After All the hard work, the real goal is another generation.... Only a devil will try to hold it back and consider the next generations's educational attainment an abandonment of the old ways although they demand hard study. But, to whom will you sell a dutch pot and yams? They do not see it as community wealth, resource and sufficiency. Is it that some of you want every mechanic to be white and also every dentist or lawyer? You only think about killing and you wont think about what you are doing or what you did until you have deprived yourself of community, family and your grand children have to pray that you stop it or when you have a heart attack. Why did you buy them a Black History book?

After all of the hard work and the studies, a family's love should not end.  There are many successful professionals who have succeeded as their families realize that, avoiding shortsightedness, the education, regardless of the grade above a B+, is not the end of the journey but just the very beginning and what it a waste it would be if the journey is frustrated or unduly delayed by such shortsightedness. There is no argument that the real goal is another generation and all that is required to sustain it.      
