The complexion dismorphism.
The child grows up and is told to be tough. You rub his or her hands on a brick wall and you say be tough. You say be strong and know your name when people may say bad things about you. It could be your mother, grandmother or grandfather. It could be about your complexion vs their complexion. It could be the grocery store clerk of the pattie shop girl or the girl at Saks Fifth Avenue when you are flying high and enjoying your school vacation. So, if some one hurts your feelings verbally or physically, you are to be tough; more than tough. You are not to take any complexion ignorance about darker or "lighter than me" personally. Understand the ignorance. Understand the hypocrisy regardless of the form in which it comes and never duplicate it. You have a duty to your own family so why allow someone's ignorance to deform you and your thinking? Why digest it to the point that you will take this ignorance and externalize hurts on your own children, trying to make them darker so that you will feel equal to them or superior to them. Is skin more important than ensuring a second, third and fourth generation? What you put in the food to darken or lighten them may sterilize them and you have a duty to create another generation to perpetuate your culture and family's unique testimony into the future. .
Is skin and complexion more important than another generation? No. Let the devil go. This is complexion body dismorphism.
As the darker children of fourth generation English Creoles born in the West Indies as the children of creoles born in England who came to work for the civil service in the West Indies after WW1 and whose parents migrated as Creoles from the West Indies in the early 1800's after settling as English people in the West Indies around 1664, you sometimes find yourself trying to prove that you are white enough for your father's acceptance although he did not bring you back to England with him in the late 60's. The sense of rejection was profound and maybe he thought it was best for you to stay where you are and have some assistance, authority and privilege living just down the road from paradise Oracabesa. But, your continual looking to the horizon for approval has left the nation abandoned in terms of your willingness to prove how good you are in making the Island a clockwork of tropical, administrative heaven and beauty. Instead, since you thought your father's unwillingness to bring you to England was based on your complexion, you spent most of your time showing him how you could half these people and cut their path of progress and attainment to show how loyal or good you are in being disloyal to the black or blacker or anyone who looked just like you; that he would feel that you were just like him or loyal to the white. You must really hate England but you want them to accept you as being white enough to kill another black person who could look just like you with your soft hair and "Cafe au lait" complexion. So, what war can England fight if they cannot rely on you to do precisely as you are told? Did every fully White English person abuse you that you should decide to screw something and do it your own way; hurting their plan and purpose? Should they pay the insurance after an accident or provide the operation? Why don't you understand what English identity is and if they wanted to kick you death down the pub or at the back of the school for scoring or saving a goal, they would have done it last night. But, your mother is white or maybe your father. So, why spit on England to achieve a status you can never achieve as white. You have afro hair and at best, you might pass for North African or Mediterranean but not white. So, why reject all the love you have in that they gave you free education in high school and a career track and then you throw stuff away and claim the recipient never wanted it in being loyal to Jamaica or where ever your uncle comes from. The recipient wants it and where are you? Who are you working for? But, you could achieve a status called loyal member and Brit in the Brit Milah. Was there Hitler dna in the tampon your mother used as it might help to explain your diffidence and self rejection. The truth is, what did your English father do to frustrate black people? Why did he leave. He left because some other creoles who are certainly not English wanted to half him and take his pension or payments being sent from England. He was a Baptist school teacher and has no idea as to how someone cannot see that nationalism is not based on destroying civil administration; as if you have something to say to the country that was the colonizing power. You wanted to know who a Baptist minister from Walthamstow was working for. He was working for the Baptist union but since Thunderball, you want to know if every box of pens sent from England is a secret gadget. Every graduate from America is a spy. Is that it? No. That's not it. That's not it. Its time to turn the movie off because spies don't go home to live with their mother's after graduation and if he is to buy a vehicle, why should you think it has smoke screens and machine guns? How many used Volkswagens have you killed in your paranoia? Read a bible and have deliverance. Raise some children. Drive a Toyota forerunner or Suzuki truck. Drive a sedan. Go to the beach and take some photos. You are not achieving independence but dependence in this stupidity. So forgive Bond Character for throwing a Creole to the ground in Dr.No. See the Chinese-ish Black Creole in the same movie. Take your pick of imagery that drives you to stagnancy or forward to mutual interdependence. You are invited. You extol the virtue of education and some believed you really meant what you said. Then, you play social games with them to death to tell somebody in your imagination that you are angry they let anybody who is not fair skin graduate. You never graduated and you used someone's essays to the death. Some of you have other secret reasons. Yet, you talk about black people needing to increase but you foster dependency when you resort to petty games involving your ego. You send the essays to 50000 other families with the complexion you believe should have the honor in public for the various darker graduate's work. You throw money away as the school's laugh at your laziness and then you give the other communities fuel to discount what you call a "black people" as you do not respect the purpose and the intention of the assignments. It says there is something fundamentally wrong if anyone has to explain this to anyone. It is illegal criminally as uttering fraudulent documents and several students now have criminal records. It is also a forfeiture of tuition so keep coming. Bring me the money and go "de bachanal" back home to where you come from and mourn if you so choose. But, at least you have your skin and social authority and maybe an uncle who can help at the local hotel if you show some respect. The word "essay" is defined as a "an effort or trying at something" in French. You can be the one in your own right but remember that a class room of 580 students in first year politics has a lot of essay writers trying to graduate. A lot of black people have been writing essays for centuries now and who did not cheat. Read W.E.B Dubois if you are not sure. How can you be the one if you cannot hand in your own work if you imagine being the one? What you imagine was already achieved by Dubois and many others. See Dumas. See Wheatley. See Franz Fanon. See Pushkin. See Mandella. See Danny Glover. See Walcott. It is called legitimate graduation in fear of a white police officer who would kick you to death in that mostly White Baptist or Anglican University town for cheating and say you are all alike" but it's nice to see you have an MLK poster or a Malcom poster. He would have to ask you if you understand being your own community's worst enemy because you are just a devil who threw his parent's money away. So, go deh!
