There was Cain and Abel. There was Potiphar with Joseph. There was Saul. There was Mephibosheth and there was Judas.

There was Cain and Abel.   There was Potiphar with Joseph. There was Saul. There was Mephibosheth and there was Judas.  As it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end but if there was too much peace you might forget the beginning so how do you keep your people talking about the truth of the word and of the character that is willing to believe in saving a life; a Abraham or a good Samaritan or maybe a very tearful and Joseph?  In the truth of human character in the beginning or in the current day or in the end, the tension remains so that the gospel will ooze out of your living experience right in front of you that there are some people who will pass on the right side of 1940's Disney morality and there are some people who will fail.  Are you a friend?  Are you an enemy? Are you a playa hata, Tutsi, Hutu , Baptist, Seventh Day Adventist or Jehovah's witness  working in the name of Jesus?  No you didn't?  Well, in fact I certainly did so that I may obtain your fulsome attention.  I say fulsome in the sense that your generous attention is beckoned at this special Mass; this being Christ's Mass. So, who are you really working for?      There is good and bad in everyone most absolutely and the 400 years of incubation in Egypt confirmed that 40 years in the wilderness was not enough to sanitize the seed of God's intention for a witness to His presence among men after what Jacob's mother achieved in addition to unusual behavior of the 12 sons.  The coils of our dna have been set to test us as the parable of the four seeds demonstrates; as the three temptations of Christ demonstrate. There could be some Amalekite swimming around inside of you and your emotions.  Are you the enemy of that person who is about to approach his final chemistry High School or exam or are you going to call them four times a night for the next two weeks and start an argument to seek attention or drop by the night before to talk about your crisis with your girlfriend.     There seems to be a recurring pattern that involves 400 years in this continual tension as it pops up on Scholarship notification day a million times a year in some countries; that someone sets out to kill a precious life.  But, I don't know if you understand what I am trying to say to you.Maybe the woman in Proverbs 2.5.6, 7, 9 and 10 is certainly an amalgamation of the experiences confirmed by the witnesses and children of Israel; that you are born not of water and flesh but of a spirit that knows there is a right answer that ends up Thomas Hobbes' book with passionate ENGLISH discourse since there may have been too much snuff(cocaine) in most people's blood streams to memorize it in Latin. It could not be the flesh or else Saul would not have lost his mind for as trinket on his head. It could not be flesh or Judas would have said his thanks as in Je Suis Reconnaissant!   It is God's story and you can choose at any moment to cross from killing a life to saving a life. Abraham begged for Lot and Yeshua or Jesus reminded you that there is no law against saving a life in all the saints and the angels and the Cherubim; that there are sins of commission and of omission.   Won't you come?  I know you will. Otherwise, you have chosen the way of pain and hurt evidently.  It just does not work any more as oxygen is very very precious.    Judas was a son of Israel from a tribe of Israel. What grudge would he hold against anybody who would sing the psalms and confirm the  law and the prophets in saying "..It is written"? It seems Judas was born of blood, water and flesh but not of spirit Peter was tested and finally came through like a good Frodo or Hobbit but there is obviously collateral damage during  your soul searching and hesitation since the power of God abhors hesitation and the vacuum that it has created.  So, say welcome when they show up as you need someone to tell you what to do since you do not not know who you are any longer and are incapable of leading. Is this exile leading to occupation or should we say occupation leading to free and volitional exile.  Thank you for your recitations of the Brit Milah and of the Nativity Scene dans Englais!  You are well able to repossess the land in any version of your soul and identity that you choose.  Sze! Sze!  Salaam. How do you say it many languages on the Midland Bank PLC signs around Norwich.  Anyway, you can see that with too much peace and too many long roads with too many coffee shops and 1 euro prawn and bacon sandwiches at the 24 hours Tescos you might forget the role you play in being at peace. But, don't change the sandwiches or the roads, the answer is to be thankful for what you have and to enforce the legislation of peace. Jesus is everywhere. Jesus loves you. He wants you to have an abundant peace. There is enough to go around in the fifth element in understanding that energy is not lost but blocked in the immediate multiplication of transactions as you give to the peace or give to great I AM your trust  and distribute it...then you will, some how, certainly have more and more and more; $40,000.00 per citizen in the phenomena of fully mechanized labor and if you get a job with a private employer or public service, they make up the difference with an extra $30-70,000.00 so you can live life with more energy output; a v8 instead of the 2.2  4 cylinder turbo with "Sat. Nav."     It's not a new idea but some people born with cockroach ester in the third trimester want to feel people beneath them so that they might finally feel equal. Maybe you had to much Kindler surprise!  The world is not enough.  You need the Brit Milah!  It will be 2 years at this rate before we have to watch another charade of minions. He seems to think he was born in the Macklin Islands maybe and is Hungarian but what does it matter when the answer to the rubic cube is evident in light of fully mechanized labor?
