The lesson to the beautiful straight haired creole and every other West Indian is to think of the following: How would you feel or how would you presume to feel if the Queen was watching?
So in the post-colonial age, international authority for the new former colonies in the post colonial age involved using individuals as focal points; usually a person who is considered foreign in that they have foreign education or experience or possibly someone who genuinely desires the peace of a settled family life. But what education could be foreign to such diligent people? The real issue is anxiety over authority but then why watch foreign television? The lives of the focal points are sabotaged and destroyed by those within the Island or the global diasporic culture with everyone watching so that the Island can stand on the head of the individual who is a focal point and molest their body upon death to say the Island has as much international authority as the greatest world power. The social cost is usually quite significant. But, why would anyone want to do this? Why not let the individuals enjoy their lives since they should be considered inconsequential as graduates almost 200 years after emancipation and since their parents are too disgusted with the Island to buy any property there. The graduate likes the Island though but has little to say about it since the answer is evident. Everybody needs a family that understands the meaning of the word's import. But the parents will do anything they think the Island wants in their self rejection since they really are the poorer minded sets who never wrote any exams and never really went to school. What the Island really wants is that the parents will remember the only lesson anybody is taught in the culture and that is respect yourself, your Nikes, your children, your wife and your blue suede shoes in the dance hall and in society. If people ask you to kill your dog and eat it, what should you do? If they ask you to cut your children, what should you do to that person? If they ask you put drano in olive oil and offer it to your wife as an ointment for her pretty nose that is really big and beautiful actually, what do you do? You keep your quiet dignity and respect and tell that devil "no". Do you remember who asked you? He asked because he was afraid he was going to be jealous. His mother told you how to hold your hands and you cutlery as you prepared to eat your dog. She said her son was just trying to teach you how to eat; that your mother never did. But she was tiny with a nose like a frog (she was conceived with frog water) but your mother was big and beautiful with a big nose. Otherwise, you are just a bitch to who is asking you and his or her biblical ass. Was it good for you when he did it; when he rode you? He usually asks his victims in the morning. Although he may be oh so little and tiny with his afro crown( now slicked back), he is a king over you if you do everything he asks or asked while you claim to be related to royalty although you failed a very basic human IQ test; strangeways. But, he must have figured you would since you denied a blessed father hoping to be white or whiter by claiming a whiter father with an Irish or Scottish name for the authority especially in time for ceremonies( you did this twice where the father ends up dead before the ceremony or photos and finally you claimed a fully white father) but you are not even close to white but you are certainly the bitch. You should not hope for White association but you could have it by the way in which you respect yourself and how you treat your family members. But, you think if you give all of your money away to another man's children and his child's mother, you will be loved in your concept of an Egyptian Heaven. You killed your real father who was a Black Black pastor before he could show up at your wedding. He was the real father of your wife also. But, you already had a whitish father that you adopted when your mother told you to choose. So, you killed him because you afraid people would perceive the truth of your dna at the wedding and in the photos. So, now you are trying to kill two sons before they have a wedding ceremony because neither of them are not white enough for your vanity. They might have been white enough as they were in 1990 and 1996 if you see those photos but you keep putting your dna in the communion wine and you drive to their homes to spit in their milk. It is also because you want to be equal since you have a really bad disease. Why don't you just give them really white girlfriends and they will be white enough. But, you also seem to want to hide the fact that your second son was fathered by your first son as you used the first son's football jock strap and protective cup with those fortunate droplets of life to produce a son in your second marriage when you had cut your own balls to keep that second wife. She also cut the second son because of the fact you threatened her if she told anyone and you also threatened the son. She was a devil in her own right though since the boy was obviously carrying her own dna and now she will never have grand children. She cut her son's testes to spite her face. She is evidence of the Syndicate(white West Indies) and some of them have European accents. She also attempted to supplant the first son by trying to do anything she thought he should have done and frustrated all of his efforts although he had chosen to lecture and applied to Grad School. So, she went to NASA to be a lecturer although she never completed high school but pretended to be a university graduate with copies of the first son's essays. You see, her mother taught her what to do. You think about what you want long enough and then you call the person you think can do it. You pack your stuff and they tell you to come so that they can take a look at you. You honored some one else's ancestry though and their children or grand children. You are the bitch. One thing white people do is help, give and assist family. They do not reduce but honor their ancestry. As a Mason, there is a white version and an Egyptian version. It seems the Egyptian version leads to a transfer of wealth to other families other than your own and people will smile at you every where you go since you say you need the attention and you seem to be doing the good job. They want you to do the opposite and they would still smile due to your good choice of size twelve shoes. Married women in mini-vans in the Midwest love how you feel as you hope to get your anger out for being a bitch. This is the simplest school lesson if you read the lessons, the anthem or read between the lines. This is the essential lesson of any school in the West Indies or possibly any commonwealth school anywhere in the world. Only the self- loathing would really participate in demeaning their progeny, expecting social acceptance and attention. The funny thing about all of this is that you have taken on the personality of who is sitting on your head, the personality of who told you to kill your dog since he did not have one and nor could he have children. Now, you hope to fulfill whatever potential you see in your son but it's the potential that a lot of fearful graduates have and that is the fear of being disowned. Anybody could be a politician who is told what to do. All politicians are told what to do and you seem to think that your son or his name has to be in politics but he does not want to be in politics but you do but to use his name; that you will be him. You notice no one has approached him to be involved in politics but you have promised ten people in his age group the opportunity of being him as a politician if they were willing to cut off their penis with promises of lots of cash. Does this make any sense? But, in the end, you wish to be that politician in the land of your birth but in his name since your son must really believe in good will; innit?
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