Is skin and complexion more important than another generation? No. Let the devil go. This is complexion body dismorphism.
As the darker children of fourth generation English Creoles born in the West Indies as the children of creoles born in England who came to work for the civil service in the West Indies after WW1 and whose parents migrated as Creoles from the West Indies in the early 1800's after settling as English people in the West Indies around 1664, you sometimes find yourself trying to prove that you are white enough for your father's acceptance although he did not bring you back to England with him in the late 60's. The sense of rejection was profound and maybe he thought it was best for you to stay where you are and have some assistance, authority and privilege living just down the road from paradise Oracabesa. But, your continual looking to the horizon for approval has left the nation abandoned in terms of your willingness to prove how good you are in making the Island a clockwork of tropical, administrative heaven and beauty. Instead, since you thought your father's unwillingness to bring you to England was based on your complexion, you spent most of your time showing him how you could half these people and cut their path of progress and attainment to show how loyal or good you are in being disloyal to the black or blacker or anyone who looked just like you; that he would feel that you were just like him or loyal to the white. You must really hate England but you want them to accept you as being white enough to kill another black person who could look just like you with your soft hair and "Cafe au lait" complexion. So, what war can England fight if they cannot rely on you to do precisely as you are told? Did every fully White English person abuse you that you should decide to screw something and do it your own way; hurting their plan and purpose? Should they pay the insurance after an accident or provide the operation? Why don't you understand what English identity is and if they wanted to kick you death down the pub or at the back of the school for scoring or saving a goal, they would have done it last night. But, your mother is white or maybe your father. So, why spit on England to achieve a status you can never achieve as white. You have afro hair and at best, you might pass for North African or Mediterranean but not white. So, why reject all the love you have in that they gave you free education in high school and a career track and then you throw stuff away and claim the recipient never wanted it in being loyal to Jamaica or where ever your uncle comes from. The recipient wants it and where are you? Who are you working for? But, you could achieve a status called loyal member and Brit in the Brit Milah. Was there Hitler dna in the tampon your mother used as it might help to explain your diffidence and self rejection. The truth is, what did your English father do to frustrate black people? Why did he leave. He left because some other creoles who are certainly not English wanted to half him and take his pension or payments being sent from England. He was a Baptist school teacher and has no idea as to how someone cannot see that nationalism is not based on destroying civil administration; as if you have something to say to the country that was the colonizing power. You wanted to know who a Baptist minister from Walthamstow was working for. He was working for the Baptist union but since Thunderball, you want to know if every box of pens sent from England is a secret gadget. Every graduate from America is a spy. Is that it? No. That's not it. That's not it. Its time to turn the movie off because spies don't go home to live with their mother's after graduation and if he is to buy a vehicle, why should you think it has smoke screens and machine guns? How many used Volkswagens have you killed in your paranoia? Read a bible and have deliverance. Raise some children. Drive a Toyota forerunner or Suzuki truck. Drive a sedan. Go to the beach and take some photos. You are not achieving independence but dependence in this stupidity. So forgive Bond Character for throwing a Creole to the ground in Dr.No. See the Chinese-ish Black Creole in the same movie. Take your pick of imagery that drives you to stagnancy or forward to mutual interdependence. You are invited. You extol the virtue of education and some believed you really meant what you said. Then, you play social games with them to death to tell somebody in your imagination that you are angry they let anybody who is not fair skin graduate. You never graduated and you used someone's essays to the death. Some of you have other secret reasons. Yet, you talk about black people needing to increase but you foster dependency when you resort to petty games involving your ego. You send the essays to 50000 other families with the complexion you believe should have the honor in public for the various darker graduate's work. You throw money away as the school's laugh at your laziness and then you give the other communities fuel to discount what you call a "black people" as you do not respect the purpose and the intention of the assignments. It says there is something fundamentally wrong if anyone has to explain this to anyone. It is illegal criminally as uttering fraudulent documents and several students now have criminal records. It is also a forfeiture of tuition so keep coming. Bring me the money and go "de bachanal" back home to where you come from and mourn if you so choose. But, at least you have your skin and social authority and maybe an uncle who can help at the local hotel if you show some respect. The word "essay" is defined as a "an effort or trying at something" in French. You can be the one in your own right but remember that a class room of 580 students in first year politics has a lot of essay writers trying to graduate. A lot of black people have been writing essays for centuries now and who did not cheat. Read W.E.B Dubois if you are not sure. How can you be the one if you cannot hand in your own work if you imagine being the one? What you imagine was already achieved by Dubois and many others. See Dumas. See Wheatley. See Franz Fanon. See Pushkin. See Mandella. See Danny Glover. See Walcott. It is called legitimate graduation in fear of a white police officer who would kick you to death in that mostly White Baptist or Anglican University town for cheating and say you are all alike" but it's nice to see you have an MLK poster or a Malcom poster. He would have to ask you if you understand being your own community's worst enemy because you are just a devil who threw his parent's money away. So, go deh!
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