So many confusion; not enough Confucius or Christian. Scalawag chose technological meritocracy with Asian Vehicle and health meritocracy with so many Asian food. But, then you also chose many Asian language and the writing on the wall in Blade Runner(1980's movie) was not prophecy but a suggestion and by the tie you offer Collateral, it is actually on the wall and reality; not a suggestion. Maybe you should do a movie that suggests not only a Black President but a non-racialised world of socio-economic meritocracy but I suppose you already did but some how there is some kind of message of 'not included' concerning the future and the...Egyptian regardless of complexion who says you should be able to answer the next question with lots of squares in the box. 7*7 is 49. The only people insisting on race today are troglodytes and many are 3rd or 4th generation Western hemispheric in origin of varying complexion who may be now white and who seem to be insisting on not just a white authority but a privilege they hope will rise above the law and to victimize whom since the last time this happened, people went to jail after all and some of us could have been white 3 or 4 generations ago and thank God for love but white or black, some of us have to be meditating on being a good human or a good Egyptian as in the Pharaoh who respected God and Abraham vs. the Pharaoh who did not respect God and Moses. But, in spite of the emotional protestation for privilege in complexion, a Black vehicle is just as loved as the White Vehicle where all essential qualities are in place. A man knows. A woman knows. Matthew 5. YOU NEED MORE UNDERSTANDING AND MERITOCRACY AND LESS COVETING OF THE SWORD OR THE SYMBOL OF UNDERSTANDING AS SYMBOLIZED IN MY GREEN DESTINY SWORD OR THE PHOTOGRAPHER'S LONDINIUM(TM) WATCH WHICH HE DESIGNED. HE DE ENGLISH INTERNATIONAL LAWYER TOO! FunyiHNG! FUNYIHNG! How a betrothal became a Wench for 40 generations.
So many confusion; not enough Christian or Confucius. Scalawag chose technological meritocracy with Asian Vehicle and health meritocracy with so many Asian food. But, then you also chose many Asian language and the writing on the wall in Blade Runner(1980's movie) was not prophecy but a suggestion and by the tie you offer Collateral, it is actually on the wall and reality; not a suggestion. Maybe you should do a movie that suggests not only a Black President but a non-racialised world of socio-economic meritocracy but I suppose you already did but some how there is some kind of message of 'not included' concerning the future and the...Egyptian regardless of complexion who says you should be able to answer the next question with lots of squares in the box. 7*7 is 49. The only people insisting on race today are troglodytes and many are 3rd or 4th generation Western hemispheric in origin of varying complexion who may be now white and who seem to be insisting on not just a white authority but a privilege they hope will rise above the law and to victimize whom since the last time this happened, people went to jail after all and some of us could have been white 3 or 4 generations ago and thank God for love but white or black, some of us have to be meditating on being a good human or a good Egyptian as in the Pharaoh who respected God and Abraham vs. the Pharaoh who did not respect God and Moses. But, in spite of the emotional protestation for privilege in complexion, a Black vehicle is just as loved as the White Vehicle where all essential qualities are in place. A man knows. A woman knows. Matthew 5. YOU NEED MORE UNDERSTANDING AND MERITOCRACY AND LESS COVETING OF THE SWORD OR THE SYMBOL OF UNDERSTANDING AS SYMBOLIZED IN MY GREEN DESTINY SWORD OR THE PHOTOGRAPHER'S LONDINIUM(TM) WATCH WHICH HE DESIGNED. HE DE ENGLISH INTERNATIONAL LAWYER TOO! FunyiHNG! FUNYIHNG! How a betrothal became a Wench for 40 generations.
Part 1
The issue really is how the world is to join the 6 commandments of a troglodyte minority and still have safe, open public spaces. But, the troglodyte does not need people to join them really. The troglodyte seems to purport his own rejection from humanity and this is a tension that happy and humble human beings who are willing to ask questions and also learn something cannot join. But, if the Troglodyte wants to eat his wife's or kind fetuses, offer their children to any stranger at a bus stop so that the father can get a firefighter's job and then make his adopted son an award winning lawyer without qualification or where head coverings in public or put drain cleaner in the kebab sauce, the Brit Milah should be tolerant and accommodate these human expressions of culture while they may not be very humane in all cases; the Adaams family. Can walk around naked behind the closed door of their cave if they want and cut off their children's genitals since it is a private location but not a hand although you could cut off a hand in a farming community and then send your daughter to school and say it was a farming accident. Shouldn't Troglodytes have the freedom to do this? They are cave people with as much public and private right to a culture of some kind that they can call their as they seek to beat their children in public with impunity. The limit to the Brit Milah's tolerance in the protection of all humanity in public and private under the magna carta is the protection and safety that ensures life, liberty, health and property such that there is protection under the law; protection from award winning unqualified beings who could cause great injury and have caused great injury to the public in that they do not have the knowledge or commitment to serve and who only seek attention. We don't mind firefighters who favor their children with professional and unqualified social position with social protection. But, we should not hinder and harass the qualified who will help someone and certainly serve the Court.
