Joya is a demon! She wanted to kill one of her church friends and ministerial team colleagues for his written prayers. His name is Enamel. She is incapable of comprehension and is some where in between Seed number 2 and Seed number 3 in the parable of the four seeds and is in a double life with Herpes Simplex 50. She sounds like she understands and only seems to go to church to "..please the white people." Her attitude of theft and presumption is that of Mephibosheth who does not want to sacrifice, lay down his or her life, does not want to face a bear or the Philistine, recover any ark or offer any solution; athief who only wants the honor and the attention after David, Joseph, Paul the Apostle, a Solomon or a Yeshua has laid down their life and lived in faith. This is not a time for laying down life. This is the time to be sharp and clinical...Gideon.
Joya is a demon! She wanted to kill one of her church friends and ministerial team colleagues for his written prayers. His name is Enamel. She is incapable of comprehension and is some where in between Seed number 2 and Seed number 3 in the parable of the four seeds and is in a double life with Herpes Simplex 50. She sounds like she understands and only seems to go to church to "..please the white people." She told Wallen this in June 2012 and she thinks she has a gift in saying that Warren would tell someone. Well, he never did. Did He? She did? She is a transgender operation and has a penis. She seems to think she can hide in the church and kill Christians for the attention while using their writings. She lives in Harrow. Her attitude of theft and presumption is that of Mephibosheth who does not want to sacrifice, lay down his or her life, does not want to face a bear or the Philistine, recover any ark or offer any solution; a thief who only wants the honor and the attention after David, Joseph, Paul the Apostle, a Solomon or a Yeshua has laid down their life and lived in faith. Many antichrists shall come but sometimes they may not live in palaces. They could be accountants or coffee shop owners in Streatham. This is not a time for laying down life. This is the time to be sharp and clinical. In spite of her attitude, her favorite bible character is Gideon although she found him a hard act to follow in his decisiveness about the whole bible and faith thing or the waiting to be married before sex. Her feeling of authority or her sense of impending death is that she says she would have had children if she knew how to ask for an antibiotic for her Herpes Simplex 50 without shame. Well, she confessed the herpes in 2004 to Wallen. She had said in 2003 that she had a vison and inner prophecy that Wallen was the husband. Warren said sure in 2003 but that there is something you need to communicate. She said finally in 2004 that she had herpes and believed God had removed it. But, Warren said why not be sure and get a treatment since she said it was from her past life as a non-believer. She said she would trust God and Wallen said he understood but that he did not have any prophecy about her at the moment and that time would tell. It's just that God does not require you to ask for a miracle from on High when he already created the miraculous healing dust and dirt of an antibiotic. Do you remember when the Lord took mud and rubbed the eyes of the blind man? Yes. That's it Joya! Take the "Blessed" antibiotics for your wife, not husband, since you are a man who did not want children or at least keep your man fertile so that you could have a good word. She also wrote in her bible that she was an African descendent of David but she does not know anything although she knows White people love that type of stuff and the school teachers always said you should try to find a royal relative. David was an easy pick and she only wrote it because the school teacher said they should think of something; a teacher in the regular high school in Tottenham. But, she tries to be a nice girl at heart when she gave 40 pounds per week to three old ladies who said she could be entered on their home ownership once the old lady passed away. One family is also collecting money as they sell the notion of ownership on a business name owned by someone who used to go the choir classes at the school of praise. But, he donated a business name to the church. It is called Highest Praise Television or maybe the already own it. Isn't that rather unusual? Yes. They already own it. The other name is 9000 Television. The other name is Three Wise Men(TM) television. But, no one responded. Also, he offered Londinum(TM) Television for $10000.00 but nobody responded. Who would try to buy it from someone who is not the owner? If they want Three Wise men(TM) Television, also known as TWM(TM) Channel, they could ask and I will write a contract and transfer it for free or maybe $10.00. I love that church or I love what I remember. Wallen never had sex with her but she told people she did. Wallen had covenant with someone who became a Popstar right afterward since the "someone else" became an object for the followers of Mephibosheth. They wanted to know if she would love them too and it went to her head. Her mother is not dead. They faked it, took insurance and her mother went to Walthamstow. Her mother is now in Desoronto. But, she did say she believes Obama has attention deficit disorder like her and could not have gone to law school as it seems he cannot sit down long enough to do anything. His wife sort of told her indirectly and to warn the world that he was a fraud. The last lesion is that you study anything to which you have set your mind to show thyself approved and that you show people your faith by your works; not by your fear or shame although fear of shame is a good beginning but it is not the Holy Ghost that says get thyself an antibiotic. Read John 9.
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