Vince Dorndish taught the church people and his young people the power of resentment.  It became soo much fun for them that they built orphanages for the purpose and would just show the children a photo of someone, saying "...he took your food.  Resent him."  The children would resent all day and then they would get a little food; a lizard.   Now, in North America, people like Korden Bodle abandoned her 10 year old son at a bus station and then went off to the U.S.  He was put into a machine wired to the phone lines and mobile networks and was told to resent his mother's ex-boyfriends and the husband and then the kid would be given a new body.  Another game is to deafen the child and limit his growth while promising that he will hear someday or grow to play basketball if he just resents the person they say; that Grandma Grace  and Lard did something. 