Now, the wedding of the Troglodyte emerging into the modernizing world was not a registered wedding but it was formal. Everybody's wedding in the year 1200 was probably formal but not registered as we understand it today. For some, this duality in public but not formal declaration is a notion of allegiance, that being the formal but unregistered wedding, continues today in Jamaica. Your parents could tell you but maybe they will not tell you and fear that you will find out and somehow, they will fear judgement and a loss of authority. They will want to talk about it subconsciously all day instead of just planning a family trip to Israel as they made the entire household watch Charlton Heston on television in the Ten Commandments every Easter along with the Wizard of Oz. For some, there remains the need to navigate two cultures and two expectations in the modern world. You need to get a job and go to school or else your mother goes to jail but your mother also does not want you to be too distant or too "in allegiance with the Brit Milah my jurisdiction crap" and she threatens to break your heart and disown you. It would not matter if you are not dependent on her but if you are, she is not only the egg and shell that you still have not broken out of emotionally but she is your entire world and your only parent. Maybe you should travel on your own and purposefully that you might break out of the emotional shell designed for you with you as the witness and accomplice in something evil before the age of 10 years old. I never knew you could be 16 years of age and apply to the national police service but if I did, then I would have gotten a football team contract and I would have played with Monaco; innit? Try writing down the word "Lidl" or "Ikea" and then write your own name on top of it. You will feel the right balance of allegiances as you know your "people" will probably kill you if you feel too close to the Court shield where if you did work for the shield, your people would expect you to muck things up at 20% screw ups per day or else they would ask who do you think you are or who do you think you will be if you feel too loyal. But, with your name written over Ikea or Lidl, they will probably leave you alone and just buy some nice food or a candle for the puritanical Celtic atmosphere. Maybe you want a Middle Eastern atmosphere. Along with the Chinese and Japanese, they understand the anger with the formality but they also understand the common sense with two allegiances; the sharia and the formal magna carta. There are no sharia police. But, there are Brit Milah Magna Carta police under Interpol across the entire world courtesy of Calvini, Roberto. Did you know Warren runs a law firm? These older, ancient cultures understand your learning curve from the cave but you must have ten commandments in the cave by now while you may still want to share your own barbecued baby as a Northy troglodyte with your neighbor for a sense of community and kin. Your neighbor is a Southy troglodyte and says.... "FISH! I will get ten for us" and he can do this all year long in the good weather and you are anxious about being equal. So is he but not about fish or food. You share the same anxiety or nervousness about being equal when you meet a less doubtful human being who believes Abraham had a camel and wagon with an axle. But, now you have enough access to technology to bother people who do believe and understand the answer to why we are not in civil war all day and you see he is very much like a tour guide and will not just access your home or fridge unless you invite him in but you seem to want to do whatever you want as if you have right to just do whatever you want but what if you knew the people in the home, had a gun when you are trying to break into spit in their fridge at night? Shooting people with a BB gun is illegal in self defense since you used the device as a weapon and may have either killed someone or cause GBH. But, there are people who are exterminating troglodytes who are hoping to feel like they are a part of something as they refuse to respect the quiet laws of peace in the modern world. Oswald offered to help the neighbors at 186 and 190 Alexandria Park Road only to get their keys over a can of Stela so that he might be equal or superior; that is as a troglodyte. Now, if you did not have ten commandments in the cave, how do you exist today? You would have run out of people in your sense of people. The ten commandments are necessary for any culture's survival or else all the children end up cross haired; in the cross hairs and you need to produce enough children that the "gay big" will have enough to eat and kill in the winter months; the snow monster. Otherwise, you will have to start an orphanage to keep him happy in 2017 with his stubborn troglodyte ways. Now, you could extend your troglodyte ten commandments into the entire world as you say your God is your belly but it is still your God. You could also put a symbol together as the symbol of allegiance that the rest of the world will join you and you will feel equal and free of the feeling that you are being assimilated to something outside of your notion of wisdom or culture. You will be equal and plead that all nations in the world will put this symbol on all the world's national flags since you are a tenacious minority in the year 2017 as you still want to say there is no need for education if you can just shoot a family, take their home and offer to Lord Humongous, your cousin. They, the Chinese and Middle Eastern people, also understand the importance of family since family is the building block of any nation. You must do more than have a child at 12 years old with your female in your community. You must give them husband arrangements that they must keep and they will understand that variety is not the issue here. A dock is just a dock and satisfaction is just satisfaction. Don't hear anyone who says "I Can't get no satisfaction." How is that possible under sharia or the Brit Milah? Go buy some Ikea if you need some uh..variety. Buy some cheese filled sausage and thank God for your wife's Bright or Dim Bras; the type that show you Moses walking through the red sea; innit? It's yours! Be satisfied with it; the cleavage of the wife of your youth! Leave me with my family and your neighbor with his family alone.
