policy: F(development strategy, transaction costs, market structure, political institutions, national security, bureaucrat maximization). The Asians respected the arrangement involving the next 300 years of energy, global automotive dominance along with the passionless non emotive decision to follow maximum automation to make the Puritan his product as he abandons the east and always goes west and put the money into the hands of the Asian consumer who was also certainly phased out of manufacturing in Asia since the Asian's hands are not smaller than an American's but a Robot's arms and the conveyor belt is the cheaper labor and the small hands that heard about in the news to justify all of the manufacturing going to Asia(and Asia can set up depots in America so the small American business man can pick up his .50 cent consumables with his Toyota, pay for his small retail space at some mall with is basic income and sell the goods to shoppers while importing from Asia may mean he never gets the goods as the company in Asia may only really wish to sell with the Down town Oregon or Seattle Asian Sushi Restaurant owner's son and the stuff never shows up for the American and it was only a $20.00 order and Fed Ex has no idea what happened or the Post Office as employment is no longer the nexus between the two sides of the equation in any economy for the majority of consumers in Asia or in America as the equation involves production and consumption. It is money itself as employment is no longer the conduit for the transference of money from the now automated production one side of the economy and equation to the consumption side and in the absence of basic income of consumption income in whatever form it is arranged, maybe the United States or United Nations Peace Core as the basic civic duty along with a domestic service for domestic tranquility with consumption income for every citizen on assignment around America and various parts of the globe if not already in some other form of employment, then people will just watch the goods pile up in the warehouse and in the shop while Asia made a commitment to the consumption income in respecting this money in every citizen's hand as the conduit or road that will transmit the vehicles, food, phones, televisions and other goods that manifest culture and certainly also civilization much like a road. The Book of Eli does not say where the rest of the world or where Africa is after some kind of holocaust but the civic involvement that may cause some people to crave a war is best answered in peaceful civic involvement as you celebrate a more perfect union. Basic income in Social and Civic involvement continues in the positive application this Offset Contract which was a wise decision in confirming the final answer which is a symbiotic international interdependence that manifests both global industrial efficiency and good returns on investment with basic income consumption on both sides of the Sino-Japanese and Asian cultural exchange in addition to production on both sides of the American consumer society as founded and inseminated in America which became the phenomena of seamless Global consumer culture in the phenomenon of technological and experiential globalization. It is a lived experience and an observation.

President Obama: FULL INTERVIEW | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) Obama along with Nixon suggested that basic income would reduce the well meaning American's dependence on the illicit trade of drugs to make ends meet in the age of automation but he was forestalled in this plan by the wikileak distraction and by resistance to his plans for health care.

Offset Contracts and International trade building your world and closing the basic income gap cutting into the sales of your father's home town old American car manufacturer. What is 7x7?/// In 1970, an American industrialist made a deal with Asian countries that involved the next 300 years of America's industrial future but also the viability of American life when the wrong gamble was made on nuclear fuel in the face of new energy producing technologies as discovered by NASA scientists. The waste was sold to China as China had its own technology to use such waste in advance of any American recyclable technology. Yet, the Americans had the fuel cell that can be powered by the waste filtered out of sewage water; the methane and other Nitric elements that contain hydrogen or methane. The issue with this deal covering about three hundred years is that it involved an offset offered by the seller to the buyer as an incentive. Japan was also involved in the deal along with North and South Korea to have in roads into American car markets. The reason for the deal seems to be the same resistance in the local population to automation but a resistance that can be explained in the motive of human survival; either the robot or my family and I and most people chose their family along with themselves and may have destroyed automating technologies that some plants tried to install in the late 60's and late 70's but the issue is that. as they say, the side effect to a male erection pill is always in the detail. The contracts did not involve stifling consumption in the US with an absence of the requisite basic income with consumption being the whole purpose while making competition more difficult for the American manufacturer in addition to also stifling the American consumer family in stifling consumption along with American neighborhoods and the American citizen. No. Basic income was a priority # 1 requisite as it was in Asia. Look at all the happy Asian people; in America too! The deal also involved evidently a competition in manufacturing methods along with the tendency globally for capitalism to automate what job functions could be automated and save time, money and human energy where possible as seen in the cotton gin, the agricultural tractor and the type writer as examples along with the word processor eventually that we now take for granted yet this whole and entire process involved one detail that nobody should have had to spell out if you are abandoning the automotive process and that is the money to be put into the economy on both sides of the pacific in any event to consume the new wave of products being produced via automation for the American consumer in addition to the Japanese consumer and should someone have to tell the farmer how to put gas in the tractor that he ordered nd that if he does not, it will shut off? Consumption