The Apostle Peter, when writing his letter as seen in 1st Peter 2 had sent his letter to the Roman citizens in certain parts of the Mediterranean written about 64 AD (about 64 years after Christ's resurrection). But, 1st Peter 2 may have been misused by certain English only speaking mulattoish Creoles who looked Certainly white for a brownie kodak camera but maybe not white enough as now decided for a samsung or apple smart phone camera but may have been born in the West Indies as people who were eventually involved during European colonization who did not have a full Oxfordian history of the bible in their own personal understanding but they did their very best to tell as many people as possible that God really loves you although there will be some people who will try to take your money. mistreat you and spitefully use you and then you must forgive. It is the first miracle or act of discipline in becoming a robe or a Jedi. Do you know June Plum? Do you know disciples of Christ? Do you know disciples of Buddha? Do you know the spirit of murder? Forgive! So, now for the "Mephibosheth" mulattoes who covet the authority of the throne of Israel; that is the mulattoes who are getting nervous again about what is white enough for Israel with new camera technology and who have decided that all Jewish girls should only have one ovary since they might get too heavy, and there are too many cameras now and we can't have too many Maude's for Israel, maybe they need to change the !#!$# camera so that it says
"human" is all you need for the throne of Israel. If there is a King out there, he already told you! You will court death otherwise! See the ten commandments for more and read Isaiah 44 one more time!
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