
The Resounding evidence of the Play entitled the Crucible is the reminder of a foreign population regardless of complexion with strange and persistent ways steeped in centuries of European servitude and now resident in America who are bent on a socio-economic game of machinations for the authority...for the authority as to who will be the authority in this town or city or this world. Did Mrs. Clinkyton fly through your window? No. But, she is accusing people of sending Christmas cards early when she sent them to her self. She is trying to say it is the only game she knows but if you try to invite her to play Monopoly she will say she already won and that there is no need for you to refer to the rules. You need them. She does not. Now, the Northern Europeans such as the Dutch and the Irish and the Germans and the Northern French, with their work ethic and knowledge of survival in such cold regions would have cut enough wood bought also cured enough dried pork to survive that cold winter. There was a Creole and more Southern European in the new world by then also who did not show up to the 13 colonies, however, until there was something to occupy; enough homes, buildings churches and towns to approach and occupy with subtle but insidious games to impeach the more Northern and more overtly religious and hard working settler to just occupy and take his work seen in his houses, buildings and homes. Are you weak, frail, you want to just cup the boob of the servants and in fear of not having acceptance all of sudden in the occupier 's new terms? Oh; you never had servants before. Get used to it but if you are not careful and don't give enough in favors or promise to put her on your trust or family home she might scream rape; accuse you to de town and de church elders. Just give her attention once a week; send some pumpkin or roast pork. Did they spit in your burger sauce, drug your Stabubucks coffee and invite you to adopt their 50 year old children as yours? Watch them as they assess your human weakness? They spat in your well water in 1730 as Blackboard landed in Virginia. He and his people took over posts in the Colonial constabulary leading to, submitting to the authority of the Ship Captain pirate who was his son and nephews....big people. The other Creoles know him and wait for his cue and socio-economic presence. Then, they use any force, scheme or schematic to occupy and take contrary to the established laws since you looked when her laces were loose at the well and when she bent over. You cannot be good; can you as everybody is accused and impeached and when she is in your barn and converting it into her own home contrary to your will, she will not move or go and waits for you to react and beat her and once you do, the constabulary says you flew into the window and he takes you away since you took the law into your own hands. I know Obamandla signed an executive order for the restoration of basic income. The LBJ Deep State has been arguing since 1957 and frustrating the basic income until someone explains an electric watch or an electric generator as powered by the current of a river. Now Bill Cosby is a victim of a Pretender Government coup, a victim of an occupation and he is entitled to the benefit of the double jeopardy law. But the rules are for you; not Ms. Hilarious Clinkyton according to her, who still had enough ultra vires authority to put Bill into this situation after her election disqualification pursuant to the Espionage Act 1917. Now, I don't know white people who think like her but a creature regardless of complexion where race is not his or her ultimate agenda but the authority and not for love and peace but destruction, a "you owe me" and attention. Maleficent is an example...Blackbeard's son but who lived her life as a woman...a sex operation. But, this is where we are. Now, if the hot and cold water turned off during some other president's administration along with the UBI and also the rightful working of the double jeopardy law, you suffer a revulsion and a repulsion in shock and awe and you hold him or her accountable. You elect a new President, even a Black woman likely Maxine Bueno Aguas to turn it all back on. This is because you are supposed to have the highest standard of living even if the grandson of a pirate ship captain would rather have people walk to a river and use buckets to maintain their ways. There is nothing wrong with ways but the economy depends on a legal system requiring certainty, hot and cold running water and ubi/ basic income. You will hold the current president responsible if the UBI, water and the law is not turned back on. Trumpey did not react when the Deep State turned off the law. He should React!!!! He should react !!!!! He should fix it since they want to know if she or he is paying attention. Soon, you will notice that UNCLE SAM know what you expect. It is Ronald Reagan's speeches but someone seems to have tied up UNCLE SAM and is holding him ransom and Hilarious Robthem Clinkton wants to know if you are paying attention. Donald should react! He didn't even phone to show sympathy so...we don't know about him right now. I don't know if I will invite him to understand he may not be the kind of person we like but we will teach him and maybe he will turn the water back on once I turn that off too along with the law. Bill Cosby is free to go...for now.

