Caricom Repentance Day. Caricom has recently announced March 23rd every year as Repentance day. During lent, you take personal time to repent for the sins of ancestors perpetrated against family members whether or not they are in-laws and for your sins committed against family members. It is a sin to believe or hope that another generation has to suffer the rape, abuse and molestation of a previous generation as if some burden has to be pinned on to a family member in every generation. But, the truth is you could worship the fear of the sin visited upon a family member in a previous generation. But, it is not to blame or type cast that family member who may have experienced such abuses. Instead of worshiping such a fear and consciously or subconsciously recreating context for death and abuse with abusive behavior, believe in family growth. Are you looking for a scapegoat for your sins; sins that if anyone should find out, you would be honest with your conscience or are you trying to ensure that certain relatives feel like they do what you do by ordering $10000.00 worth of red bull in their name so that you could say it looks like they have a habit and drink? That is a significant waste of all your singing and praising when you say "Hallelujah". But, you and everyone else knows he is just a moderate consumer of the redbull since it's good for your in moderate consumption like alcohol. There are no prizes for a public holiness and compromised health due to the denial of grace that affords the moderate consumption of alcohol. You already put something on the next generation by rendering them disabled.
Caricom has recently announced March 23rd every year as Repentance day. During lent, you take personal time to repent for the sins of ancestors perpetrated against family members whether or not they are in-laws and for your sins committed against family members. It is a sin to believe or hope that another generation has to suffer the rape, abuse and molestation of a previous generation as if some burden has to be pinned on to a family member in every generation. But, the truth is you could worship the fear of the sin visited upon a family member in a previous generation. But, it is not to blame or type cast that family member who may have experienced such abuses. Instead of worshiping such a fear and consciously or subconsciously recreating context for death and abuse with abusive behavior, believe in family growth. Are you looking for a scapegoat for your sins; sins that if anyone should find out, you would be honest with your conscience or are you trying to ensure that certain relatives feel like they do what you do by ordering $10000.00 worth of red bull in their name so that you could say it looks like they have a habit and drink? That is a significant waste of all your singing and praising when you say "Hallelujah". But, you and everyone else knows he is just a moderate consumer of the redbull since it's good for your in moderate consumption like alcohol. There are no prizes for a public holiness and compromised health due to the denial of grace that affords the moderate consumption of alcohol. You already put something on the next generation by rendering them disabled. If your family was wrong all of those years in what they did to you, why would you do it to any one else; especially your own children? Have redemption in your family first. The result is more important than feeling. The result should be love. The feeling should be love. There is no redemption without repentance. You have to have the will. How can you call anyone's child a "humble" or a "use"? Only the devil and jezebel try to hunt for and pervert a precious life. It does not matter if you were an orphan and remember; one house in the hills is not a Kingdom that anyone should kill and wish to be the only one on the will out of five siblings. That is poor thinking. You should think of how the family can put all the hands to work to buy a hotel or plaza. If you are visiting the sins of a past generation unto your children; sins that you witnessed and suffered with the intention that everyone watching will know how good you are or what you went through and you do this after your children leave high School, college or medical school, then everyone will know how evil you are and how great is this evil. It is not culture. Did you beat other kids at school when they tried to talk to you? The only people who kick and beat people to feel "emotionally above others" are people who are already on the ground. Also, they seem to want to steal socks from people who have taken the humble step of reading at least 10 pages of any history concerning their family name ( the name on your birth certificate) or you try to claim the essay's they've written. Material wealth is not the cure for this malfeasance and you always seem to want to beat and gang up on people who succeeded sufficiently with some genuine and real graduation. It is not affection; not good.
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