So, the irony about the West Indies is that the conquistador dna in the West Indies flows through the people; conquistadors who had an unfortunate experience but only in Jamaica. A priest on the ship did not like tropical fruits; including the bread fruit. He also did not like fish. When food ran low, he ate a rat on the beach side and contracted a rat virus. He was raised to seek the acceptance and approval of the court albeit with many abuses and only dreamed of seeing and pleasing Isabella. He was beaten to have a horrible fear of rejection. He eventually died of the virus and under nourishment a few days later. The soldiers thought of a plan as they could not explain a dead priest very easily as they enjoyed their journey and were getting used to the new environment and its unique creatures such as the Iguana which they eventually learned to catch and eat. It's very tasty. They decided to cook the Priest and eat him with his rat virus running through his veins. They dressed up one of the soldiers in the Priest's clothing and collar while they pronounced and noted the soldier as "died at sea" and went on with their journey intermingling with the Arawaks on the island. The priest was like a jag officer and had to tell them what to do and what not to do to these nice Native people who were to receive the communion and then they would have peace talks. So, the conquistadors killed their priest on the ship in most other Islands in other expeditions and them to the sailors and soldiers on board. Instead of communion first, they would spit in the Arawaks and the disease would kill them off. They would spit and cough on the trees and on the ground. More than 500 years later, in spite of all the science and technology and books in the world, it seems people from this land of wood, abundant fruit and water continue to further dependence illogically as if programmed as they spend twice as much as might be needed as they seek acceptance and association from something or anything in Europe following the desperation of a dead man but they don't believe anything but it is as if they just have to do it while the Europeans today are trying to encourage an efficiency and balanced economy in the people and this most beautiful tropical destination. Some Chinese immigrants had two helpings of a dried meat that was really mongoose meat that was bred with the dna from this Priest that was put in dogs also to keep it alive; two helpings so that they might have a protection that was never really respected. It was only to ensure that they would be equal to the people already on the Island; two helpings as twice as confused after two generations when they always let the language and the tai chi go. They only think about looking sort of Spanish and about "beautiful" and nothing else. That is why they would choose "Superior English" over "Native English speaking mother tongue" and their granny's anger is now being magnified by a radio some where such that when you don't agree with granny on the job application, they come to beat your vehicle or shoot you so that they might have hegemony in their illiteracy. It's just "superior" feels better to Granny. You could make them jump off a cliff for acceptance and this Arawak dna ended up in Georgia as a General Robert E. Lee. But, as he said, he didn't really know where he comes from. Your soul as genetically diseased and influenced may be more important as it impinges upon and determines your behavior like any theory and as such, it determines your practice; servile conquered people with all the wealth and steel to build 500-12000 B-52's with now only two car companies. Only 700 B-52s got through to make you feel good; so that you might feel big; you feel good and you take a photo! So, who is zooming who?
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