The Resounding evidence of the Play entitled the Crucible is the reminder of a foreign population regardless of complexion with strange and persistent ways steeped in centuries of European servitude and now resident in America who are bent on a socio-economic game of machinations for the authority...for the authority as to who will be the authority in this town or city or this world. Did Mrs. Clinkyton fly through your window? No. But, she is accusing people of sending Christmas cards early when she sent them to her self. She is trying to say it is the only game she knows but if you try to invite her to play Monopoly she will say she already won and that there is no need for you to refer to the rules. You need them. She does not. Now, the Northern Europeans such as the Dutch and the Irish and the Germans and the Northern French, with their work ethic and knowledge of survival in such cold regions would have cut enough wood bought also cured enough dried pork to survive that cold winter. There was a Creole and more Southern European in the new world by then also who did not show up to the 13 colonies, however, until there was something to occupy; enough homes, buildings churches and towns to approach and occupy with subtle but insidious games to impeach the more Northern and more overtly religious and hard working settler to just occupy and take his work seen in his houses, buildings and homes. Are you weak, frail and in fear of not having acceptance all of sudden on new terms? Did they spit in your burger sauce, drug your Stabubucks coffee and invite you to adopt their 50 year old children as yours? Watch them as they assess your human weakness? They spat in your well water in 1730 as Blackboard landed in Virginia. He and his people took over posts in the Colonial constabulary leading to, submitting to the authority of the Ship Captain pirate who was his son and nephews....big people. The other Creoles know him and wait for his cue and socio-economic presence. Then, they use any force, scheme or schematic to occupy and take contrary to the established laws since you looked when her laces were loose at the well and when she bent over. You cannot be good; can you as everybody is accused and impeached and when she is in your barn and converting it into her own home contrary to your will, she will not move or go and waits for you to react and beat her and once you do, the constabulary says you flew into the window and he takes you away since you took the law into your own hands. I know Obamandla signed an executive order for the restoration of basic income. The LBJ Deep State has been arguing since 1957 and frustrating the basic income until someone explains an electric watch or an electric generator as powered by the current of a river. Now Bill Cosby is a victim of a Pretender Government coup, a victim of an occupation and he is entitled to the benefit of the double jeopardy law. But the rules are for you; not Ms. Hilarious Clinkyton according to her, who still had enough ultra vires authority to put Bill into this situation after her election disqualification pursuant to the Espionage Act 1917. Now, I don't know white people who think like her but a creature regardless of complexion where race is not his or her ultimate agenda but the authority and not for love and peace but destruction, a "you owe me" and attention. Maleficent is an example...Blackbeard's son but who lived her life as a woman...a sex operation. But, this is where we are. Now, if the hot and cold water turned off during some other president's administration along with the UBI and also the rightful working of the double jeopardy law, you suffer a revulsion and a repulsion in shock and awe and you hold him or her accountable. You elect a new President, even a Black woman likely Maxine Bueno Aguas to turn it all back on. This is because you are supposed to have the highest standard of living even if the grandson of a pirate ship captain would rather have people walk to a river and use buckets to maintain their ways. There is nothing wrong with ways but the economy depends on a legal system requiring certainty, hot and cold running water and ubi/ basic income. You will hold the current president responsible if the UBI, water and the law is not turned back on. Trumpey did not react when the Deep State turned off the law. He should React!!!! He should react !!!!! He should fix it since they want to know if she or he is paying attention. Soon, you will notice that UNCLE SAM know what you expect. It is Ronald Reagan's speeches but someone seems to have tied up UNCLE SAM and is holding him ransom and Hilarious Robthem Clinkton wants to know if you are paying attention. Donald should react! He didn't even phone to show sympathy so...we don't know about him right now. I don't know if I will invite him to understand he may not be the kind of person we like but we will teach him and maybe he will turn the water back on once I turn that off too along with the law. Bill Cosby is free to go...for now. Stay deh!