is what fuels an economy while if there is no money in the former and last American Car worker's hands or the former cashier who spent 30 years as a cashier after high school, then there is certainly less demand for the candles and the tv's coming in from Asia or from Philadelphia or Detroit. The plan was to put the money into the hands of the American consumer in due course some time after Star Wars was released. There is no point in looking for a conspiracy as there was some kind of arrangement; a tacit merger of wills but also requisite policy or else all vehicles; not just the American vehicle would pile up as unsold and maybe the deal did involve a move away from both automotive and consumer goods manufacturing but the goods have to be consumed and you can't just think of displacing the American product or American production as the goal. The goods have to be consumed and all of Asia cannot cut its own path by moving half of its population to America to effect consumption with their Asian basic income. The American was scheduled and set to receive basic income also while some suggest the plot involved a more Latino Southern American Anglo vs. a Northern Puritan whose children, as Baptists and other protestant denominations are more likely to enter the military as first to go and first to die but who cares who is eating the peanut butter and the Asian vehicle does not care if your mouth is Asian or if the skin of your breath is old world Protestant or Catholic dying for the honor in the battles even after the contract in American waste Energy disposal for uninterrupted automation in Asian Vehicle and Asian consumer goods production was set in motion in the 1970's after Vietnam as some say were pre planned. The Latino Anglo is a late arrival and seems to be excited about the 'new' and the new technology in our culture but he takes anything that is new and culturally ubiquitous to challenge the safe, requisite and grand old narratives such as simple definitions as what constitutes a legal person or what should constitute the definition of marriage or what or how should we finance our culture after automation or what is the purpose or reason for the calendar while he rarely can define a complete sentence or an algebraic problem and this Latin Anglo vs. Northern Anglo dichotomy is obfuscated by race in addition to an orphanology that involved European orphans maybe raised in various European denominational organisations and then sent to North America or the Latin Caribbean countries and they are an additional cultural overlay that is happy to be a part of something if it feels big before they remember to ask for more; please Sir! In joining the big thing and asking you to join them as a native Amerindian with parents or a Puritan native Pict with parents on the dark side in letting go of your anger; your hate toward father or family or pretending to have had a dysfunctional experience in your nucleic hydrogen family of 4 children and a mother and father; not nuclear family of 2.6 kids. They also tell you to just be social; take a little drugs for the acceptance since as an orphan in orphanology how can God be trusted when you look at what they make you give; your teeth, your immune system and your backside or your orientation just to eat? How can authority be trusted which is the real deceit of 9/11 although they have apologized for knowing in advance but not saving America precision like they saved Captain Phillips; innit? But, the apology is accepted and authority and your father is entitled to be given the benefit of the apology but the basic income is certainly a bit late in the good and the best for America's domestic tranquility and also its viability. Ozark and Fargo is the desert of the real but it is not the forecasted majority report with basic income. Have you seen Minority Report(the movie)? The precog is your mobile phone or your microwave or your fridge or your cable box; watching you right down your cable network system or the wifi. It is good; yes? Your consent in the new and ubiquitous is presumed. Basic income; a part of the current and previous budgets is not delayed any longer as its functionality in terms of maintaining safety is evident. It is within the national security funding to ensure every American has sufficient housing, food, shelter, water and all basic readiness. Putting the funds in the hands of the consumer supports and stimulates the economy and the landlords are happy with full occupancy and old buildings are being refurbished. The real truth is that basic income is a requisite of any modern automated economy in spite of any Offset contracts that may exchange energy for goods from one region at low robotic cost but with the understanding that jobs will be lost in both regions and that basic income is a requisite to maintain either or any society. But, in the absence of basic income in one region that is filled with goods that could be made by robots any where, the phenomenon of economic desperation arises and manifests in remarkable television shows as art imitates life as occurring right across the United States of Desperation and Stagnancy. The United States is not a designer coat and even if it was the coat you rely on to feel good and carry self esteem, how do you maintain it? The Sushi Buffet is a glorious oasis. However, there are too many empty buildings and small towns on the verge of abandonment, entire states also, that could make excellent homes for young families. Would you like some grits with your bullet wounds on the way back from Walmart after purchasing a Chinese robotically built tv and your roast chicken for dinner? The current answer to the gap and the growing lack of safety and domestic tranquility; domestic tranquility being the birth right of every citizen in the Social contract is to either buy bullet proof body suits in preparation for an economically desperate and violent North American or globally violent Anglo future in the entire Anglo world except for Scotland and Ireland that has basic income along with a few provinces and states. This Kevlar costs trillions while in negative back load financing. Yet, while Positive front load financing of safety and domestic tranquility involves basic income as basic income is also followed by our Asian trading partners who supply us in the Offset contracts the TVs, Car and Toys we enjoy as our agreed manufacturers and suppliers as of 1972. The Asian labor is not cheaper except that it is robotic and their society is working