The promise to Keturah's children in the bible is vast and mighty. It is implicit to the promise given to Abraham that he would be the father of many nations. For too many generations, the children of Keturah may have missed the blessing of their own spiritual authority while coveting needlessly the authority of others. See the Samaritan woman in John 4 and the woman who offered to eat the crumbs from the master's table. She never needed to show up for crumbs but she needed a teacher to help her access her God given answer. She already had the faith and she may have been a true child of Israel who remained in Palestine after the de-population that accompanied the Assyrian occupation. As Paul the apostle said, we are joint heirs in Christ. Abraham has soo many children. This is not to say we are all heirs of any actual throne because if you were, you would not have been fed pablum and you would not have taken the transit to work or school this morning or walked. As King of Israel in those Polemic times, Jesus demonstrated the reality of being a child of Israel and a potential heir or heir to the throne of Israel. Take advantage of the uniform commercial code as embodied in reasonable universal legislation that seems to match the ten commandments for its user friendly socio-political application in any territory to governed by the Romans. Happier people under such laws have a sense of family, property and safety. It is good for the empire and the quiet habitation under such non-tyrannical systems. But, you would have to be aware of who they had appointed as the authority in any sphere of life. They may not have had any natural levitical lineage or spirit understanding. They may not have been in the household of Israel to be the King of Judea or of Israel. So, when someone is born with a calling on His life like Paul the Apostle, they may have killed every first born child to thwart the plan of God for Paul's life. Then they raised Paul with a zealousness to kill anyone who adopted the understanding of the faith of Abraham in the culmination of the times; that is to be born again as Abraham was to a faith in the one God. Abraham was born of the spirit. Paul the apostle was born of the spirit. Jesus was literally born of the spirit. Once you accept the reality of relationship with the one God, then you are born again. This means that Noah was born again. This is also true of Moses at the burning bush. The pattern is unmistakable. With Jesus, His "born again" faith was tested before He began His public ministry. This was to see whether or not He was truly in the faith of Abraham. Abraham would not want his children to covet his dna but to understand his relationship with God. Google " all your getting, get understanding". There is no point in claiming as some spiritual orphan to be a child of Abraham for the authority in some argument about spiritual authority; a spiritual authority that should really be about the law and the prophets and not about your dna; as if God could not take it from a Saul and give it to someone else if he wished. Now, all are invited to break bread and practice fellowship in the covenant provided. It is the covenant first given to Abraham and brought to our attention again in the ministry of Christ. The wine and bread is the ram in the thicket. exemplifying the blood and the body of Christ. There is no longer any need for a blood sacrifice. The covenant given to Abraham as mentioned in Hebrews 6. The blood sacrifice provided by Christ is mentioned in Hebrews 9. The faith of Abraham is to be born again to the reality of the living God and the Shekinah glory. It is spiritual. It has nothing to do with your dna. As Christ and Paul the apostle taught, be born again of the spirit. If Jesus failed his test in the wilderness, the world and the Lord could have waited for Paul the apostle while Yeshua could have easily joined the Sanhedrin as one unwilling to fulfill the ministry and calling on His life. He said be born again as your father Abraham was born again. It would be better for you to agree with Yeshua and claim to be a child of the spirit. Then, there is no needless argument over the law and the prophets and the understanding of the Pikauch Nefesh where someone has to keep on saying " it is written, it is written" and someone else says " we are children or Abraham". Did you ever wonder why they did not say that they were children of Jacob or Isaac? The reason is because God started something new with Abraham for the purposes of ensuring the continual communication of His experience with mankind dating back to Noah and back to Seth. This is the faith of Abraham. It could be because Abraham was about to meet an Egyptian who had some wisdom, inspiration and authority and may be some unforgiveness but a certain acknowledgement and respect and fear for the one God. We are not actually told of Cain's descendants became Egyptians. But, it seems Abraham is in the line of Seth. See Akhenaten. Some Pharaohs many have been in the line of Seth. They certainly had a code of laws and habitation of some kind that made homes, life and families within their civilization viable and sustainable. After Solomon and David and their many concubines, everybody is a child of Abraham. Abraham was like a new Adam and certainly tested. Sara was a new Eve and also grew impatient with God's word and tried to do it her own way. They were both tested in the word of God and in their ability to trust. The result was the same; an opportunity to repent and receive restoration. There is a fair deal for everyone in the Mosaic laws that have become a uniform commercial code of sorts as sealed with the blood of Christ. As such, he is the Prince of Peace and no further wars need to be waged for such far reaching, pervasive and ever lasting peace. The end result of any war is peace. Thomas Hobbes' writing was a rather voluminous reminder in the medieval context as to why a simple peace under one banner of common identity, salutation and submission was essential for everyone's long lasting benefit even though every man could pick up an axe and wield it. It was best that everyone resign his right to self defence and self-justification to the common safety and protection provided by the united construct of peace as embodied in the emblem of peace( a sort of Christ) with the power to protect the common identity and construct from those peace breakers and offenders who may undo the balanced scales at the local market or mistreat the daffodils in the Abbey common. In other words, if anyone offends the spirit of Christ as embodied in the emblem and its tentacular systems and workings, they are to be dealt with accordingly as the peace is quite clear and legislated. It is written. It is written. So, here we are in peace.
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