The Lord is a covering. Blanket or no Blanket, praise the Lord! But, I would prefer the blanket, some family, a spouse and good fellowship in a nice bungalow house as we enjoy the ancestral wisdom of the Brit Milah. There is no wisdom in testing children's souls to see if God exists or by trying to break the natural intimacy of family bonds for money; even a schilling. This is just discontent and the Hyderabad orphan. It is Judas who would sell his mother for a schilling. He could repent. The first miracle before the miracle of turning water into wine is the miracle of forgiveness; of self and of others. This is repentance. It is the first miracle of transubstantiation. Google Joseph and forgiveness.
The Lord is a covering. a father to the fatherless child but you need a community that will cover you and father you in an umbrella culture that respects you as a miracle of birth in the miracle of life and that having no father is not a reason to remove the cover of community. You can put your head down and lift boxes and maybe go to school. If you were an orphan and did get to school, should the community come back 20 years later in Hoboken or Stanford and say you were fortunate to escape the evil of a less God fearing and abusive generation? Obviously, you were obedient to every beating and verbal or physical chastising in the community since everybody says they could be your parent and you did get more than a C as chastised and you did your chores. Why would they after a new generation was born listening to Johnny Nash poetry made popular by Marley such as Stir it up since the age of 4 years old. What did you want those children to do when you run to Pennsauken for a better life and send them to the free school to get a more than C to avoid your cussing in the house and your threats of dis-ownership where you say I will orphan you ? They would become African American/West Indies hard working who don't know how to "help it" to graduate since the white half native school teacher would get arrested. Who do they think they are? Who are they trying to be? Are they trying to be Evil, creole people who died at gunpoint for their evils to children after 1959? Blanket or no Blanket, praise the Lord! But, I would prefer the blanket, some family, a spouse and good fellowship in a nice bungalow house as we enjoy the ancestral wisdom of the Brit Milah. There is no wisdom in testing children's souls to see if God exists or by trying to break the natural intimacy of family bonds for money; even a schilling. This is just discontent and the Hyderabad orphan who , after arriving getting to their adult, child rearing age after 1901 decided to play a game with other member's of the community using Solomon's wisdom backward to decide if a soul was God's child or the devil's as in who is this child's spiritual father? Are they born again? They did not have television or a movie since the drive to the big town was quite a distance and took these games as entertainment but they also increased their numbers this way since the orphan adults usually did not have or could not have children as they had to do the "work." If they tried to have children, the diseases affected the baby's prenatal well being. So, in other cases, children were grown and incubated; not born to a family for a kind of genetic proliferation and then put into family's at hospitals and used to occupy established family networks in the community. This is why after graduation maybe the culture says you need to find a family one more time if you did not join the orphanhood in school and just "help it" or do the "patmois" so that you would "Haitwe" since you can't think you are better than anyone although you were certainly a Christian so "live it" and call the "kettle black" like you now since no one should get away from having to "help it" since they can feel it in you as if you think you can be different; as if you have a national or legal right to feel unmolested. But, this would happen very quietly. It is Judas who would sell his mother for a schilling as he preferred money in his hand instead of the home and all his provision with his own family. As he chose one schilling, he was not given anything else and was told he had to work by touching old people, men and women sexually and had to sleep on a floor. He could repent.
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