to supply goods to us via the big box stores know! There are people in Asia who have jobs in addition to basic income and those who do not have jobs have chosen to immigrate with their basic income to pursue their own creativity and earn some additional monies running businesses in Anglo countries but relying on these Asian ex pats is not enough for the consumptive force and capacity of the American economy. We tend to see the slump in numbers and tax dollars and our self esteem goes down as another graduating class or two does not find the work while some Asian may choose to try to settle in other parts of the world after the graduates start to steal the vehicles owned by a family that runs an Asian jewelry shop or take out in nice cities like Portland and when they go home, the gap becomes more evident since their businesses also are not a charity to prop up urban retail rents. They need to sell the goods they bought from China also yet the Couriers suffer thefts as the part time employees get bribes from pirates at the Depots and the goods do not turn up and then they may go home for a while to just enjoy a hot sauna on their basic income instead of shoveling side walks and packing Asian take out food bags as two can dine for $9.99 with soup and deep fried chicken wings included on any combo with General Tso's chicken. The solution is not defensiveness in terms of trade with tariffs since the goods are cheap but you need to sell them more and the tariffs will not help since there are virtually no tvs or phones being built in North America and for the few that are, the Tariffs will only slow down consumption with higher prices at the Toy company or at Walmart and this means there are fewer tax dollars being generated on sales tax revenue since drug dealers usually file a very simple tax return that only shows their income from selling a few stolen tvs from a truck that was high jacked on the way to....a wholesale discount refurbished goods retailer. Do you know the Netflix show called Ozark? We could increase sales of the burgers if we drop the price by a nickel on Sundays when people stop by to fill up for gas on the way back home from fishing for their dinners. Sales Tax is the most certain form of government revenue; especially in an electronic economy. Even if people pay by cash, the electronic till is mirrored minute by minute in a government mainframe and the large burger chain pays its 20% sales tax as collected on each transaction every hour with debit right to their account that pools the funds from all the chain stores right across the country so cheap coffee at $1.59 cents is a great win at 20% with trillions of coffee sold per day in a vibrant economy with basic income on both sides of our symbiotic global economy. The Samsung or Phillips 40 Inch tv is only $400.00 dollars at Best Deal. com down the road and with a 20 percent consumption tax, the total cost is $480.00. The 32 inch tv is $290.00 with the total cost being $358.00. You need to finance consumption since this Offset Contract deal goes 300 years into the future. Why don't you go and see the head of your order but you will not elect the way of pain; innit and nor will you forestall the sale of goods made by automated processes and nor will you forestall the basic income like you did in 1936. You nuh hear your faddah call you in Switsaland? You nah undastand de automatic watch him give yuh? What you want? It seems like you want is attentiun as de Anglo or you seh de English but you name Amerindian and late arrival and you can't see de point of de calendar and you resist de education but you have de power to finance it any way to live long and prosper and it will work but de big nah work; you nuh see and den you bring destruction day! One side is dedicated to consumption; America and the other is dedicated to production; Asia. There are services on both sides or in both regions. There is transportation and other work but the gap that automation creates requires closing so that the goods do not get cold and pile up at the back of the pizza shop for too long or end up as nothing but stale dated products sold off as discontinued products that never saw a brand new show room. The military has a positive role all over the world to ensure the burger joints that have now become missionaries of culture and commerce will have safe passage into new virgin markets along with Ikea and Coca Cola and Frito Lay. Hallelujah! The purpose of the covenant( the Brit) is safety and security and cultural perpetuation. See Genesis 9:11 in the OJB(Orthodox Jewish Bible). Basic income is earmarked within national security funding. The military will continue its role as a global police force popping up out of the ocean or diving in to ensure continued and uninterrupted commerce. See the movie Captain Phillips. The Gulf of Oman is a region; such a region requiring economic stabilization along with Afghanistan and the Anglo is paying attention. There will be no battle of the five Anglo armies to achieve oblivion and the death of these cultural victims who speak no other language but English. Their teeth are as good as any other teeth in addition to their feet for gas pedals and their hair is just as good for the Clairol. Why is this a discussion? It is a discussion since the cray cultural hegemonist in Northern Europe wants to know how good you are and is hoping to watch every Anglo who considers a native anyway kill each other while he imitates your loved movie characters; Happy Birthday Pilgrim! While, we accept there will always be law breakers in any society while we can see there is no excuse for law breaking and certainly less desperation in countries or the few Anglo regions with basic income which is also certainly better for big and little business owners with more dollars chasing the already too many and terribly cheaply produced goods at almost zero robotic cost but with more profit per item if they will sell more regularly with the requisite and now very late basic income. Have you seen the movie W(movie) with Richard Dreyfus? Even if the automation was deployed in America at full stream, the citizens as consumers with basic income would also have to be deployed. This is the bust in the process that you see and feel that some have attempted to fill with the economics of desperation that involves controlled drugs, desperate bank robbing and girls gone wild in clubs for a few lip sticks more but who will now go bible and feed some babies ; raise some babies. What transpired