Part 2
So the average West Indian female became a pimper's paradise and the Pirate ship Captain's wench; a psychological orphan in a culture that celebrates the devaluation and coveting of a covenant. I did knock at 186 Victoria and Albert Road but nobody answered. Anyway, the average at 19 learns that she is to be in a betrothal and then she is expected to have a wedding but the unwritten rule of the culture is that she is to be stolen from any promise or betrothal; that is coveted and then stolen. The first woman in this culture to experience this was a woman who was travelling to the West Indies with her English Anglican mother and father to be in a betrothal. The ship captain pirate took her in his resentment of the culture that said he would not marry like he wanted and farm land since his family did not have any but he could sail the seas. So, he would take the daughters on the way to the West Indies and kill the mother and father especially if they did not respect his authority. If they ever said "this is an outrage" to the ship captain after the ship captain pirate molested the father's wife, the Ship Captain Pirate would kill them both. The daughter was pronounced lost at sea with her family and all of their stuff was taken in the Creole's grave robber culture. The husband missionary on the Island awaiting his betrothal's arrival was told to have any creole wife he wanted. He didn't want one so he requested another English wife although one of the Creole's presented to him was his betrothal after being betrothed physically to 1000 creoles(come one baby!...whip it good!!) so that they might be equal. The second one who was light haired was not taken but barbecued in front of her future; the missionary husband. the husband asked if there was any news of his wife arriving and the ship captain who just docked said "...she is dong very well. but a little dry now though." The husband asked what he meant. The ship captain pirate who was 6'7" tall and who was Blackbeard's son said ".You are eating her. " The missionary husband reached for his sword and the ship captain shot him with a musket, saying "It is better to have a little with thankfulness; remember? His father, Blackbeard, was born in Haiti. Leviathan...that's me on the ship and on this Island if I am the ship captain nearest you. I am the big! Me son and me cousins will be the Leviathan and a don't want your educations but me want me money me sinting me eat, drink and me merry; ya na andstand and me son will be the Leviathan in 1980 born and raised in Newcastle with my seed; ya na andstand! Good. Go weh! Dog naam you suppa but I will take care of you cause you mus watch de china mun in his mawnin walk, stretch and his Kung or FU. You "respec" him like me. You see he chop me neck once even dough me so big but only fe fun. Check him when you do and adapt a likkle,,learn some of his I ching or Fu Kung..den we talk and you is me citizen now and I will serve and protec you and your "daughta"...go speak to de china mon! You a English and me is a big tuna creole. Ya na undastand? So we eat big, drink and be merry and neva say you only have one daughta(wife) in a life time or else I will get cross like hell stone and fire; too much covenant and me caan tek it!" So, he went to see the China man and he said "...your fortune cookie, your geisha is right here although she is already broken but you can put it back together...she seems to want a punch a day before she sweeps my shop and dojo and mutters how she wants a 1000 kisses or else she will poison my fish...she so needie of attentionee...Why?" The husband missionary said " is better to have a little Wu Tang with thankfulness...for the Lord has come to heal the broken hearted to set the captive free and to bind up their wounds." The china man said "..Don't tell anyone what you said but come to class and you sweep my dojo. You already graduated since if you know the first lesson you know the last lesson. You went to a big white school in England to learn the first and only lesson...see the good in man pray for no conflict....close fist. Go; take your wife...she is no longer geisha but she will leave if she is ever offered any money by anyone...even a diseased old big fat gay and she is a little violent. She gave my brother a bag for his hand(a hand bag)...he lost his hand at night and put it in bag until he can afford to re-attach. She cut it off and said "take,,,take...take." Be careful and watch what you eat from her...she a little crazy now..she tried to poison my fish and rice....funyihng! But, maybe she will heal if you remember the song of Solomon. Take this lemon grass but even if you don't you will be the cork screw if your mind is on her bosom and her bosom only; 20 minute!!...better a little with thankfulness priest and grasshopper...and this is how a betrothal became a wench...her children and her children's children will have this patterning that drives them to want a betrothal as some kind of foundation only to be wenched away by someone else and they never seem to let the betrothal go They will need you to almost be like a superman in the Brit Milah and you will have to give them lots of attention or lots of money but in the end money and attention will be the same thing once I get my machine going to design gold trinkets at 2 schillings a piece and they will want the trinkets for appreciation. She will be considered unique by your neighbor....if you are late even one minute for dinner. She will always want to know where you are since you are her only covering now ancestrally until the death of her parents is honored and the breach in her ancestry is healed. Let's pray now to Watchman Yahweh and Witness Yeshua and throw a coin in the waters tomorrow. Anticipation, improvisation...the problem is not her technique. She doesn't know why she is having sex or what is it's