So the mother abused by her own father wanted a perfect superman. She couldn't find one and raised children on her own. They wanted perfection. So, when the uncle acting as a surrogate went to the shops, they asked for a chocolate. He bought everything else and forgot the chocolate in the shuffle. He bought chocolate the day before and to make up for it, he promised to buy a whole bag of chocolate since it's cheaper. The kid seemed to be upset and his desire for the super man. They noticed the phenomena in Germany among orphans after ww1. But the boy realized he is only judging himself and no one needed to be under such inhumane and selfish, self-defeating, abusive judgment for what worked out for the greater good and too much chocolate is really not so good for your teeth but nobody is judging. Eat all you want. They are your teeth. But, who pays for the new teeth? The only other lesson is that everybody makes mistakes.
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