The stolen Baptist betrothal became a mother and a grandmother with her puritan dna fused with an obstinate pirate and scalawag people and her daughters find themselves confused, even in the modern era, with the issue of belonging in spite of their good house keeping instincts in addition to their fear of formality and their self identity as booty instead of as just the covered and appreciated wife or daughter of anyone. So, you have to be careful how you look at granny when she is standing at the sink washing mangoes and potatoes since she is a bit confused right down to their very core of her dna and it may feel like she is asking you to appreciate her...yes...appreciate her but she is only emanating a confusion that she always emanated and your older cousin may have misunderstood and lost his teeth in whatever he did since he did not understand what old is but he ate some fish and drank half a bottle of rum and his teeth and gums did not get too old after all but she did ask for him to be chopped up because he should have tried to understand that she is trying to feel covered and nothing else; not molested again by anyone which is what your cousin did when she does not know where the boundaries are. He thought she participated in his initiating and maybe he thought he was going to get the yard the family property is on. But, did not feel respect afterwards and nor did your grandfather if you don't understand why she saved you after they said you did not really graduate at Eastham , Stratford University and that you were rude and that you are not Black enough or West Indian enough and you are trying to be rude with old people in being so efficient and show up other Black people who say you will make Black people work too hard. Even if she is 20 years old, you better avoid that sense of confusion and if she does not invite you some where for dinner and put her self then you have to understand she is only asking for a brother but the next one will be the wife although both might be your cousins. The issue is that granny is not only the heir of the emotions that involve an interrupted betrothal where you feel like property, booty and honored as property in the Grendel Pirate Blofeld Port Royal culture but dishonored as a wife in that other culture you started to remember as where part of you came from and really do want those pine cones and Christmas ornaments and to see the snow on the fence sometimes as that half native, half European, with quarter African dna in the Half of you that is European. But, now granny is also a proponent of that culture so that she might be equal and you will not feel superior to her and she was also told to read one book but not all the books or to just specialize in cooking and then all her grand daughter did is buy cook books but never really believed she could have a husband and then focused on the emulation of the negative side of the soap opera and her son, the actor, wants to say that we would all see his authority if he could knock out his cousin, the HMO owner, who never stole any patties or any cds from another cousin while going to school and honoring Bill, The Brady Bunch and the Carlton on TV with his little jig dance and ecole privee' uniform on. The issue is that many children are raised to understand something...whatever happens at School when the female school teacher is molested in front of the class once a day by one of the children's fathers. Then in the newest version since 1990, the father may do the same to his own daughters and give them $100.00 in the local currency that works out to $1.00 EU so that they will have the school teacher's honor and this is how they are socialized but they are not pleased with it and it does make husbandry difficult when you are apparently just supposed to know when but you have to wait until she initiates at the right place in the right privacy and she will make it possible and available. Young men go through some kind of version of this also when they are asked maybe to be with someone whose official role in their life is close to Aunt maybe and it is an unspoken cultural burden and if you don't feel like you did go through after graduation day comes, then they are you are too foreign or trying to be too 'Christen' and then you will feel the resistance in de culture although you know you did everything you were told and made all the right handshakes and remembered everybody since graduation day was a communal thing. Then, the secret burden is carried forward like a cut in the emotions and it wages war against the expectations in the other part of yourself and your willingness to just enjoy your children and their propagation when they are not likely to regenerate the burden you carry from Puerto Rios if you did not send them to school in that part of the world but in Oklahoma or in the forests of Rochester and the cultural burden of disagreement with these games that make the stolen Baptist betrothal granny from the 1600's and her many children feel equal that is in you waging war against your real expectation is the hindrance you see when you are being asked to agree with her emotional confusion and her limbo in being in two places in her mind desiring an IKEA kitchen and to be prized in it while also hoping to be honored for nothing else but her domesticated virtues but then also asking people to cover you or protect your emotions all day long as in maybe you should not eat the crackers offered to you by your Latino Anglo work colleague who is in a common law union with her husband and without any wedding photo but she offered but then she is hoping her husband will feel it and be mindful of his need to cover her and all it might have taken is the wedding ring she really wanted but what else would Matilda Calrissien do in fearing the risk of loss in any official betrothal sown deep into her culture so the work colleague should not fear offending her in saying no since he would have no idea what confusion is rolling over her community's head; never saw it before. So, then maybe many parents carry a hurt in them that is for them a communal secret or boundary of demarcation that makes them feel a differentiation deep down that enables them to ask who is with us when Kelloggs and pop tarts comes to the breakfast table; so foreign in his breakfast food preferences but it is available at de de de hotel. But, the burden and hurt holds you like a negative lasso and you are waiting for your children after graduation day to validate you