When a man is a Prince or a King, he has princes under him. He does not kill them or beat them to death. If they do, they only have death under them. Is your ego so big or is it so small? That would be to reduce him self to the mind set of an orphan or to the level of someone who is in self perpetuated servitude; an emotional eunuch. You reduce the inheritance that God gave you in the form of children or relatives. That man is not free but is a slave. Instead, he surrounds himself with them and is appreciated by their hard studies. They want a wife and children as they should. He could be free of any wrong thinking in a second and as soon as he decides to think freedom about himself, his own history and about his dna's future. Did you want your children to go to school only for your social approval and getting good grades only for your familial approval. But, once they graduate with the good grade that you demanded with threats of death and threats of disowning them, you seem to hope they had only obtained a C or less so that you will not have feelings of intimidation. But, why would you feel intimidated if they are your children or someone else's children but you wish to say they are in your community? How long will this social illness exist in your community and how many people have you killed that you threatened to abandon if they did not get a C or above? There is nothing more degrading than seeking acceptance from people by killing and devaluing your own relatives while expecting the acceptance of another family. They really do want you to enjoy your freedom now. Don't be afraid. They gave you authority?
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