The lady from Spice River was 10 years old when the older lady came into the church bathroom and said "..let me look at you!"
The lady from Spice River was 10 years old when the older lady came into the church bathroom and said "..let me look at you!" The older lady was born in 1916 and was 43 years old at the time in 1959. She never left the region in which she was born but told stories for authority; that she graduated from the School of Deceit during the war but they lost the papers due to racism or the war. She told many dummies who would visit anything they would believe since she loved to feel attention and appreciation for a minute. The people from Dumeronto showed up in her last hours when she was in her 90's hoping to believe she had secret wealth that they could claim if she would sign something. They hoped she would disown her adopted son. Ask Chris! She would always say she can't remember what they said. The old lady was really born as a boy but hit his father with a hammer at three years old because he thought the father should not look when the boy(now the old lady 67 years later) went to the washroom. The father was Nathaniel and turned him into a girl. The father sent her out at 4 years old and said "..don't come back." Some people used and some people helped the child. The father eventually brought her back at 5 years old. The girl that was formerly a boy lived his life as a very angry person; very angry and also very determined about authority. She pretended to be an orphan only to work with the majority. She looked at the nib all day quite often and emanated the anger of a hell. She claimed to be the Queen of the damned and was very concerned about competition. The older lady left the young lady from Spice River in the toilet. The young lady eventually left the toilet looking unkempt and was also very angry from that point on. The older lady had told the young lady to believe that the older lady was "the real one; real mother" but she certainly wasn't; absolutely not. She had no womb. She was born as a boy and could not have children. She used the 10 year old as a Trojan to work against the 10 year old's real mother and family. She told the young girl and any young person to think that they had to be the only one. She was not any Queen and stole from a lot of people. The old lady decided that she would take the young lady's inheritance and her family's wealth. She worked with one or two others in the young lady's family who believed that you "kill and eat" without loyalty to anyone or anything. The old lady's son was her student as taken from an orphanage. There was a boy who was born to Nathaniel and another lady. He was considered greedy and pushed on the back end of the "old boy" that turned into a woman. His name was "Pittance". He gave all of his money to the old lady who promised she would give it back someday but when he showed up for it, she said she already gave it to him, that he used it; "...your son, your guilt for what you did. You abused him and you use him when you say there are only victims and victors. You help anyone else who is outside of the family when it comes to him and this is how you have paid so don't ask until you think like and act like family. Resolve what you did to him since your son never let the family down and was faithful with little. You think you will feel like a King beating your son and how small could you be to think it? You love me like I told you with my degree in deceit. You have the brain of a 2 year old and that is when you first sucked my nib as an old lady." He had asked the old lady to burn his son's mouth and to bald him. She never did. She kills anyone who does not help a believing West Indian but cannot do everything.
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