maybe and that they will not dissociate or leave you maybe but not that they have to put your grand children through the same burden and you are validated when they buy your foods from the culture and your unique drinks but should they ask you to disagree with that experience you endured since if you did want the experience to happen, it would not be a burden and if you forgive what you experienced then you are free and not a proponent of the fear, anger and the hate where you see the dark side of the sunny beach; not the sunny side and then your culture is free also to enjoy the beach as it is without that emotional wall of burdensome emotions walled up over generations like sandbags protecting granny from facing the centrifuge of emotions within her. Now, they did not give all the money for law school to that one grandson; preposterous when he was self financed with some help from family that seems to have projected a fear of rejection after graduation day about social events they should not be expecting to attend as invitees anyway since I don't expect to go the Bus Driver's Ball or the Hotelier's ball either or the Council employee's ball unless I work at the Borough Council's office as an Accounting clerk or Solicitor...Mother F"£"£%"%£ker!!!!!!!! The issue with all of this is the fear of dissociation as being to Christen or too foreign or too formality if you feel like you are not agreeing with the 911 you experienced in your life at the school with what happened to the teacher or with yourself for a few dollars more and then you respect the emotional identity of orphan but also an unusual willingness to open your parents front door to anyone who asks to come in for even a few dollars more such that every person is open, the island is open and the family is open all because nobody covered granny who is the Queen of the pirates and the stolen baptist betrothal being honored as booty but not as a covered woman in a covenant and never look at her for too long and never expose her situation when they start asking you if you could keep the secret that she never had a formal union although she was not molested but maybe stolen by her common law husband from anyone except for a police officer who offered the formal union but really she preferred the common law offer since she kept screaming in the vehicle when he, the police constable , almost kissed her in Welwyn Garden City. Now, the fear of not covering a communal self dejection or 'orphanitus' is over. What honor do you have? What burden of shame are we being asked to participate in to keep a 300 year old woman feeling equal while she dives in the ocean once a month to find her first English Baptist missionary husband who was thrown overboard by a pirate who boarded his ship called the Booty and the Ring by the pirate while it was really named the Covenant on its original manifest and registration at the docks in Blackpool where the ship was built? The issue is that in the burden you work to break down any family that has not participated; any Baptist family that is assessed as too Christian and whose children do not feel afraid of foreign and formality and who have no idea what Jesus you asked him to read about when he was young but then you work like zombies after his graduation and ask him to forget the Jesus and just relax nuh man? Auntie Shernita would have beat you if you did not feel like the bible before and after your poli-sci degree but seems to want to ask you to just let Jesus goooooo after Law School and I don't know why when you could just set him up with any half decent girl who knows the cannot cannot cannot cannot go and nor will de boy leave either since he knows the feeling behind every where he goes. The fear of having a family is over since the other message is to be in a family and have a family and so long as you think like you want one, they will give you a spouse but they do not need to take everything and commit every criminal offence against you and risk people going to jail before they offer already understand! But, we know what we want. We do not need the pirate turning us unto a boundaryless people with no family structure so that he and his cave people emotions might be equal from a Grendel Europe or a Pangean West Cave dwelling West Indies and no family bonds and this is really the antithesis of the Catholic plan or message. You don't see it any where else except in that one pirate stronghold called Santa Jago. But, you want to enjoy a family vacation at Dunn's River and you see some West Indians who show up with their one wife and 8 children who do enjoy this life and they feel as much like Ward and June Cleaver except but in a tropical setting and Dad has a Speedo on and says you should just relax and know who you are or else he will say he is not related but he says you are related. The only issue with all of this emotional dissociating from natural family bonds to create a mass orphan polemic is that the inclination to have a mother figure or father figure does not go away but the absence of a real mother or father leaves people in some kind of 'Pavlov's dog' game of vulnerability and they end up following anyone or anything in the boundaryless nature of the soul hoping to find approval moment by moment with a drop of emotional acceptance and approval sent emotionally by simply emoting is what you may say is the sorrow of a Sorrowman who could be very old and very wise in appearance but robotic in his soulless turning and tossing to and fro depending on what person is transmitting emotionally any sense of approval. The women in this community are looking for a father figure in a husband; a father figure but with all that is done to ensure you are never held ransom in the continual incubation of your son's or daughter's seed in the pirate's wisdom, how do you know that a woman only ten years younger is not your daughter with the first wife you had in your culture at 12 who they paired you up with for the purpose of procreation? How does a woman hope to find her father to be her husband and when she finds him, she decides he is not father looking enough in her emotions since she won't work out enough and that's alright to him since if she is his daughter then a brief hello in the refusal to invite all the potential fathers to a church dinner when the opportunity presents itself makes it possible that the hello can become, if any thing, a resourceful coffee discussion and a good handshake like when you a shake a uh deacon's uh hand!