purpose!! There is an ancestral breach in her ancestral expectation of good things and in the home environment. She wants total control and will kill if you don't agree with the silver microwave that I have already designed for people to eat in the future...using wave based energy to radiate foods instantly. But, I have many children and they follow so I will win any race you design since it feels like you might be thinking it as you watch these funny birds, john crows and big iguanas. You should also take of your black relatives or else you will be poor in the end because of your habit not to love but to only use. You will probably have some since your betrothal gave birth to 40 children with all of that seed up in her. But, you have finally come to your senses to accept what is done. So take one big half black, quarter creole and quarter Amerindian woman once so that your wife will respect you and appreciate you if she acts too violent for too long. But, don't do it more than once or else you will be guilty. Are you a communist or capitalist; same thing although they have not designed that argument yet. One grows while the other ultimately dies for lack of understanding and then it realizes it is all the same. Have you been to China? Here; let me show you something in every cave in Jamaica. written by my people which is now this people in this place and then they went back home. But, they will come again and open a Chinese Restaurant named 'Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Part 1 only very spicy, very good' at a place called Sovereign Liguana as I believe it in my prophecy as they do /shaolin to teach the issue of collateral in urban environments like Constantinople; a city where the world's first underground rail system will be built as I prophecy but I am not bery good at anything. I don't really know what will happen but we must try something or else someone might say we didn't really know what we wanted; nu true? Funyihng!

- “Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it.” – Confucius
- “Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself.” – Confucius
- “Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star.” – Confucius
- “Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.” – Confucius
- “It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.” – Confucius
- “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” – Confucius
- “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do.” – Confucius
- “Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart.” – Confucius
- “What the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others.” – Confucius
- “He who learns but does not think, is lost. He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger.” – Confucius
- “They must often change who would be constant in happiness or wisdom.” – Confucius
- “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.” – Confucius
- “I am not one who was born in the possession of knowledge; I am one who is fond of antiquity, and earnest in seeking it there.” – Confucius
- “He that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools.” – Confucius
- “If a man takes no thought about what is distant, he will find sorrow near at hand.” – Confucius
- “There is the love of knowing without the love of learning; the beclouding here leads to dissipation of mind.” – Confucius
- “Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous.” – Confucius
- “If you look into your own heart, and you find nothing wrong there, what is there to worry about? What is there to fear?” – Confucius
- “Recompense injury with justice, and recompense kindness with kindness.” – Confucius
- “By three methods we may learn wisdom: first, by reflection which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is the easiest; and third, by experience, which is the bitterest.” – Confucius
- “The cautious seldom err.” – Confucius
- “To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge.” – Confucius
- “A man who has committed a mistake and doesn’t correct it is committing another mistake.” – Confucius
- “The superior man cannot be known in little matters, but he may be entrusted with great concerns. The small man may not be entrusted with great concerns, but he may be known in little matters.” – Confucius
- “In a country well governed poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed wealth is something to be ashamed of.” – Confucius
- “The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.” – Confucius
- “He who wishes to secure the good of others has already secured his own.” – Confucius
- “Things that are done, it is needless to speak about…things that are past, it is needless to blame.” – Confucius
- “It is man that makes truth great, not truth that makes man great.” – Confucius
- “Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practices it will have neighbors.” – Confucius
- “The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.” – Confucius
- “What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.” – Confucius
- “To see the right and not to do it is cowardice.” – Confucius
- “Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses.” – Confucius
- “When you know a thing, to hold that you know it; and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it – this is knowledge.” – Confucius
- “Wisdom, compassion, and courage are the three universally recognized moral qualities of men.” – Confucius
- “Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without.” – Confucius
- “The superior man understands what is right; the inferior man understands what will sell.” – Confucius
- “With coarse rice to eat, with water to drink, and my bended arm for a pillow – I have still joy in the midst of these things. Riches and honors acquired by unrighteousness are to me as a floating cloud.” – Confucius
- “You don’t love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.” – Confucius