Londinium(TM) Watch.

Black and British A Forgotten History Season 1 Episode 1 First Encounters

You need a basic income in every nation on an incremental basis and this includes every African, South American or West Indian Island!! Inefficiency is not independence and who would try to run his country on that notion of independence being inefficiency and old diesel train and automotive delivery transport technology? Isn't it good to save money and maybe also to save the air, water and land and the fish that you enjoy in your uh...native lands? Maybe I am native too who went the displacement, the moving and the replacement while moved to other lands and then brought back after being dipped genetically in another dna's appearance. What do you think although now we are a bit more Northern Japanese, Korean, Japanese or West Indian but really Great Lakes native? We don't know but how can you, I mean to say we, have any people after total automation if you do not have basic income? Total automation is a concept coined by Warren A. Lyon that involves the capability of machinery to not only take on the majority of the work involved in building a consumer vehicle but also a machine's actual utilization to do so across the spectrum of automotive production. It reduces the demand for human labor, the reduction in the utilization of human labor and the reduction of consumer buying power as a result of the loss in the human's use as labor in the industrial process as they are displaced by this positive technology that brings with it the positive corollary solution of basic income that is capitalism's solution for a capitalist economy since cost savings in production is a capitalist money saving motive for the ultimate end result which is capitalist consumer joy and to capitalist consumer joy you need viable consumers who are not left as expendable in some game of Americano political indecision never seen before, nothing like it, that results in economic desperation where movie characters as of 2000 start confessing the experiences of the high and the low in the economic experience of desperation of the average American. In the process, we could play an 'over you and under me' game in our self concepts with France in our souls at the top as 'over you' in this world as socio-economic actors or as politicians and you need to do something, you say, keep something down 'under you' to be in parity or self accepting but if you are a billionaire industrialist or politician, then the citizen who is getting $60,000.00 basic income will always be under you even if he figures out how to save his money and put a down payment on the consumer home that will be available to him on a 50 years mortgage with a reasonable monthly payment which is really good for some people whose ancestry has eschewed home ownership for too long now. See the Ozark season 2 for some absolutely brilliant socio-economic and anthropological evidence with intelligent, humane and sympathetic direction. Our prays as we pray for the powers appointed by God where the power as for the people and by the people is prayer for the people as that power. SEE JEREMIAH 33 where it says He will restore their fortunes and will have mercy upon them and this would have to be in whatever Americano socio-economic desperation or wilderness they have run up into. Forget the Anglos who are trying to keep you as under them while the Irish and the Scots have plugged and satisfied the gap in the economy with the basic income in the Perfect Spirit of international capitalism. It's good the churches when people can enjoy having entered his oasis of economic rest as you now sit at the water and will no longer refuse to drink from the well of basic income when you do have the permission to put in the basic income. It is God's will!! It is God's will!! Have you seen the movie the Kingdom of Heaven? You are not Guy De Lusion; are you? Are you his son or daughter? But, if you were French, you would have solved this economy by now. You need to obey the Perfect Spirit of International Capitalism and its hard when your reverence and resentment of French socio-cultural and economic superiority in your emotions as you self describe it keeps you decorating French and resenting their logic as you and your people starve in a self determination that is really resistance and resentment to what is older and over you and that does really work with the notion of family in French culture superseding the movement and the diffused wills of individuals that fragments the work of the communal best in quick decision making for the whole country and greater communities too often as too divided to just do what would be good for all. Do I have to put up more videos of French subways and photos also where you see all kinds of people enjoying French socio-economics with basic income? Do I have to put up more videos of Asia with all kinds of people enjoying Asian Socio-economics with basic income? Il n'est pas difficile Monsieur mais Le Chien mange' ton diner. Go deh!