There are individuals who can invest in this television as initial shareholders and producers. You will get a photo with the founder that says co-producer and you will have the recognition. It is owned by Londinium Media. You do remember St. Andrew Parish. The TV Channel name is also trademarked. Caribbean Television(TM) is also a new trademark at Londinium Media. Please phone 1-647-701-9478 for inquiries.
There are individuals who can invest in this television as initial shareholders and producers. You will get a photo with the founder that says co-producer and you will have the recognition. It is owned by Londinium Media. You do remember St. Andrew Parish. The TV Channel name is also trademarked. Caribbean Television(TM) is also a new trademark at Londinium Media. Please phone 1-647-701-9478 for inquiries. If you would like to buy it, please call and I will have it set up for your registration. The full price is $250,000.00.
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