In spite of the interest in nationalism, the simple answer is emancipation with continued dependence since you have no other culture but English.
In spite of the interest in nationalism, the simple answer is emancipation with continued dependence since you have no other culture but English. It is evident financially and you are not leaving the the English universe very soon. Where would you go? You are still looking for attention and approval while not achieving a personal independence in taking up a personal responsibility for understanding. You don't know how to say three Heineken, three tacos or Three bibles in African. The system isn't African in any event. How do you understand a family law problem in African in an English system when you only speak English in an English speaking country? Are you African or do you imagine yourself to be African? It is English and will always be English but you could respect your regional surroundings and pick up another language like Dutch or is it Spanish? If you read the books about African history in your own university or the university in Boston, you will have the answer. How could black people get into University to steal and plagiarize essays hoping to graduate if they didn't believe in themselves by Grade 9 and many had the assistance of White School teachers; good White school teachers? Most students in North America could not exist except for the faith and kindness of good, God fearing white school teachers. The essay thieving of the students while in university is the only shortcoming though. Go and order a pint or join a good church. They love you. But, you seem to instill your own self rejection and can't believe anyone who looks like your father, daughter or sister or who could be your son can be a professional chiropodist, chiropractor or lawyer. You think that if you betray them, "Whitee" will give you approval. But, you must hate white people while you hate yourself to think it. You are totally turned inside out and that could sort of help since flesh and blood is always the same color even if you are a cold blooded lizard. Then, you want to kill and switch people who have finished their education but who you think should look more like Uncle Ben or Aunt Jemima or is Suave and the Chiquita Banana lady so what is this about Africa? Don't you know Black people who look like Mean Joe Green are lawyers and life guards in Cuba or Puerto Rico? Remember how "Whitee" gave you free text books to go to school as a black person. Didn't he tell you that you are accepted as a black person with all of the books he gave you? But, I don't say or think "Whitee" but you do with your African language project in the middle of Caricom? What language have you chosen in the middle of the Caribbean? Look South west. Look due north. You can only imagine that not going to school will keep you independent and free from your fear that education brings assimilation and submission while you hold up a resentment that is apparently to enable you to feel like you have achieved an independence. It's the authority you feel by driving a car with an illegal muffler. It's not real authority but a known challenge to authority. But, you feel a false sense of authority until your challenge is addressed. You need to be confident about your surroundings in the only language you speak and read fluently. It's been English for more than three hundred years and you might feel African but an African will tell you about English and he will tell you about African as to why he understands your situation. If you think you are African, then you must know you are immediately capable of being bilingual. Shouldn't you be bilingual in a manner that respects regional sensitivities because you really can't teach African languages to students in Jamaica and to what end when you are not in Africa as you must think of regional realities? Try some Spanish. You are confused and the most important issue is the language or the lack of two of them in your capability.
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