- “Without an acquaintance with the rules of propriety, it is impossible for the character to be established.” – Confucius
- “The first woman was created from the rib of a man. She was not made from his head to top him nor from his feet to be trampled on by him, but out of his side to be equal to him.” – Confucius
- “To go beyond is as wrong as to fall short.” – Confucius
- “The essence of knowledge is, having it, to apply it; not having it, to confess your ignorance.” – Confucius
- “When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them.” – Confucius
- “When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.” – Confucius
- “An oppressive government is more to be feared than a tiger.” – Confucius
- “The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home.” – Confucius
- “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” – Confucius
- “Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure.” – Confucius
- “Silence is a true friend who never betrays.” – Confucius
- “It is easy to hate and it is difficult to love. This is how the whole scheme of things works. All good things are difficult to achieve; and bad things are very easy to get.” – Confucius
- “To practice five things under all circumstances constitutes perfect virtue; these five are gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness.” – Confucius
- “You cannot open a book without learning something.” – Confucius
- “When prosperity comes, do not use all of it.” – Confucius
- “People with virtue must speak out; People who speak are not all virtuous.” – Confucius
- “Questions are the creative acts of intelligence” – Confucius
- “Man who stand on hill with mouth open will wait long time for roast duck to drop in.” – Confucius
- “Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous.” – Confucius
- “When we see men of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves.” – Confucius
- “To see and listen to the wicked is already the beginning of wickedness.” – Confucius
- “If you don’t know how to live, why wonder about death?” – Confucius
- “Worry not that no one knows of you; seek to be worth knowing.” – Confucius
- “Can there be a love which does not make demands on its object?” – Confucius
- “Don’t be concerned others not appreciating you. Be concerned about your not appreciating others.” – Confucius
- “The gentleman understands rightousness, the petty man understands interest.” – Confucius
- “When anger rises, think of the consequences.” – Confucius
- “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” – Confucius
- “When music and courtesy are better understood and appreciated, there will be no war.” – Confucius
- “If I am walking with two other men, each of them will serve as my teacher. I will pick out the good points of the one and imitate them, and the bad points of the other and correct them in myself.” – Confucius
That is what you call authoritative capitalism or communism that demands no waste of it's GDP. Every graduate, black, Indian, Creole or Chinese, has a job but I am really prophesying. Then I will design eateries like in Constantinople...but mine will be for fast, efficient, reliable and durable chop sakki foods called a Sushi because she may want to Sow mi if you don't touch she everyday and sleep naked with her. Yes.... You are English. Ask the Dutch. Sleep naked and forget your stiff upper lip. Only English pretenders have stiff upper lips and when it is too stiff, you constrict your blood flow to your bits. She called yours a bit but I think it has to do with the ship captain pirate saying "drilling" and "cork screw" too often and so did his if he was trying to find his parents in the ocean. I will call your redeemed betrothal "Jamaca" since out of many woods and her one water came many people..with your cover and your seed on top...cuckold! You didn't know they had black people in China? "Wah do you?" The ship captain pirate taught me how to say that when we rode to Ochi last week and we kept saying "Wah do you?" "Wah do you?" until we couldn't help it and laugh any longer while sipping a stolen shipment of Don Parroton 1693; a very good year that was originally destined for Guadeloupe; something about a wedding to a dark creole who was originally named Cunta Kente but they called him Overture since he always wanted to have sex twice to ensure a pregnancy as an old stud whipping boy since he gave a nut to get a French name and wife but the ship captain pirate refused to join that nonsense since he was "whiter" enough than Overture who was a wanted terrorist for killing Europeans like sport in the region. The Pirate Ship Captain said "Dem rob we and try fe turn me into a mannish but me a big man long time...see my wife right deh wildest fantasy." Then a mermaid popped out of the water and waved like a Wettin Queen. She said, "..He's my Star buck and I always keep him coming back for more as he will it....touch it...automatic...that's it...good stimulations!" Also, be careful with your king when you visit England to share your experiences since you may be more tanned and will feel too international after the ship captain pirate and his tutelage in the Leviathan and in the meaning of Booty like your betrothal since all women are Booty(google etymology of booty) to him and his absolute authority in this microcosm of some kind of society and then he might think you want to be him if you take all of his educations and keep your head down in discipline to reverence him and serve him as a citizen but the ship captain knows your intentions and has put in a good word for you. Anyway, they are building the world's first underground train system right now in Constantinople and then I will design a machine that will take your photo..."say cheese daddy... pretty please take another photo...say cheese" funyihng!"
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