This is about a community that starves itself of authority. There are too many goals and skills that need to be achieved. One human cannot achieve them all in one generation. Even if it was possible, there are too many people who need service and assistance with an in depth appreciation of the community's historical reality. It is not a criticism on any soul if he does not build a pyramid all by himself. No one ever did. It took skilled and well trained individuals across various generations. But, instead we celebrate the authority that comes from the knowledge of enamel potties under a bed; his and hers. But, there has to be belief in a future. You will be loved if you are old and you chastised children to work hard in school. You should be proud of your success. It is reflected in the hard work of the people you chastised. It is your honour. It is irreplaceable. The Malaysian individual near your family wasn't whiter or wealthier but he who was turned into a she tried to pretend that she is Chinese and lived only for herself and has no grandchildren. You should notice. But, she has dogs only and no children around although it is a very energetic part of the world with lots of fruit seeds in the vicinity but there are no children. She who was born a he is like your mother who was born as a he. The culture around you sees that you have always extolled masculinity if you are man and femininity if you are a woman. This is the culture from which you have been isolated and it required you to work to ensure 20 generations. You feel listless, anxious and doubtful about your acceptance as you have followed infertile, non-reproductive individuals who are fighting that cultural wisdom from the South American dna. It is also in the African dna. You should instinctually be working to ensure reproduction and not false feelings of authority which is the goal of those people who felt imminent in their false gender and want others to join them. What is authority in a continual state of bitterness and anger? You might as well be dead if you do not follow the truth of your dna that urges you to support all family members who believe in the happiness and the unity of family and who would not let any agent of the devil sow such divisiveness. Go and save your generations. You need 20 generations and all the dreams and hopes realized in the family since you can't rely on some other family to tell your family the truth about a fake court order to vacate or tricky vehicle contract. They might tell just what they want you to believe and so will every lawyer in town under the influence of the big top who won't help you after what you did to your cousin from New Zealand who came to study. So #!@$!$@ off if you don't fix it. In fact, any one of those professionals in town might be your relative so why fight a professional in your community for authority? Look at what you did to those professionals closest to you? Many families would love to have a medical graduate in the family and you are sitting there following some gay that is 20000 miles away who is nervous about her authority and her equality as to why she who was born a he has no grand children. Save your family. The divisiveness works only if there is someone in your family stupid enough to give these devils a place or foothold. He might older than you but he or she only wants to see others as miserable as he or she is.
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