There seems to have been a decision by English Creoles all over the world to resist emancipation in 1833. They did not accept it and hoped to see a continuation of a racial hegemony in society. The British enforced their legislation concerning emancipation and some whites emigrated from Jamaica to assume a land that they thought they could train to digest their ignorant ideas on race and hegemony about using people as footstools. They hide in churches; including the Pentecostal Church and some White West Indians also fled other islands to the United States; right into every state that also involved Northern States such as Vermont in the hope of suggesting a racial hegemony where no such hegemony existed in public in the usual course of that northern state's historical progression; seeking the normalization of an ignorance. They are a murderous people. It began subtly and insidiously; bringing a subtle civil war against intelligence and peace against the Brit Milah. Abraham Lincoln and others noticed. They were in the north and a part of an American historical progression that was comfortable with the belief in and the witness of the human ingenuity and capability of all men regardless of race; not ignorance. They suffered the civil war to ensure America's origins and growth in peace. Free Blacks arrived in America before any slave population. Mass slavery did not begin until a moral suggestion for the defence of the practice of enslaving a human being was penned by John Locke. It is an amazing confirmation of the state of European morality and the subtlety . This foreign population assassinated Lincoln and continued with the hell for as long as they could. Two world wars brought a peace and a reminder of human capability regardless of race in light of two brothers or two souls in the whiter people fighting. It seems that the fight began with a lighter North African creole orphan that desired to feel subservience and sought to create a subject population; possibly part pygmy as in the case of Napoleon. But, it has now become a subculture of subversion and supplanting the restored and resurrected intentions of the Brit Milah. Many mixed race creoles were known for their equality and their contributions before and after the middle ages of Europe. Mozart was a Black Creole according to biographical evidence. There is no need for any further discussion on this issue. You can watch tv 24 hours a day and seven days a week Orphan Black but it doesn't mean you will graduate. It is best not to step into the fight of two brothers as they destroy themselves. But, we know who wins; un-hyphenated humanity. Eventually, this foreign population started to use decoys and placebos to distract the population while furthering their evil agenda in one guise or the other. A placebo could be an unqualified individual of an ethnic background who is put into a position of public authority to disguise the erasure of racial indifference but certain equal endeavor in various spheres of life such as professional academically defined pursuits. This also occurred with professional sports with the agenda that said the black community would have too much authority with soo many Black wealthy professional athletes so they deliberately removed fully qualified black professionals from the socio-economic sphere to balance out the anxieties of the foreign and racially addicted population that took hegemony across America over the originating American, English speaking population that had no such predilection. They present a continual fracture in national loyalty and it seems also identity. There is no loyalty to GDP as they continue to supplant the nation's establishment in favor of a continual process of foreign immigration; helping the newcomer. The newcomer is an immigrant that is not educated and steeped in the history and historical progression of North America. That foreigner is favored and hired before the local high school graduate. They used politicians as decoys to cover their absolute agenda. They feel familiar and close with a sense of awareness as to the existence of an equatorial world full of mangos and salt water. Maybe they look White. Maybe they look Black but their intention is nothing other than to provide the placebo and decoy. The decoy helps to wipe out black capability and its presence in various spheres of life. Sometimes the target population participates in their own supplanting; a weak minded population sufficiently abused emotionally and psychologically to let anyone tell them cut off their own arm for social power. But, they are victims; just playmouse people and little infertile bunnies who do not reproduce like rabbits. They hate themselves in their participation. They would rather send a billion dollars a year to sex operation from an orphanage in 1920 who is part black and Arawak and who was born a boy. I know you can't believe it but if the road is smooth, you should have peace. If she or he could read, who would be angry if a Black man has comprehension? Education was free for people who came from families receiving some DSS. Even if you eschewed professionalism for the certainty of lifting boxes and doing something or anything, who says a cab company will let you drive a cab or who says the government will allow you to register a cab licence? Why not go to school for free and take one course a year for 16 years, get a law degree and open a kebab/West Indian pepper pot shop with all of your lottery winnings and hard work. Why kill a graduate who believed in you and the free choices you made with your options for free education? But, now you seem to want to erase the younger population that believed in you and respected you as an older relative. You seem to take their respect as a threat. In the same West Indian region, a darker black now seeks hegemony over his own lighter relative on a racialising basis or they steal the child of a lighter Black West Indian and abuse him physically and emotionally to feel "over and above" that class or people. But, why would they differentiate themselves on the basis of complexion? It could be that the target class or people digested the same chastening from the darker adopted family about Black people having to work twice as hard; not that black people could ever have favor. So, you must work twice as hard. The stolen child worked twice as hard to survive the thieving family. After the increase in the number of Black professional athletes, the average black consumer of services also migrated to non-Black professionals as the pied piper ordered them to assist in the blitz on their community's academic and professional wealth and resources. They believe a black man can fly like a Michael Jordan but some how they can't enjoy or rest in the fact that he graduated from the University of London; in London.
SOAS alumni have made significant contributions in the fields of
government, academia, business, arts, journalism, among others. These
include Sultan Salahuddin, King of Malaysia (1999–2001), Mette-Marit, Crown Princess of Norway, Princess Ayşe Gülnev Sultan, descendant of Mehmed V Reşâd, 35th Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, John Atta Mills, Former President of Ghana, Luisa Diogo, Former Prime Minister of Mozambique, Bülent Ecevit, Former Prime Minister of Turkey.
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