was not deliberate but there was some resistance as Nixon attempted to go forward with the basic income while some states implemented their own policies as they are entitled to do so. Examples involve Minnesota, Alaska and Texas but this is not well known across the continent but it is a mandatory policy to prevent non- recipients qualifying to be economic refugees under any UN Charter in the age of automation. Crime rates are lowest in these regions but there is tension as the rumor is that only Americans with certain affiliations receive these basic income funds but this is not so. All citizens receive these stimulus income payments also known as basic income upwards of $40,000.00 but the imbalance in the economy is evident along with the emerging and unnecessary urban desolation while America will be vitalized, stimulated with the funds necessary to fill urban spaces with little retailers, cafes and restaurants and consumers along with their families excited about consumption. The dynamics of the economy is really a function and if you can bomb a house in Latin America with a smart bomb or turn off the lights in China for $200,000.00 for an operation Dinner Out as seen fictional accounts of US authority, decision making, planning and authority, then you can reshape your urban landscape with public funds generated from hydro electric energy generated from rivers that run turbines all across America and the manufacturers will save trillions in near zero employment costs with automation but will spend money on higher industrial rate but flat fee electricity power accounts that power the machines. While this is a consideration for any manufacturing or large distribution systems that use robotics, there is enough for basic income within the monies generated from regular hydro consumer and business accounts and a steady stream of such funds There are different ways in which to structure the system but while an old Arawak lady asks how will they afford it, she is the same old lady that Arawaks followed when they asked how will they afford free school or medicaid? But, it is afforded and it is covered and these programs stimulate the economy while basic income can be afforded and is also necessary whether there is no civic work obligation or even if there is such a responsibility such as the United States Peace Core with military logistics and support with support and resources for local police to work on global economic stabilization projects like police, organising new emergency services in the country or region with citizens of the subject country receiving $500.00 USD per month , bringing road traffic systems, school buildings with teaching and teachers and supermarkets with the English, Russians and the French where the participants will have uniformed t - shirts, clothing, taser gun holsters and bb guns on their utility belts and will spend a certain amount of time overseas every year. They will also work domestically to re occupy regions in North America that have been abandoned after dying off in the absence of basic income and the social ills that rose in the economics of desperation. They will bring a presence with national guards men to ensure those regions are safe for reoccupation. Policy: F(development strategy, transaction costs, market structure, political institutions, national security, bureaucrat maximization). The Asians respected the arrangement involving the next 300 years of energy, global automotive dominance along with the passionless non emotive decision to follow maximum automation to make the Puritan his product as he abandons the east and always goes west and put the money into the hands of the Asian consumer who was also certainly phased out of manufacturing in Asia since the Asian's hands are not smaller than an American's but a Robot's arms and the conveyor belt is the cheaper labor and the small hands that heard about in the news to justify all of the manufacturing going to Asia(and Asia can set up depots in America so the small American business man can pick up his .50 cent consumables with his Toyota, pay for his small retail space at some mall with is basic income and sell the goods to shoppers while importing from Asia may mean he never gets the goods as the company in Asia may only really wish to sell with the Down town Oregon or Seattle Asian Sushi Restaurant owner's son and the stuff never shows up for the American and it was only a $20.00 order and Fed Ex has no idea what happened or the Post Office as employment is no longer the nexus between the two sides of the equation in any economy for the majority of consumers in Asia or in America as the equation involves production and consumption. It is money itself as employment is no longer the conduit for the transference of money from the now automated production one side of the economy and equation to the consumption side and in the absence of basic income of consumption income in whatever form it is arranged, maybe the United States or United Nations Peace Core as the basic civic duty along with a domestic service for domestic tranquility with consumption income for every citizen on assignment around America and various parts of the globe if not already in some other form of employment, then people will just watch the goods pile up in the warehouse and in the shop while Asia made a commitment to the consumption income in respecting this money in every citizen's hand as the conduit or road that will transmit the vehicles, food, phones, televisions and other goods that manifest culture and certainly also civilization much like a road. The Book of Eli does not say where the rest of the world or where Africa is after some kind of holocaust but the civic involvement that may cause some people to crave a war is best answered in peaceful civic involvement as you celebrate a more perfect union. Basic income in Social and Civic involvement continues in the positive application this Offset Contract which was a wise decision in confirming the final answer which is a symbiotic international interdependence that manifests both global industrial efficiency and good returns on investment with basic income consumption on both sides of the Sino-Japanese and Asian cultural exchange in addition to production on both sides of the American consumer society as founded and inseminated in America which became the phenomena of seamless Global consumer culture in the phenomenon of technological and experiential globalization. It is a lived experience and an observation.