So, if the issue is national or regional determination, then you need more than attention for the best rum, the best swordfish or the fastest and most elegant ballerinas on earth.
So, if the issue is national or regional self determination, then you need more than attention for the best rum, the best swordfish or the fastest and most elegant ballerinas on earth. You may need to think about how many bonafide graduate lawyers other nations have such as Tahiti or the number of Japanese lawyers in the world or the number of English lawyers; one of your largest trading partners. You may need to think about how many engineers or aerospace technicians you have in comparison to other nations so that you will be a technological and intellectual envy; a regional jewel evidencing your most capable national expression or is it essentially native Arawak determination? Some people Left St. Lucia to go to law school in America or England but this does not make them any less St. Lucian. Does someone loose their identity if they graduate from a law school or medical school in England? You remain dependent if you do not have sufficient national resources. We don't need any part-native black guy from any part of the world who is determined to and who wants to kill his children after they complete a university English exam and graduated with a 76%.
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